Let's consider this a test of the breadth of forum knowledge. I can name most of the visitors to my feeders, but this one is new, and my googling skills are not up to the task of identifying this bird. The one lower left. Upper right is a Downy Woodpecker. Sorry for photo quality. Shot through a dirty window.

2/22/20 11:08 a.m.
The only birds I really know are chicken and turkey... But is that a starling?
In reply to 1988RedT2 :
That's a Starling. Wae is correct
wae said:
The only birds I really know are chicken and turkey... But is that a starling?
Why yes, I believe you are correct! Hard to believe they don't visit more often. It seems they're very common and considered something of a pest.
European Starling

That little guy in the back ground is a Downey Woodpecker. I have a number of them visit my back yard on a daily basis.
Along with a 1/2 doz. Cardinals, both male & females, gold finches, and a number of other kinds of birds.
I also have some of squirrels who show up every morning looking for their daily feeding.
IF they don't get it one or another will sit on the window sill of my family room stare into the room until I do.
Not sure what they do when I'm out of town?
In reply to 1988RedT2 :
Yes, they're an invasive species that's rather aggressive to native birds.
Can I play? Sorry for the even crappier pic, but I've not had any luck identifying this one.

In reply to Pete Gossett :
brown thrasher?

In reply to Pete Gossett :
Not sure. He's got something of the look of the mockingbirds I see around here, but they are more grey than brown.
Not to confuse matters, but here's another pic of woodpeckers. The guy on the right is the aforementioned Downy. Can we correctly identify the fellow on the left?
2/22/20 12:17 p.m.
Red-bellied woodpecker (male). I've got several, along with Downy, Hairy, and the rare Red-headed that visit. Plus Piliated, but they stay in the woods.
2/22/20 12:22 p.m.
We have one of those red-bellied woodpeckers that show's up. They're pretty big. Also, kind of hilarious that they don't have a red-belly. We thought it was a flicker for a while until we looked it.
My sister had one of those brown thrashers for a while. She called it the "R2D2 Bird" for all the wacky whoops and chirps and whistles.
We have two or three pairs of cardinals here that show up. Had an indigo bunting that would turn up for a week or two and then be gone for months.
NickD said:
We have one of those red-bellied woodpeckers that show's up. They're pretty big. Also, kind of hilarious that they don't have a red-belly. We thought it was a flicker for a while until we looked it.
Actually, the males do have a bit of a reddish "blush" on the belly. Not always easy to observe. Certainly not as noticeable as the red on their heads and back of their neck. But the name "red-headed woodpecker" is rightfully given to a bird with a notably entirely red head.
In reply to BlueInGreen - Jon :
I don't think so. It looks more dull red in person. Definitely a more subdued red than a female cardinal, but noticeably more red than a dove, for example.
New Reader
2/22/20 8:21 p.m.
In reply to jimbbski :
The squirrels use DoorDash or Uber Eats when you are out of town. JK.
When I was in high school we had two cats, indoors only. They sat on the back of the couch which was below a large picture window. I would put peanuts in the shell on the outside of the window for the squirrels. The squirrels figured out they were safe and would torment the cats. One of the cats chewed the window trim. I think the squirrels had other food sources but enjoyed teasing the cats.
2/22/20 8:22 p.m.
In reply to 02Pilot :
We have a few Piliated Woodpeckers around here. They occasionally come out to the edge of the woods. They're huge, and the wood chips look like they came from a chainsaw.
2/22/20 8:40 p.m.
In reply to Woody :
There are quite a few around here. They look like feathered pterodactyls and sound like howler monkeys. They're usually pretty skittish around people, but I've stood under a dead tree they're intent on taking apart and the pieces that fly off are astoundingly large. When they're really hammering away you can hear the sound echoing through the woods.
Biggest thing I've had at the feeder is a turkey. Actually several. They took turns standing on top and sticking their heads down into the food tray.
if you guys want to really bring in the Piliated's in winter, get some dogwoods on your property. they go nuts for the berries. we had this male/female pair raid the tree outside the dining room window one Christmas for a good 20 minutes, so i just sat there and grabbed as many shots as i could!