Looks like I left Columbus a few years too early.
Beer Hotel!
Going to have to treat the wife to a "Spa Day." I'll leave out all the hops stuff and tap in the room to convince her.
Other items include:
- Craft beer minibars curated by James and Martin
- Punk IPA on tap in your room
- Beer Spa treatments with bespoke hop oils
- Epic restaurant majoring in beer and food pairings
- Craft beer themed breakfasts, lunches and dinners
- En-suite shower beer fridges*
- Wake up to views of our sour beer foeders
3/3/17 7:06 a.m.
I saw their taproom opened up not long ago. I'll have to go check it out sometime even if it is on the wrong side of town.
3/3/17 7:25 a.m.
I like the sound of it aside from the typical micro brew IPA IPA IPmotherberkeleyingA!!!!!!!!!!!! focus.
3/3/17 7:34 a.m.
Looks great - anyone tried their suds yet?
Rusted_Busted_Spit wrote:
I'll happily meet up for beer! Not for another week though. I'm taking antibiotics that do not mix with alcohol. The pharmacist used the words "projectile vomiting".
I'm waiting a bit anyway before checking it out to give the buzz and busyness a chance to die down a tad.
Stone Brewery here in San Diego is building a hotel too. Don't know about taps in rooms though
Looks like I have an excuse to visit family in Ohio
Beer Baron wrote:
I'm taking antibiotics that do not mix with alcohol. The pharmacist used the words "projectile vomiting".
See to me, that sounds like most nights of heavy drinking, with or without the antibiotics.
I did get to spend last Saturday (Mardi Gras) doing the all-you-can drink for $100 special at ITAP in Soulard. It was my bachelor party, and my cohorts insisted that the first thing I drank was Boulevard Rye-on-Rye-on-Rye (14.1% ABV).....from a 32 oz boot. I think I had a good time. Sure seems like it.
I wonder how they figure out charging for taps in rooms? How are they measuring the volume? They certainly aren't going to provide it for free.
Also, how many taps is that? How often are those lines going to get cleaned? Shudder
Beer Baron wrote:
I wonder how they figure out charging for taps in rooms? How are they measuring the volume? They certainly aren't going to provide it for free.
Also, how many taps is that? How often are those lines going to get cleaned? *Shudder*
Probably something like the "pay-by-the-ounce" brewpubs that are starting to pop up....but yeah, given how hotels are normally "cleaned", I'm not sure I'd want to drink anything out of those taps.
In reply to Beer Baron:
That thought, about cleaning, occurred to me too after posting this, and that's just from my experience bar backing.
If it actually gets built I'll drive over from the Poconos with the wife for a meetup. I really miss Columbus, it was my favorite city I've lived and worked in.
3/3/17 10:04 a.m.
Beer Baron wrote:
I wonder how they figure out charging for taps in rooms? How are they measuring the volume? They certainly aren't going to provide it for free.
Also, how many taps is that? How often are those lines going to get cleaned? *Shudder*
There is a tap room around here where you swipe your card, then pour the beer directly from the tap yourself. It charges you by the ounce. I like it a lot, I can try multiple beers for not much money, without annoying a bartender.
As for the lines, you bring up a good point. I wonder if they won't have interchangeable lines--when housekeeping comes in, swap the lines, then take them all to be cleaned in one location. Same idea as changing bedsheets.
Beer Baron wrote:
I wonder how they figure out charging for taps in rooms? How are they measuring the volume? They certainly aren't going to provide it for free.
Some sort of small food grade inline flow meter.

That one is under $10. Plus a PCL to read them all.
In reply to Beer Baron:
I've stayed at places where in room liquor was included. Just build it into the roomrate.
Personally if there's just a tap or 2 within the room, I'd rather have a fridge for multiple growlers to fill special release barrel aged and cask stuff from the tasting room to enjoy after hours. Also a beerquriam for the happiest fish in the world! I AM THE LIZARDQUEEN!!!
I will be Cleveland for work all next week so when I get back we can get something set up.
Measuring flow seems the easier thing.
That still leaves cleaning taps and lines. I can think of ways they could do it, but none that are simple enough that they are likely to do so regularly.
As if most bars clean their beer tap lines...
3/3/17 6:41 p.m.
OHSCrifle wrote:
As if most bars clean their beer tap lines...
Trust me, as much as I like draft beer, it involves a lot of denial about what I know about beer lines.
3/3/17 8:07 p.m.
Rusted_Busted_Spit wrote:
I will be Cleveland for work all next week so when I get back we can get something set up.
Hey, i'm there. Find me if you get bored
When built in 1989, The Beer Barrel Saloon in the city of Put-in-Bay, OH on South Bass Island in Lake Erie, had the longest bar in the world (the bar being the actual counter, not the building.) The bar (the counter) is 405', 10" long. There were 56 taps total at about 10 different tap stations. The bar is in the front of the building, the lines are all run under the concrete floor in conduit to a huge walking cooler in the back. The building is about 60k Sq ft or about the size of a Kohls dept store.
Getting to the point...
Just to flush the lines they would spill out the equivalent to more than an entire keg of beer. They no longer feature draft beer. I'm not even sure if they offer it at all.
When they did offer draft beer in the 90's, they exclusively carried Miller products and at that time they were the single largest handler of Miller Light kegs in the nation.

In reply to patgizz:
Will do. As of now it looks like Wed will be a good day.
In reply to John Welsh :
I have spent a few evenings in that place many years ago.