Barry: [performing at the record release party]:
"Rob, thank you for that kind introduction. We're no longer called Sonic Death Monkey. We're on the verge of becoming Kathleen Turner Overdrive, but just for tonight, we are Barry Jive and his Uptown Five."
I also like "The Band of a Thousand Names"... who could then refer to themselves by a different name at every show.
I can't believe I ate the whole thing
Spurggleflush and the donut of doom <-- I was actually in a band named that.
My DJ name will be either Darth Fader or Rebel Bass.
I think Greatwhitelionsnake would be the perfect hair-metal band name.
I always wanted to do a bluesy-trio & find a couple big hairy guys to play backup, then I could call it Little Peter & the Twins.
There were a couple cool bands from the Flint, MI area in the mid/late 80's that had awesome names(& music): Rollercoaster of Tranquillity, and Guilty Bystanders.
9/17/08 8:59 p.m.
aircooled wrote:
Barry: [performing at the record release party]:
"Rob, thank you for that kind introduction. We're no longer called Sonic Death Monkey. We're on the verge of becoming Kathleen Turner Overdrive, but just for tonight, we are Barry Jive and his Uptown Five."
Awesome reference. Love that movie.
As for my pick:
"Weird Harold". Would be a killer name for a funk band.
Needless to say, I've never named any band I was in.
I always thought that Phil and the Phlegmtones would be a good name. Or maybe Big Dick and the Moonbusters.
Unfortunately, most of the good band names have already been thought of... Bands like Ben Dover and the Screamers, The Hostile Amish, and everyone's favorite, Jehovah's Waitresses. There was also a band here in town that started out as Satan Tortilla, which later morphed into a band called Taco Diablo or something like that.
Back when I still played, the only two bands I was in that lasted long enough to actually have a name were Trampoline Dentistry and Illegal Detonation of Poultry.
Band name:
Traumatic Insemination
MC Name: MC Semiconductor
9/18/08 12:57 a.m.
maroon92 wrote:
oh, and my band name would be
"There is no reason for them to be in outer space!"
"There is EVERY reason for them to be in outer space!"
Salanis wrote:
Crystal Princess - Tweeny-bopper
Crystal princess sounds like a euphemism for cocaine. So I guess it's pretty appropriate for the average tweeny-bopper then.
9/18/08 1:05 a.m.
I fronted "Chuck's Mom" in Rochester NY (for a good time, call Chuck's Mom) and in Florida I fronted "The Four Kings" (Have a FourKing Good Time.)
I've always liked:
Jesus Chrysler - Supercar
Uncle Dad (country band)
A friend of a friend is in a band called The Spazmatics.
9/18/08 5:52 a.m.
Salanis wrote:
I also like "The Band of a Thousand Names"... who could then refer to themselves by a different name at every show.
Unfortunately, they've been lost in the mists of time, but there used to be a punk band that changed their name between every album - but the albums all had the same title.
In high school we named our band "Beastialic Necrophiliacs" otherwise known as "the dead cat berkeleyers"
Duke - Are you refering to MDC: Millions of Damn Christians, Multi Death Corporation, etc.?
Ah, Ben Dover and the Screamers. I think that was Ben Parker, the Put-in-Bay, Ohio native.
Also popular back then was Phil Dirt and the Dozers as well as The Killer Flamingos.
Let also not forget Island favorites; Wally and the Beavs
jezeus wrote:
There is a Poisen cover band called Posen.
Is 'Poisen' a "Poison" cover band?
9/18/08 8:19 a.m.
petegossett wrote:
Duke - Are you refering to MDC: Millions of Damn Christians, Multi Death Corporation, etc.?
Yeah, that's probably them. This was the late '80s so my memory hasn't quite retained it.
"You hired Poison to play at our wedding reception?!"
"No, we're Cyanide, the loving tribute to Poison!"
New Reader
9/18/08 9:01 a.m.
My friends and I had dreams of starting a turntable band but we never got beyond the name: Papa Smurf's B**ches.
Also: Fathomless Attack or Jane
Ultimately the Pancake Will Prevail
Either Way, Someone Dies
A Good Chicken Choir
Wowak wrote:
I've always liked:
Jesus Chrysler - Supercar
There was a local band about 15 years ago named "Jesus Chrysler"
My band from high school:
The Ninjas
The band I'm in now: Dang Heathens
petegossett wrote:
Duke - Are you refering to MDC: Millions of Damn Christians, Multi Death Corporation, etc.?
millions of dead cops
missiles destroy civilization
millions of dead cows -- maybe a play on the first one, or a dumb punker who typo'd the stencil for the spraypaint job on his black leather jacket?
Type Q
9/18/08 11:43 a.m.
Is AngryCorvair copyrighted? That would be a cool band name too. 
Growing up as part of the white minority in the prodominantly black neighborhood, I always a better name for an all-white boy-band (like the New Kids) would be "Pale Imitation."
DJ Name: Ice Creem (Cause I'm white)
My friends joked about forming a Goth parody Boy-Band: N*Shroud