I'm not a big fan myself but my wife is. I was thinking of making a custom board for her with a lazy susan and all that but I can't seem to find a source for the acrylic raised grid that the cottage industry uses for their custom boards. I assume this is the same piece Hasbro uses in their Deluxe version but I'm not going to buy that for $30-40 just to tear apart for a custom one.
Any hard-core Scrabblers out there with some info or links? Anyone got a deluxe board laying around they'd be willing to let go cheap?! 
I have an acrylic board from the 70s. Nope, not parting with it. Ebay would be your best friend. It really is the only way to play the game without going crazy.
$15 buy-it-now http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-Early-Edition-Scrabble-Board-Game-Org-Box-/180612423913?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a0d56e0e9
Copy & Save this search for the turntable board. quite inexpensive
1/17/11 1:12 p.m.
My friends and I used to play "Balderscrabble". You could put down any "word" you wanted as long as you provide a definition. Much faster than the traditional ruleset and usually more risque.
1/17/11 1:26 p.m.
I play Scrabble on Facebook every day. It's great fun. Good luck with your project.
I buy Scrabble if I see it at the Thrift stores for the tiles. At a car club party hand out a E36 M3 load of tiles and whoever gets the best phrase wins a goofy prize 
Make your own using Envirotex? Pour a layer, set tiles with mold release on them, let it cure, pop out tiles. I have considered this for the table at my hunting camp.
1/17/11 3:56 p.m.
Years ago I downloaded this online game version.
It is safe and fun. The games are timed (you pick the amount of time) and you can have a spell check version, a spell challange version and a double penalty spell version.
I literally have played against english speaking people from around the world. Other than US, mostly Canadian and UK.
New Reader
1/18/11 8:51 a.m.
There's a great app for the iPhone that allows you to play the against the computer, against friends, or head-to-head against random people. I play random people all the time; some of the games take days, but it's fun to put in a word when you have downtime.
mpolans wrote:
There's a great app for the iPhone that allows you to play the against the computer, against friends, or head-to-head against random people. I play random people all the time; some of the games take days, but it's fun to put in a word when you have downtime.
+1 for the iPhone app. Well worth the 99 cents I paid for it.
Yeah, we got the app when it was on sale over the holidays and she plays that quite a bit - but back on topic, my goal is something like this - http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?73470-Scrabble-Board-Plans&p=742362#post742362
1.) They sell a larger Scrabble board that rotates
2.) My wife's family is the most ruthless, bloodthirsty bunch of Scrabble players I've ever seen. They have their own Scrabble dictionaries, a modified set of rules, scores often over 500... and they hate it when I beat them. 8)
3.) "Words with Friends" rocks the iPhone.