I absolutely HATE it when a song gets stuck in my head!
Last night my girl friend was on the computer and she was watching a music video on You Tube that I didn't recognize but the opening had some really cool old American muscle cars so that catches my attention. Next thing I know its a Miley Cyrus vid for "Party in the USA". Damn song has been stuck in my head ALL FREAKING DAY.
Going to go put on some AC DC or something now to try and get something else rattling around up there instead of that song.
Anyone else have an annoying song stuck in their heads today?
Go tell your girlfriend to knock it off because instead of thinking of her all day you had this stupid song rattling around.
Lemme know how that works for ya. 
10/20/10 2:34 p.m.
I've been listening to the latest Big Boi (of Outkast fame) album a lot lately, and the super-catchy-and-slightly-annoying 'Tangerine' has been stuck in my head.
Yea. I feel somewhat rediculous for admitting it.
Only problem with that is I only know one line.......
nibblin' on sponge cake
Watchin' the sun bake
All of those tourists covered with oil
Strummin' my six string
On my front porch swing
Smell those shrimp they're begginin' to boil

10/20/10 3:10 p.m.
DukeOfUndersteer wrote:
Do, da da do do do do, it's the final count down! Do da do do do do
rebelgtp wrote:
Going to go put on some AC DC or something now to try and get something else rattling around up there instead of that song.
Just don't think about Celine Deon's cover of "You Shook Me All Night Long."
rebelgtp wrote:
I absolutely HATE it when a song gets stuck in my head!
Last night my girl friend was on the computer and she was watching a music video on You Tube that I didn't recognize but the opening had some really cool old American muscle cars so that catches my attention. Next thing I know its a Miley Cyrus vid for "Party in the USA". Damn song has been stuck in my head ALL FREAKING DAY.
Going to go put on some AC DC or something now to try and get something else rattling around up there instead of that song.
Anyone else have an annoying song stuck in their heads today?
this might help..
10/20/10 3:43 p.m.
Sing Amazing Grace to the tune of Gilligans Island. Learned that at rally last year. Works every time.
stuart in mn wrote:
Just don't think about Celine Deon's cover of "You Shook Me All Night Long."
Such an inherently evil thing exists?! Gaaah, the goggles, they do nothing! Kill it with fire!!
Here is a little tune that get stuck in my head all the time
Some loser at the gas station last night had the worst version of Waltzing Matilda I have ever heard blaring. It was late afternoon before I got rid of it.
10/20/10 8:53 p.m.
This one is the worst
Every once in a while, I get the Italian National Anthem stuck in my head. I heard it so often during the "Schumacher years" that it's a permanent fixture in my humming playlist.
Alright I'm still trying to figure out the whole Amazing Grace to Gilligan thing...but I havn't seen Gilligan in 10+ years.
you suck...though the stripper pole was an interesting addition...
Here you all can see the beginning and see why I was roped in there is some nice American muscle cars in there...
ValuePack wrote:
stuart in mn wrote:
Just don't think about Celine Deon's cover of "You Shook Me All Night Long."
Such an inherently evil thing exists?! Gaaah, the goggles, they do nothing! Kill it with fire!!
Ask and ye shall receive. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULmC8JTTVy0
10/20/10 10:21 p.m.
They play Kesha's "Tik Tok" song at my gym. Hate when that thing's in my head, it's worse than admitting you have KFC in your belly.
New Reader
10/20/10 10:27 p.m.
The garage music to Gran Turismo 5: Prolouge is stuck in my head. Been playin my new G27 driving sim all day haha
mndsm wrote:
Sing Amazing Grace to the tune of Gilligans Island. Learned that at rally last year. Works every time.
We have been having a running contest to see who can be most annoying at work on night shift...
Tonight...I WIN! Appreciate the idea!
10/21/10 2:30 a.m.
DukeOfUndersteer wrote:
Actually, no it's not.
This was sent to me this morning: