Has she looked into the Big Three yet? I'm not sure how much casting and forging they do anymore, but there will always be work checking incoming part quality!
Detroit winter sucks, but the summer is incredible and they pay well to put up with the cold.
2/22/18 1:10 p.m.
In reply to HippieWagon :
I wouldn't limit it to the big three. I believe most, if not all, major auto manufacturers have engineering and production facilities in the USA, and who might have some use for somebody with a materials engineering background in one or more of those locations.
In reply to Brotus7 :
I don't think CT is too far. I appreciate your help.
In reply to Apexcarver :
Her internship was with a company that made aluminum wheels. Other than that she's not a car person. I agree that it would be helpful if she would. I sometimes wonder how people even get into some of this engineering without an interest in cars. Boggles the mind.
In reply to TasdevEngineer2of3 :
Agreed on all points. I think she needs to do everything you said. We'll see if we can make that happen.
In reply to HippieWagon :
My wife is going to get her on the phone either today or tomorrow and figure out exactly where she's tried looking and why. All of these suggestions are useful because they get us (and her) thinking in directions that she might not of. I appreciate the adivce.
In reply to Driven5 :
Personally I found working in a foreign auto plant to be very limiting with few if any opportunities beyond the plant. I don't know personally about engineering facilities, but I can't see the same mobility available as at the big three in the US. This may not be the best advice for everyone, but I like being at headquarters and having all that flexibility available to me.
There are also suppliers all over that will have need for good quality control and will likely need a good metallurgist!
I sent a PM with some postings. Let me know if she's got questions.
2/22/18 9:48 p.m.
MazD sending you my resume as nothing more than a suggestion for format 
venues for viewing possible opportunities;
I am an extractive metallurgist (mineral processing), and it's an interesting and fun field to work in. We're few and far between, and a good one can go places, in both career and global locations. I'm based in Florida but work on projects everywhere, and I have a number of contacts who I know are looking for dedicated mets. Feel free to email me: edwardjthart at geemail dot com
In reply to mazdeuce - Seth :
I didn't get any contact info. Can you text me?
Seven too fore 858 o six seven 4.
HippieWagon said:
Has she looked into the Big Three yet? I'm not sure how much casting and forging they do anymore, but there will always be work checking incoming part quality!
Detroit winter sucks, but the summer is incredible and they pay well to put up with the cold.
I work for one of them. Most stuff comes from suppliers but it's shocking how few design & release engineers around here understand metallurgy and basic material science. She could potentially do very well working for an OEM or a supplier and become a specialist.
In reply to edwardh80 :
Sending you an emial right now. Thanks.
In reply to wvumtnbkr :
Just sent you a text with my email in it.
You guys are the best.