10/12/17 9:28 p.m.
I'm not a baseball fan but I'd like to see the Yankees lose so I don't have to hear John Sterling's asinine calls. They replay his stupidity on every radio station after a win. The only think I'd like to hear him say is "Oh God, these hyenas are ripping out my voice bo..,"
10/12/17 10:26 p.m.
nutherjrfan said:
mtn said:
Joe Gearin said:
mtn said:
Obviously I want the Cubs to win, but if not the Cubs, then the Astros. Anyone but Dusty.
I'm actually OK with the Yankees, mostly because I like Joe Girardi.
I met Joe Girardi once when I lived in Denver. He was the catcher for the Rockies at the time. I ran into him at a Blockbuster movie store. (remember those?) He was there with his wife. He was very nice and pleasant........she was not. I felt bad for him, as she was berating him and was obviously not in a good mood. Who knows....maybe he picked Major League to watch.....again, and she wanted the Notebook or something....
Bummer if his wife is a not very nice person. Could be a bad day though.
In any case, I just always liked him. He grew up in the same area that I spent 8 years in for college and after college.
Eight years? Was your nickname Bluto? 
Lots of people are in college for 8 years!
key words would be "and after college"
10/13/17 12:03 a.m.
Ok, heart rate is coming down. What an awesome, and awful game. It had everything.
That might have been one of the best playoff games I have seen in a long time.
I really thought Washington was going to win that game, but they started swinging for the fences in the ninth. Small ball got you within a run guys. Dance with the girl who got you there.
Joe Gearin
Associate Publisher
10/13/17 10:49 a.m.
mtn said:
Ok, heart rate is coming down. What an awesome, and awful game. It had everything.
I thought the Cubs were goners for sure......seemed like they are totally out of pitching. Then Davis dug deep--- amazing performance to punch out those last two. Great game......but damn, baseball is stressful!
10/13/17 10:58 a.m.
It's stressful because its so damn slow. Gives you a lot of time to think. Too much time.
Joe Gearin
Associate Publisher
10/13/17 11:28 a.m.
I find it stressful because in playoff baseball------ every single pitch matters.
Top of five- that was a very nice throw from center.
This Astros pitcher is making the Yanks look a bit stupid so far.
It's going to be really hard to pick Marlins Man out of the Astros orange in the crowd... He was hard enough to see in the Nationals red last night.
Hol-ee E36 M3 Judge is a fooking monster. Just got done watching Syracuse beat Clemson and whilst I don't watch much t.v. I'm watching the baseball game. He is built like a brick E36 M3 house. 
In reply to mtn :
that's why I did the devil horns. I just like that quote from ' Animal House'.
I'm reasonably certain that I will never again see a pitcher pitch a complete playoff game in my lifetime.
Heck now'll watch the college football game. Nice when tomorrow is the only day off.
WSU vs Cal.
10/14/17 8:53 p.m.
Another Astros win. Two more and the yanks can go away.
10/14/17 10:14 p.m.
Well that was the right call at the plate, but what a stupid rule.
Of course, the same can be said for the pickoff against the Nats.
Appleseed said:
I'm reasonably certain that I will never again see a pitcher pitch a complete playoff game in my lifetime.
I say stuff like that all the time. The Gods have a sense of humour, too.
Patrick said:
I hope you're right. Been waiting my whole life for a World Series win. Was at wins 99/100 last week, quite the experience going to a night game then a noon game the next day.
As a Braves fan, I thank you for your teams sacrifice in 1995. Since the Braves are nowhere close, let the Indians get this one.
Dodgers bullpen seems sturdy. Their hot dogging douchbag right fielder pisses me off, though. Made me happy when he struck out after being 3-0 and doing scissor kicks while he was letting strikes go by. Queeg or something is his name.
10/15/17 11:49 p.m.
crankwalk said:
Patrick said:
I hope you're right. Been waiting my whole life for a World Series win. Was at wins 99/100 last week, quite the experience going to a night game then a noon game the next day.
As a Braves fan, I thank you for your teams sacrifice in 1995. Since the Braves are nowhere close, let the Indians get this one.
Little late for that one :/
mtn said:
crankwalk said:
Patrick said:
I hope you're right. Been waiting my whole life for a World Series win. Was at wins 99/100 last week, quite the experience going to a night game then a noon game the next day.
As a Braves fan, I thank you for your teams sacrifice in 1995. Since the Braves are nowhere close, let the Indians get this one.
Little late for that one :/
I must have had that up on my laptop for days without it posting until I pulled it up today. Ha!
I'm not ready to declare a Dodgers-Yankees World Series yet, but I'm ready to call the Dodgers for the NL.
Given my history in predicting baseball results, I should probably hit Vegas and lay down some money on the Cubs.