I'm serious. There is a prop for sale on a GoodWill auction site. Will probably go for stupid cheap, because its pick-up only. I'm not sure of the weight, but the bugger is 63 inches long, which is why they are not willing to ship. I had Stewart in MN do something similar for me about a year ago. There would be full payment, of course and extra for time (and pain and suffering.) The true address is :
Goodwill Industries of Northwest Ohio
3249 Navarre Ave
Oregon, OH 43616
The issue might be that they are open Monday-Friday, but only only 9-4pm.

1/20/20 9:40 p.m.
Toledo is not that far from you... Maybe a grmer could grab it when the auction's over, but then ROAD TRIP!!
I'm near there and come to Gary once a month or so; you buy it I'll pick it up and deliver it most of the way to you
1/20/20 11:16 p.m.
Sounds like chandler to the rescue and the problem is already solved, but I'll be in the Toledo area next week and in Chicago Feb 8th. Traveling by planes so I don't think I could get through with a prop as a carry on. I could potentially get it and ship it to you if something doesn't work out with chandler.
In reply to T.J. :
Just tell them it's a spare.
In reply to chandler :
There would be additional HotWheels goodies for you as well if we can pull this off. Is the 9-4 pick up window a problem?
1/21/20 6:04 a.m.
Just be careful. There are a quite few companies that have made "replica" propellors over the years, so there are a lot of fakes out there. Obviously, there are a bunch of gennie ones, as well.
We sold this one two years ago when we still had our store to a local young lady who would look into our window at it every day as she went to work. We cut her a really good deal on it, since she loved it so much, and her father was a pilot.

I can't tell if the one in your photo is real or not, but just a word to the wise...
Even the fake ones sell for mint around here. That 63 inch prop would push $200, easy.
Chandler, I'll throwyou a text later today.
1/21/20 8:39 a.m.
Your choice.
But I have sold vintage in Chicagoland for decades.

You would be better off getting the real one in Corpus Christi, IMO...

Got my eyes on that one, too.
Cooter said:
You would be better off getting the real one in Corpus Christi, IMO...

I have one just like that, around 36" and made by US Propellor. It was either a drone prop or a test club for running on an engine stand. Unfortunately the company is gone and no info available on the internet... but it is going to make a cool ceiling fan someday!