Thanks guys, it really means a lot. However, for me anyway, I'm just another racer using the tools at his disposal to do what he loves. If by that someone else is encouraged to get out there and do it too, well that's icing on the cake!!!
Brett - would you have any idea how to go about that?
Matt - even though my injury, diving accident at 22 yrs old, was serious I'm also constantly reminded that it could have turned out so much worse.
As a good friend likes to say 'the greatest risk in life is taking no risks at all'
So how is your 2012 race season going? Any updates?
I am disabled and found Autocross just last year. I can say - it saved/changed my life. My dreams of competitive motorsports were dashed 24 yrs ago when I had a horrific injury while bodysurfing. I luckily have use of all my extremities, on a very limited basis, so Solo length runs I can do. I am very grateful that I found a way to stay an active car nut, the rush of competing at an Autocross is some powerful medicine.
I want to share this experience with those that don't have it as good as me, and are confined to wheelchairs and needing to drive with hand controls. I want to introduce them to an activity that could change their lives. I purchased a 2011 WKA Clone Racing Kart last fall and have it equipped with hand controls, and performance mods, to make it a blast to run in the SCCA Kart classes. Now all I need is people to drive it. I am making it available for use at all our local Huntsville Autocross events, for no cost. A teen can run it in Formula Junior, or an adult in regular Kart. Any ideas on finding driver?

check with the local VA Hospital? you sir are oozing awesome sauce
Yes I did contact the VA and and all the Vet resources I could find. Had a Wounded Warrior rep. who is a single, above knee amputee test it this spring.
8/15/12 2:12 p.m.
Jesus, this makes me think I need to get off my fat ass and do something. Currently nursing a broken foot, but that's not permanent. You guys are amazing.
New Reader
8/15/12 2:58 p.m.
My father lost the use of his legs in a motorcycle accident when he was in his early 20's . He doesn't race anymore but he used to race dirt track Pintos.
8/15/12 3:25 p.m.
Somewhat related story with an extremely grassroots mindset:
Here is a nice, related story (I posted this a while back, but it's worth repeating in case anyone missed it).
The guy in the photo below is Sgt. Liam Dwyer, a U.S.Marine of Litchfield, Connecticut.
He was severely injured by an IED on May 22, 2011 in Afghanistan. Dwyer, 30, a 1999 graduate of Litchfield High School, lost his left leg above the knee and suffered major damage to his right leg and right arm in the explosion.
He was out racing with us a few weekends ago at the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix at the PittRace Complex (formerly BeaveRun) and at Schenley Park in Pittsburgh the following weekend too. He did a great job!
He has an artificial leg that is attached to knee area with a custom fixture. He pushes the clutch with artificial leg. I'm not exactly sure how it works but there is a wrench to adjust it somehow (I imagine it adjusts joint friction).
Liam was actually supposed to be driving a different rhd Sprite that he had driven before, but that one conked in practice. I'm told that car had a special clutch pedal that helped position his heel. They had this spare car, but pedal are just stock; he managed anyhow.
He has been heavily supported in his racing by Dave Thomas, one of our VRG racers who owns three race-Sprites. Dave's a lawyer and a huge guy. With that combination he has managed to encourage/convince a number of businesses to support Liam. I know OG Racing gave him a new helmet and some other stuff. Other companies/folks helped too, and they are credited in the video
(I know my friend Bill Stoler will not mind if I hot-link his photo for this post)
In-car video of Liam at PVGP

8/15/12 8:59 p.m.
Conquest351 wrote:
This thread...
You guys are fantastic.
That is all.
Couldn't say it any better than I'll just quote it.
8/15/12 9:01 p.m.
In reply to Hntsvl_E30:
Do you know Jason Lee by any chance? He is in HSV and into BMWs although he is more about drag racing than Autox.
Hntsvl_E30 wrote:
Yes I did contact the VA and and all the Vet resources I could find. Had a Wounded Warrior rep. who is a single, above knee amputee test it this spring.
Wounded Warrior was my next question. What were his impressions or input? Driving is a very small part of the gig. I'm sure there are highly qualified people that would be thrilled to just pull a wrench as a way to contribute. The kart is a great idea, simple,quick and thrillaminnit.
TRoglodyte; his impressions where positive, but they were just not that interested in being involved. He had just finished a Factory Five Cobra, with Hemi and duckbill clutch setup on the shifter, so he might have been a tad jaded/spoiled...

Interesting, I can see 50 guys racing karts as opposed to 1 guy profiling in a Cobra, for the media ya know
Very cool stuff. I have to agree that this thread is awesome!
In case anyone wanted to roll their own hand-controls, here's an example built for a lady who loved her Italian sports car and wanted to keep driving it after an unfortunate accident with a horse:
If there is a will, there is a way!
8/16/12 8:45 a.m.
I might actually need to look into that. Depending on what the ortho doc tells me in the next couple weeks, at least for temporary.