7/31/14 2:20 p.m.
(note: this is NOT a "For Sale" thread. I'm trying to figure out whether to sell.)
So about 3 years ago, I bought a Late 2008, 13" unibody MacBook from a coworker. I'm pretty sure he gave me a good price. It's a model ML466LL/A. It still runs great on the latest OS X. If the timing is right, I may sell it and get something a tad more modern.
Full original specs here:
Apple support specs
When I bought it, the PO had upgraded the RAM to 4GB and replaced the HDD with a 320GB, 7200rpm drive.
I've since replaced that drive with a 128GB SSD, but I could reinstall the HDD for sale, depending on how it might affect the price.
Anyhow, sellyourmac.com will buy it for $171, Amazon will take it on trade at $320 (but that's store credit, not cash money), and I see this model for sale used on various venues at $4-500.
Aside from throwing on eBay and seeing what the market will bear... and I hate eBay and PayPal's fees... How do I figure out how to price it to get max cash while still making an easy sale?
Any help will be appreciated.
7/31/14 2:26 p.m.
It's an 8-year-old Mac. I'd be hard pressed to pay more than $320 for it, and I like Macs and own a bunch of them. Somebody searching for a cheap computer is just going to hit the easy button and buy whatever the cheapest new commodity laptop BestBuy has. Somebody specifically looking for a Mac is going to want a more modern unit. If I were you, I'd see if you can find something at Amazon that will potentially use up the bulk of that store credit, and trade it in to them. JMHOYMMV.
7/31/14 2:29 p.m.
Duke wrote:
It's an 8-year-old Mac.
Hey, it's only SIX! But your point is well-made.
Ancillary question: has anyone actually done an Amazon trade-in, and if so, how did it go?
7/31/14 3:39 p.m.
Mac resale values are stupidly high. I sold a 5-year-old iMac for 40% of the original selling price, which is just insane. I think this is because Apple doesn't sell low end machines, so if you want something cheap, you have to buy used.
Anyway, the way I've priced the 3 or 4 macs that I've sold has been to look on Craigslist for ads for similar machines. Here in the bay area, there are a LOT of used macs for sale.
7/31/14 4:00 p.m.
I'd post it on Craigslist with decent photos, one of which should be the screen open to the System Profiler (About this Mac, More Info...). You might maybe be able to get $500 but it'd be a challenge. Keep the ad short and sweet and definitely mention battery life (it's like MPGs for car ads).
7/31/14 4:08 p.m.
I'd entertain buying it for $320 so long as both the hdd and ssd came with it. 
But alas, I probably should buy tires instead.