There is a winter storm headed your way.
It could be bad.
Make sure you have gas in your car.
Make sure you plan your next few days so you only drive if you absolutely need to.
That is all....
There is a winter storm headed your way.
It could be bad.
Make sure you have gas in your car.
Make sure you plan your next few days so you only drive if you absolutely need to.
That is all....
wvumtnbkr wrote: There is a winter storm headed your way. It could be bad. Make sure you have gas in your car. Make sure you plan your next few days so you only drive if you absolutely need to. That is all....
I sincerely doubt this is really going to help. Now maybe if the Producers of American Idol and Housewives of (insert city)told them they might pay attention.
kylini wrote: Also, hide your wife.
Don't forget kids and husbands, 'cuz they freezin' everybody out there.
Showed my daughter the Columbia forecast last night (it's about the same as Atlanta's), her first comment: 'There goes all the bread and milk'.
Unless we get snowed in for a week (not likely), I'm good to go. Probably no bread or milk left in the store anyways.
berkeleyers always seem to forget the maple syrup.
The most reliable and least hysterical local forecaster (Kurt Mellish) is claiming this event as much more likely to create havoc; sleet, freezing rain, maybe some ice and then snow on top of that. Voila, clusterflake 2014 v2.0
Bring it on; I've got extra beer in the fridge.
French toast motherberkleyers! Bring it!!
Hmmm... My BIL just moved from El Paso to Columbia last week. I hope he remembers how to drive in icy weather. I'm sure he can handle the other drivers since Hell Paso is a melting pot of automotive stupidity.
I'm in VA. They're talking about a storm of historic proportions. We have Floridians in the office up for a project. Ima laugh.
I heard the smart people are heading out early to make sure they get the best parking spots on the nearest major highway. Everyone else will have to make do camping out on surface streets
berkeleying great. I had off today and now I'm gonna have atleast 1 more day of no pay. I WANT to go to work dammit. Unless we are closed tomorrow, I am going in... with my sleeping bag, cot, food, and water.
Tying two disaster stories together, they're saying it is colder today in Atlanta than at the Sochi Olympics, and (unlike January) it isn't even unseasonably cold for this time of year.
So I take all the defending of southerns and snow back. We got maybe an inch of snow and you would think it was the end of the world. Three of us came into work and two of us are in lowered cars with performance tires. I saw vehicles stalled on these tiny ass hills. Seriously I have driven on snow twice now and I had no trouble.
yamaha wrote: In reply to 93EXCivic: You're smarter than the average Georgian? IDK how much that says really.....![]()
Not much at all.
93EXCivic wrote: So I take all the defending of southerns and snow back. We got maybe an inch of snow and you would think it was the end of the world. Three of us came into work and two of us are in lowered cars with performance tires. I saw vehicles stalled on these tiny ass hills. Seriously I have driven on snow twice now and I had no trouble.
I passed an SUV stuck in a ditch on the way in to work today... and the snow hadn't even started.
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