mtn said:
Walk like a penguin. Shuffle/waddle. Don't walk. I can even jog on ice; walking is the problem.
Appleseed, we should play together sometime. McHenry's a little far for me, but you never know. (Live in Elmhurst)
My point about learning to fall is a direct relation to mtn's suggestion. If you know how to fall, you can relax on ice. Which makes this kind of movement a lot more successful. Constantly being afraid to fall will tense one up a lot, which makes any movement on ice far more dangerous. Let alone you cringing when you hit the ground.
I can't count the times I have fallen on ice. I must have the right technique. No injuries.
dean1484 said:
Ice is no joke. Two of my parents friends lost spouses due to falling on ice.
This may be premature, as I don't have all the details, yet, but my cousin (36yo) fell on her face this morning and didn't survive.
Yeah, it was icy.
In reply to RealMiniParker :
Man, what a way to go. I am very sorry for your loss, my condolences.
In reply to RealMiniParker :
Oh man. I am so sorry.
Ian F
1/7/18 10:54 a.m.
I guess that was one advantage of it being so berking cold here in Philly right now: it's so cold the snow hasn't turned to ice. Due to being sick, I never left the house between Weds evening and Sat. Didn't even clear off the snow from Thursday until Saturday morning. But it's still so cold (single digits to mid teens), nothing is really stuck. Amusingly, it was so windy that very little snow was left on the van so I only had a bit of snow at the base of the windshield to clear off.
In reply to RealMiniParker :
That's terrible. My condolences.
RMP, sorry to hear. That sucks.
It's still icy here. We should warm up a good bit Tuesday and Wednesday which will take care of the ice. I'm ready for it to be gone.
Luckily, we haven't seen much ice up here. Falling on ice is the most uncontrollable thing, I have never had any luck managing the impact. I tend to go down hard, and land on something made of bone every time.