Rotten cougar keeps killing our chickens. On the plus side there are only 9 left and he kills two a day. But then he will go after the dog. He is in and out in a half minute so no chance to shoot him yet. When I put what's left of them in at night I am looking up in the trees the whole time. Not a nice feeling.
9/3/21 1:29 p.m.
Get a couple of Great Pyrenees. They'll ward off any intruders.
The worst thing I have to deal with are annoying suburban moms who think that a fox or coyote is a danger to the neighborhood.
I don't think its quite as big as this but still. 
The biggest problem with cute little kittens is that they grow up to be cats.
Yes, whenever I gorge myself on meat I get really sleepy and want to take a nap.
Poison the chickens. Then poison the cat. No more cat. Buy more chickens.
we had issues with fox's and coyotes taking out our chickens. figured out that they would get taken out every evening, so started putting them in earlier and havent had an issue.
Junghole said:
Poison the chickens. Then poison the cat. No more cat. Buy more chickens.
Please don't ever do this. It forms a much longer string of casualties than just the intended victim, and poisoning is anything but humane.
Im ashamed there's no cougar jokes yet.
Im more ashamed i can't think of one.
Dusterbd13-michael said:
Im ashamed there's no cougar jokes yet.
Im more ashamed i can't think of one.
The gutter my mind went to thanks to this is not fit for this board.
I think the meme thread has a recent entry concerning cougars.
These can get hairy in a mini-bike, but all you need to tame them is a wrist check.

Put a motion light on the chicken coop and sit up with a shotgun one night
As a 55 year old with similar age friends and wives all the cougar jokes have done the rounds.
Called the experts.

Tasty chicken treat.

Caught something right away.

Not sure if I would go in there were I a cougar. I asked how often these traps work and the CO cheerfully said "we have never caught one with this trap"
Anyway, if the cougar is excessively stupid I will let you all know.
You're using the wrong bait. Try a bottle of E36 M3ty white wine and a book with ex husband stories.
9/3/21 7:10 p.m.
In reply to Steve_Jones :
Place the wine and books in a modern Volvo CUV for increased effectivneess
So they think using dead meat as bait and using dying foliage as camouflage that now smells of humans is going to trick the cat? Not likely. Prolly just catch opossum & raccoon.
Just set the trap with a chicken on a leash maybe?
NOT A TA said:
So they think using dead meat as bait and using dying foliage as camouflage that now smells of humans is going to trick the cat? Not likely.
Hey, they have their official uniforms and their (removable, you'll note) "conservation officer" patches. They must know what their doing! Reminds me of other bureaucratic decisions.
Everglades National Parks (ya know, the swamp lands in S FL) decided to bring in a conservational expert in, and put him in charge. He had grown up, went to a collage specializing in wildlife management, and worked his way up to boss man, all in Montana... um, when did he learn about swamps?
I know of a veterinarian that euthanized a mule, then took the mule owner's word that he would bury it. Hole and backhoe were right there. The veterinarian left.
Mule didn't get buried. Golden eagle scavenged the carcass, died from ingesting the euthanasia solution.
Initial sentence of $100,000 fine and a year in prison for the veterinarian, later reduced. The first person account of this (written by the vet) was published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association.
NOT A TA said:
So they think using dead meat as bait and using dying foliage as camouflage that now smells of humans is going to trick the cat? Not likely. Prolly just catch opossum & raccoon.
Just set the trap with a chicken on a leash maybe?
I think the problem is worse if you do catch the cat in that "trap". Doesn't look like it would contain a mad cougar to me.
In reply to Robbie (Forum Supporter) :
I have a cat that hangs out around or house, 'cause we feed him. It might hold him, even mad. Might.
9/4/21 1:15 a.m.
Just a reminder the OP doesn’t live in Texas and discharging a firearm may earn him a chin wag with The Queen’s Cowboys.
9/4/21 9:18 a.m.
Appleseed said:
These can get hairy in a mini-bike, but all you need to tame them is a wrist check.

This is why I came in to this thread. Thank you
This seems cheap for a cougar trap. Shipping might be tough