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GameboyRMH SuperDork
5/14/10 11:01 a.m.


I can't tolerate the show's ultra-slow-paced storyline myself.

slefain Dork
5/14/10 11:03 a.m.

We already know how "Lost" will end:

PubBurgers Dork
5/14/10 11:41 a.m.

I would rage. My favorite show and the one episode i plan on watching on the air instead of through Hulu.

Wowak SuperDork
5/14/10 11:47 a.m.

I thought the bad news was that Lost has never made any sense and the people who still watch it only do so because they've invested so much into it already they can't stop?

16vCorey SuperDork
5/14/10 11:58 a.m.

No kidding. I had never seen the show before, but accidentally saw an episode a few weeks ago and it was one of the most retarded things I've ever seen on television.

JThw8 SuperDork
5/14/10 12:04 p.m.
16vCorey wrote: No kidding. I had never seen the show before, but accidentally saw an episode a few weeks ago and it was one of the most retarded things I've ever seen on television.

It is not a show you can pick up piecemeal. One episode out of context would definitely make no sense.

I actually like it, its one of the few shows out there that makes you think about what's going on instead of just spoonfeeding you the answers. Its lost (pardon the pun) something in its later years, like they are trying too hard to make it mysterious now, but its still interesting and Im looking forward to seeing how it ends.

RealMiniDriver Dork
5/14/10 12:07 p.m.

I watched the first season all the way through. Enjoyed it. Two episodes into the second season, they 'lost' me. It was too confusing to follow.

integraguy HalfDork
5/14/10 12:34 p.m.

I was a fan for the 1st season, then they started throwing EVERYTHING into the mix...like they didn't really know where they were going. I don't want a show to lead me around by the nose and spoon feed me every detail, but LOST killed off people...then brought them back. Gave you "back stories"....then "debunked" the back stories. It became like a rat's maze that had somehow lost it's entrance and exit.

foxtrapper SuperDork
5/14/10 12:44 p.m.

Ditto for me. Equally loved the first season, semi-liked the second, and was baffled and very disapointed from there on out. The story and the thrill are long dead for me.

GameboyRMH SuperDork
5/14/10 12:56 p.m.
integraguy wrote: I was a fan for the 1st season, then they started throwing EVERYTHING into the mix...like they didn't really know where they were going.

Actually they are making it up as they go along. Not kidding. They changed the story after the first episode by not-killing the doctor, because the audience liked him.

orphancars Reader
5/14/10 12:58 p.m.

I cut my losses after season 2, and a few epis of 3.....now I have an extra hour a week to work on cars!!

I'm not a huge fan of shows where it takes effort to watch it and look for supposed easter eggs and try to figure things out. After working for 8 or more hours a day, then to do a few around the house chores, work on the fun projects.......if I watch an hour or two of TV I really just want the show/movie to do all the heavy lifting.

BTW -- an open letter to J.J. Abrams and the geniuses behind the show -- if your show needs "Pop-up-Video" type add-ons for reruns so that folks know what's going on........it's a tad bit too convoluted!

Slightly off-track, but what the deuce.......I think the trend towards shows like this started with the X-files. I liked the original premise of X-files -- looney FBI agent is put in a corner to investigate cases that are off in the weeds.....and to keep him honest, we'll give him a scientist. Ok, I get that, so far we're good........UNTIL we have to inject this huge story arc about some larger government/alien/whatever conspiracy. That. Just. Never. Ends!!! E36 M3 like that made X-files not fun, it killed Millennium (Chris Carter, I'm looking at you!), made Supernatural unbearable, and it killed Lost and made me stop watching Fringe after 2 episodes.

IF the next generation television writers for these types of genres are reading the GRM boards (ha! ha!!) here's a tip -- plan for 3, maybe 4 seasons, tops. No more. Plan as much weird stuff as you like, just be prepared to explain it, don't leave loose ends, and for heaven's sake, make sure the main story arc is interesting and makes sense. Oh yeah -- and don't be afraid to kill off main characters every now and then.

Lost would have been much more interesting if only some of these suggestions were followed. I got the feeling at the start of season 3 it was an entirely different show.....

I for one welcome our satellite smashing overlords -- apparently they know what is good for us

Jensenman SuperDork
5/14/10 1:00 p.m.
GameboyRMH wrote: I can't tolerate the show's idiotic storyline which completely ignores what they could have done with the interplay between so many people stranded together in favor of some really way out stupid stuff.


JThw8 SuperDork
5/14/10 2:46 p.m.

My biggest dissapointment is during season one they had made the claim that when they wrapped it all up everything would be explained at least semi-scientifically and nothing would be written off to supernatural phenomenon but it sure seems like that's where this wrap up is headed now.

poopshovel SuperDork
5/14/10 3:00 p.m.
I cut my losses after season 2, and a few epis of 3

Ditto. I got tired of the "We'll answer one question, then throw you 50 more!" thing. It was exciting when it felt like it was all leading up to some big "AH-HA!" moment. It got boring and annoying when it started to feel like the writers themselves didn't know where the show was going, and they kept introducing new characters constantly.


eastsidemav Reader
5/14/10 3:41 p.m.

JJ Abrams pretty much pulled the same stunt with Alias. I wasn't going to get fooled a second time, so I haven't seen a single episode of Lost.

jamscal Dork
5/14/10 4:00 p.m.

I've watched it from the start and am still a fan.

The start of this season was a bit slow and confusing but it's better now.

We may be disappointed with the ending, I don't know.

Last week I was thinking...they've found the Fountain of Youth.

I still miss Ana Lucia

Do I sound like one of those old soap opera ladies?

neon4891 SuperDork
5/14/10 4:23 p.m.

I had watched most of season 1 and parts of 2, then as other have said, WTF happened? Acctually, they lost me when they where about to unveil "the others"(that eat babies, or some crazyness) on the island.

PubBurgers Dork
5/14/10 6:30 p.m.

I agree that it lost it way a bit between the end of season two and the beginning of three but after that it turned into an absolutely awesome sci-fi show. The season three finale still ranks up there as some of my favorite tv of all time.

mad_machine SuperDork
5/14/10 6:35 p.m.

I am so glad I never got involved

novaderrik New Reader
5/15/10 12:25 a.m.

i tried watching Lost once- it was the episode where the guy was in a cave and gets attacked by a frakking polar bear.. on a tropical island.. i gave up and after hearing bits and pieces about the show over the years, i decided that when they do wrap it up, it's gonna turn out that they were all in some matrix-like simulation and the plane never really crashed.

Ian_F Reader
5/15/10 1:52 a.m.

We sort of got into Lost when they were re-runnning it on SciFi, but when new episodes started on the main network, we lost interest... similar experience with Heroes.

Appleseed SuperDork
5/15/10 3:57 a.m.

It started to happen to me with Heros, and then it got weird. Kind of like Friends: everyone's screwed or married everyone else, were do you go from there? I stopped watching.

integraguy HalfDork
5/15/10 7:49 a.m.

I actually sort of liked ALIAS, until they started to throw in a world-wide criminal syndicate that is working to....?

The REAL problem I had with ALIAS, tho, is why in the heck didn't her friends ever wonder why a bank sent a "junior employee" racing all over the world 2 and 3 times A WEEK?

stroker Reader
5/15/10 10:27 a.m.

Lost reminded me of Twin Peaks. I decided to not get involved because I knew it wouldn't end well.

vwcorvette New Reader
5/15/10 12:00 p.m.

If you want a better version watch Celebrity Apprentice! Seriously--Made up each week, check. Bunch of folks thrown together--check. Strange power in charge making oddball decisions about who stays and who goes, check. Weird hair, check. Tribes, check. Etc. No one to blame but yourself for watching, CHECK!

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