It seems that there has been a little more tension around here lately, and I want to take a moment to reflect on it. There are plenty of reasons why this might be, the change of seasons can be stressful, people who don't like winter may be dreading the shorter days and cold nights to come. The weather can also be blamed for colds and other ailments and I know I have less patience if I am sick. The hurricane craziness is over, to be followed by the recovery craziness. And then there's THE ELECTION.
There's plenty of reasons to be stressed out and fed up right now, so it's understandable that patience may be low. I get that. I hope that we can all take a moment to make sure that our contributions to the forum are coming from a place of good will. A mean word at the wrong moment can cause such havoc, whereas there really never is a wrong moment for a kind word.
I would also like to ask everyone to take a quick minute to refresh themselves on the house rules, or as I prefer to call them, the Rules of Engagement. Our hosts have invited us into their home and offered us dip. It's a nice party and plenty of interesting and cool people are here and it's good dip. Let's not crap it up with a bunch of bickering. The world already has plenty of that.
Thank you for your efforts! I'll try harder to make sure my contributions are positive ones. :)
10/13/16 11:21 p.m.
And yes ... the "dip" is positively lovely, I should say. Never, ever, a mean word. And, after all, we are mere customers ... subscribers so to speak. Humble. So we should never offer a personal opinion, should we?
I agree on the dip:

And thank you ECM for the reminder on perspective here 
10/14/16 9:50 a.m.
Gary wrote:
And yes ... the "dip" is positively lovely, I should say. Never, ever, a mean word. And, after all, we are mere customers ... subscribers so to speak. Humble. So we should never offer a personal opinion, should we?
In the spirit requested by one of our moderators on behalf of our hosts, I am going to voluntarily refrain from posting the original (and much shorter) reply I had typed up to this.
Our hosts have invited us into their home and offered us dip. It's a nice party and plenty of interesting and cool people are here and it's good dip.
I'm bringing citronella candles so that we can all hang out back on the pat...I wait maybe I shouldn't go there.
recovery craziness is the worst
even if it's minor and only a few weekends worth of work, the mental scaring is always there, there's always the thought of how close you came to losing everything and how fortunate you were to not have. My old home island of Hatteras wasn't even hit by the storm's eye, yet the extended timeframe of the storm surge from the north east quadrant of the storm, which is normally the strongest, destroyed a good portion of highway 12 and left what wasn't destroyed under 18+" of sand. The island is built to handle flooding, with the majority of homes being on stilts ranging from 6-14' off the ground, but this storm wanted to grow and reshape the barrier island more than most. Barrier islands are of course fluid and ever evolving by definition. In the 19 years since I've moved off the island this is the worst infrastructure damage I've seen and heard over, there's been more property damage before, with over 500 homes being destroyed on no fewer than 4 occasions, but never before has a storm made me question if 12 should even be rebuilt. I honestly think that going a hardpack trail and requiring 4WD to access the island might be the more prudent measure at this point. The cost of items on the island would skyrocket, as trucks and trailers would no longer be able to bring in supplies (including gas) but the setting would be like nothing else on the eastern seaboard in that scale and the environmental impact would be positive as shifting sands would allow for island growth in width and elevation. Massive flat have formed behind the island in the last 15 years, a sign that the island wants to be able to expand or shift westward. I'm fine with breakwaters, not jetties to replenish the beach and natural bars and reefs on the ocean side, but the dredging out side of required channels into Oregon and Hatteras inlets needs to stop in the sound. I hope the those across the coastal south east are able to recovery and resume a feeling of comfort and normalcy. The path of the storm spared a worst case scenario with regard to a localized area all but being destroyed from wind damage, but it created a reach far greater in scope and really showcased the truth about these storms that is it's the water that causes far more damage.
Can we get this thread locked before anymore french onion fans show up and E36 M3 all over it?
The sad thing is, if you look back it's usually the same suspects usually......I've referred to them as "The Untouchables" since it seems they never even get a slap on the wrists while others get patio'd for less.
I've been personally lowing my online time to avoid the droves of idiocy taking place.....and prepping for our first ever rifle season for deer. LoL
No one is untouchable, but we don't have very many mods and I don't read every thread. If you see behavior that is out of line please shoot me a PM and I will look into it.
I know I'm probably one of the reasons for this thread, I'll try harder to keep my anger to myself about that whole thing.
In reply to Huckleberry:
The only proper dip is buffalo chicken anyway.
In reply to EastCoastMojo:
I have done that in the past, for the most part the threads were remaining civil(note this was back before primary season before I toned down my browsing here) with the few people I'm referring to being the exception. They'll always either drive by the thread with bullE36 M3, shout down at anyone who doesn't share their exact opinion, or instigate the discussion away from being civil. Sometimes they'll even post "Woe is me" threads because something they dislike is allowed to continue.
I could probably gather them all front & center for you with a single post, but that would probably go against my personal instigating clause.
In reply to RevRico:
No, there is no proper dip, period. 
In reply to WOW Really Paul?:
I got your message from March, and I have spoken with that member.
Please know that I try to give people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to intent, and I would rather lock a thread versus delete a member profile. However, if someone is out of line that will be dealt with appropriately.
Thank you everyone for your help in keeping this great community an informative and fun place to be.
In reply to EastCoastMojo:
Indeed, it was greatly appreciated. I'd rather not see people buried in the patio either, but certain penalties might need enforced upon repeat offenders if it has been getting bad lately. As I said, I've avoided it lately. LoL
This is why I have taken an indefinite break from GRM. Too much negative to the point that you can't ask a simple question or opinion without someone being cynical or negative towards you. This isn't recent either, this has been going on a while.
I pop in from time to time like I am right now, but I probably won't be back for a while. It's disappointing because this has been my go to for several years, but I don't feel like dealing with Facebook mentalities on GRM.
There's a bathroom on the right.
Appleseed wrote:
There's a bathroom on the right.
We'll be bakin' carrot biscuits.
I have no idea what is being discussed here 
We are discussing the need of some Internet tough guys and trolls to make our jobs more about moderating bad behavior in a public forum than about, you know, publishing magazines. Because the world revolves around them. And they tiny, tiny heads.