Well, I gotta tell ya. I’ve been thinking about this stuff a lot and trying to put my partisan bent aside. Certainly a gross oversimplification, but you get the idea.
First, we elected a guy who said he would cut taxes. It was supposed to make the economy stronger. He did cut taxes! Hurrah! That was nice. But he also wrote a sunset into the cuts knowing that we didn’t really have the money to pay for them. We borrowed it from China. Okay, well, too good to last. I get that.
But then we had the wars. Needed or not, that’s not the point here. We had them and they cost a lot. We borrowed more money from China. Hum. Not sure if this is a good idea anymore.
Sure enough, things go kinda bad. Economy falls apart. GM goes under. Banks stop loaning money. People lose their houses. People lose their jobs. Everyone’s 401k went to E36 M3. Now I know things are bad. Everyone says “well, that’s about enough of that” so they vote for a new guy from another party.
So what does he do? He lowers taxes- borrows the money from, you guessed it, China. Then he does the Stimulus. We’re going to spend our way out of this with… more money from China. Health care? Well, CBO says it will save money in the long run, but sure looks like it’s going to cost something at least up front. Wow, more money from China? This is getting pretty deep!
Now I hear everyone on TV saying “we can’t get rid of the Bush tax cuts, it’ll be bad for the economy”. So when the economy was good we needed to cut taxes and now that it’s bad we need to cut taxes. Or they tell us we’re in so much debt, so we need to spend more. Don’t know about you guys, but that’s not how I do it at my house.
Call me crazy, but I think we need to raise taxes and cut spending. Nobody seems to be running on that platform, so not sure what that means. They talk like it’s obvious that cutting taxes will somehow magically give us more revenue. I’m pretty sure we tried that and it didn’t work. Others tell us we need a “second stimulus” because, obviously, spending more money will somehow magically give us more revenue. I’m pretty sure we tried that and it didn’t work. How ‘bout we try tightening our belts, paying the bills and see if that somehow magically makes things better?
Here’s a thought for you. Look at the budget- I think they have it on Wikipedia. If you add up all the lines associated with Social Security, the Military, Medicade and Medicare you get 75% of the budget. So why don’t any of the political ads on TV talk about those things? We hear a lot about a bunch of other stuff, but if you add it all up, what does it work out to as a percentage of the budget. Don’t know about you guys, but I think we need to take some big whacks at stuff. If you’re talking about stuff that adds up to less than one percent of the budget, I don’t really want to hear you making a big deal about it.
This is what I see- a lot of guys working really, really hard to tell me why it’s someone else’s fault. I’m pretty tired of that. I want to hear some solutions. What’s a way forward? How will you get us out of this? And please, not the same tired ideas that got us into this mess. More spending and lower taxes? No thank you.