I'm trying to replace a cabinet hinge at a rental property, and I have no idea how to figure out what I need. I pulled the hinge out, got the company name off of it, but I can't figure out how to match it up to anything in their existing catalog. I tried buying some various hinges at Home Depot/Lowes, but nothing matches up. The manufacturer is Hettich, on the back it has a 104G stamped on it, as well as the number 56 and what looks like it might be 2516. This house was built in '98 I believe, so I guess they decided to make a better hinge that's not the same as this, or at least not that I can find.
Here is the bent one, with out the mounting plate that goes on the frame of the cabinet.

Here is the good hinge still mounted on the door because the screw head stripped out 

And here is the back side of the hinge with the writing on it. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Any way to just buy a similar pair and replace both? Might line up easier that way.
We have new cabinets and there are 4 adjustment screws. Cabinet guy explained each one to my wife. Later wifey adjusts one to check them out.
Then she asks me to fix her screw up. There's a video of the manufacturer's product on YouTube. After two hours her and I leave it as "good enough".
Things that I can't ever adjust; automatic transmissions, carburetors and fancy cabinet hinges.
3/29/22 11:23 p.m.
The hole on the door is standard. Have you looked at Blum's clip top hinges?
That's a euro style hinge and Blum is the go to there.
What they said. Just replace both. Amazon has Blum, or McMaster works for "euro" style hinges if you prefer.
SV reX
3/30/22 6:35 a.m.
Replace both. Pretty sure you can't buy just one anyway.
The bore size for cup hinges like that is usually pretty standard, but there are a lot of variations in the hinges. The variations have to do with how far they open, how adjustable they are, self-closing, etc.
If you can't find them at the big box stores, go by any cabinet shop.
Looks just like an Ikea hinge.
Thanks everybody. I'm planning on replacing both, but the hinges I bought at HD & Lowes have different set-backs & angles, and won't work on these doors, unless I'm just doing something completely wrong. I just haven't found anything that mounts on the frame & matches how far back the cabinet door sits side to side to match the gap with the other door. I'll check out Blum and McMaster.
Ok, I'm getting closer to figuring out all of the lingo about hinges after reading the McMaster page on hinges, woo-hoo!
Just an idea out of left field ... can't you straigthen the original one? Or is it beyond bringing back?
Beyond bringing back, and the part that attaches to the cabinet frame was broken :(