New Reader
12/26/08 4:57 p.m.
Wally wrote: I have decided trhat when company comes on saturday I will have them promenantly displayed in my wife's china cabnet.
They'll think you collect it - you will get more.
bludroptop wrote: I usually get a fruitcake. I'm dead serious.
I ask for fruitcake every year and nobody has the guts to buy it for me. I like the dark stuff, without the deliciously awful skidmark of creamed pestilence on the top.
Dear old mumsie used to always get me "how to improve your math skills" books until I gave her an old Calculus textbook as a present. A great aunt once gave me a camera bag that looked suspiciously like a purse. My grandmother gave my son a knitted effeminate pseudo-androgynous doll.
Next year, though, I'm going back to shopping at for all my Christmas presents. No people, no lineups, no crowds, no parking, and if I spend enough, I don't even have to spend the gas to drive into town as the shipping is free. Whoever thought this up is a man after my own heart.
Gift cards to nice restaurants are a mixed bag for this perpetually single guy. Am I supposed to go eat there alone? Will they expire before I trick some girl into joining me?
The Visa gift cards, on the other hand, are perfect and I will use them to buy pornography.
12/26/08 10:45 p.m.
My little brother is a fan of ankle socks (the kind so low that when you put your sneakers on it looks like you have no socks at all.) Sooo, every year for Christmas my mom gets him a pack. For some reason, she gets me a pack too.
I have about 30 unworn ankle socks in a drawer somewhere.
No bad gifts this year. In fact I feel a little spoiled thanks to my sister! What I am most excited about is Tom's gift, 2 tickets to see UFC fight night in Tampa. Can't freakin' wait!
Osterizer wrote:
The Visa gift cards, on the other hand, are perfect and I will use them to buy pornography.
Wait, you're telling me you can buy pornography?
If someone made me a fruitcake from scratch, I would eat it, and I would enjoy it. It would take me a while, but I prefer my sweets less sweet anyway (and more soaked in rum thankyouverymuch). Besides, it has fruit in it, so it satisfies that portion of the pyramid.
Whenever I give gifts, I really try to give gift receipts with them. I hate wasting money, so why give a gift that someone doesn't want or can't use? It's wasting money as far as I'm concerned if people don't like/use what you give them.
Giving a gift card is like saying, "if I cared enough/knew enough, I would get you something from this store." This is completely fine with me.
Although, I have to say that it's annoying when I have to buy batteries.
12/27/08 1:47 a.m.
Wowak wrote:
I have about 30 unworn ankle socks in a drawer somewhere.
I love socks. any kind, socks are great. You can never have too many socks.
12/27/08 1:50 a.m.
mtn wrote:
Wowak wrote:
I have about 30 unworn ankle socks in a drawer somewhere.
I love socks. any kind, socks are great. You can never have too many socks.
Whoa, keep your fetishes to yourself, there, bud! 
MitchellC wrote:
Although, I have to say that it's annoying when I have to buy batteries.
I keep a box stocked with 20+ of each kind. I like electronics. 
Maybe that is why you got a storage box for X-mas, the grandparents only need to see you do something once and you will get gifts that reflect your "need" for years after that. "I saw Tommy using a storage box for his batteries"
Gets you storage boxes for years unfortunetly.
I got these from a Secret Santa who in the berkeley in there right mind would wear these?

12/27/08 11:40 a.m.
Haha... the shoes. I actually don't mind the colors and they are adidas so they should be comfy... ...but why pool balls?!
Not a bad gift, but an awkward one was on my 18th birthday. I had a small party at my house and one of my then-girlfriend's friends gave me a 12-pack of condoms. In front of my parents.
That was like Christmas 2 years ago. My aunt gave me a big ol' blanket, and what was wrapped inside? Condoms. It was a pretty good laugh right in front of my parents. I promptly chucked them though, they sucked 
I got two used diapers. I'm expecting our first kid at the end of January, and my sister in law thought it would be cute, to let me get familiar with dirty diapers. Fortunately, they were in plastic disposal bags.
I'll change my own kids diaper as that is parental duty(doodee?), but I sure as hell don't want to deal with anyone else's poop if I don't have to.
New Reader
12/27/08 4:52 p.m.
Things change when you are a parent. Catching your kids puke in your hands so it doesn't get on the carpet for instance.
grinch77 wrote:
I got these from a Secret Santa who in the berkeley in there right mind would wear these?
holy crap I would.. free is free..
Osterizer wrote:
The Visa gift cards, on the other hand, are perfect and I will use them to buy pornography.
buy porno? does not compute
A bottle of ketchup. I get one every year, my family thinks its funny for some reason and while useful the joke is odl.
Time to move on to mustard.
MitchellC wrote:
Although, I have to say that it's annoying when I have to buy batteries.
I often give batteries for Chrismas.
Gift not included.
We are broke so my parents give us gift cards to force us not to spend the money on bills.
My worst present - my brother picked up some books from my garage sale, without paying for them, saved them six months and wrapped them up for Christmas. It wasn't and identical book - it was my book being given back to me.
my grandfather has learned, he gives "universal gift cards"
a christmas card (usually the kind made to give money) with some amount of cash in it.