Seriously. Has anyone in GRM website administration ever heard of regular expressions? This E36 M3 is regular as clockwork. No advanced AI needed.
No. Really.
Replace [asterisk] with a berkeleying asterisk.
2/24/14 9:22 p.m.
I just keep going in and hitting the "!" Button and the threads are gone soon after that.
But yes it would be nice if they would flock off with the ads.
Hey, I just noticed I made SuperDork. I know that isn't a big deal compared to some of you, but that's okay.
You do not put the word Review after the word Kitchen. Try:
dudes! I'm selling a bitchin' kitchen build thread here--->
2/24/14 9:58 p.m.
Don't give the spambots any tips. If they learn to ready we will just have to suffer through more of their kitchen reviews.
It's been challenging to keep up with the spam lately.
. What I'm sayin' is there is a lot of spam in this kitchen!
How much are you asking for this bitching kitchen?
can you put a kitchen in a canoe?
In reply to EastCoastMojo:
I'm not sure what tools you have at your disposal or at what level you interact with the data but ... as a big hammer in this pond Id be all:
wget (latest topics url) | grep -f list_of_regular_expressions_to_exert_force_over | awk/sed (expression that returns thread id) > foo;
for i in foo
echo wget url_of_grm_admin_site?delete_with_extreme_prejudice?threadid=$i >>
chmod +x
I like to think that somewhere in the UK is a housewife wondering who to have remodel her kitchen and the husband pops up with "I know of a certain US car magazine forum that has an inordinate amount of knowledge on the subject of kitchens in England"
T.J. wrote:
Don't give the spambots any tips. If they learn to ready we will just have to suffer through more of their kitchen reviews.
We do anyway. This is a shell script for
loop away from them having to step the berkeley up. I get it -- GRM went their own way on software and now they are having some issues everyone else fixed when carbs were still OE. No problem. Good ol' unix shell/batch processing is still just as powerful as it was in the late 70s. Embrace it. Get with the last century. Abandon your silly backslash based OS. If your lead developer has a windows box that isn't powered off during working hours - punch him in the throat and then throw him down a flight of stairs. Move on. Regress. Become root.
2/25/14 5:20 a.m.
I read this forum less and less every week. Just sayin'.
I have a delete button, no place to utilize scripts. 
Kitchen hell?? How about the movie ones?
mad_machine wrote:
can you put a kitchen in a canoe?
It would be called a galley then.
Click the link, go to site. Complain to business owner about their bogus SEO program. Leave bad review.
Would it place an unreasonable burden on new members to make 5 (or 10) posts before being allowed to start a topic? Would it help cut down on spam?
This plonker is behind a lot of this crap, apparently.
Vance Miller, the Kitchen Gangster.

EastCoastMojo wrote:
I have a delete button, no place to utilize scripts.
Psssst... you can call the button in the same way you call http://... you might need your own form but just about everything you need can be found in the page source :)
I come to the site less and less, too. Not because of spammers--about the only thing I do anymore is check for spam and remove if found--but because I let the constant bitching of a few people (who seem to be able to muster bile on any subject, which is remarkable) affect the experience.
We are working to address problems. I believe we have answered that before. To many of the people who are still going "but whyyyyyy???" Here's the reality: We have the resources to reprogram and fix just a handful of global problems each month. Some have to wait. Right now fixing Search (because you demanded it, remember?) will consume most of our resources. We've also had to delay any sort of global fix for spammers because we've been responding to requests for numerous desperately needed, why don't we care and do it NOW type issues.
Sorry about the spam, that we can delete. The general tone of bitchy posts by users, though... there's only so much that mods can do. At the end of the day, we all live in a world of our own creation.
In reply to Marjorie Suddard:
It ain't all bad 'round here:
You're right, Swede. That was an awesome thing you guys did. But I already KNEW this forum was capable of great things... it's why I get so disappointed when it gets all internetty.
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
it's why I get so disappointed when it gets all internetty.
Yeah... my knickers were all in a bunch... but I was proposing a solution. My wife gets pissed at me when I act all snarky-like but still solve the problem too
Bulk slaughter of threads is not just possible, it's fun for the whole family! Way more fun than going to your favorite website, blasted on good gin and having the entire phone screen filled 30 scrolls deep with spam.
We're good, snorkely. I know most of you are trying to help. But sometimes it just opens the door for troll-y folks to pile on.
We really ARE working on it. I know, it's frustrating to have to wait on things to get done. Believe me, I know...
To be honest GPS, you've pissed me and others off more than once, so you're guilty of contributing to the BS noise level around here at times. Its easy to forget that tone and feeling don't transfer well to text, so while it sounds snarky and funny in your head, it likely won't sound like that when someone reads it and hears it in their head later.
That's not to say that perhaps myself and others don't get overly sensitive at times as well and I know I'm trying to thicken my skin and walk away if I get annoyed. I don't like arguing with GRM'ers, there's so few of us against the world of the flat-billing bro-dozering mofo's that we can't faulter like that over childish BS.
With that said, I really hate complaining to the powers that be about some of the regulars here because they may have said something that was way over the line. It just sort of caused me to lose respect for some of the fine folks here and tarnished the way I see the board against some of the other boards and sites I visit.
Thankfully the Tuna effort and other threads help polish that image a bit.
As for the spammers, if you need more volunteers for tracking down spammers, feel free to ask us. I know I'd like to help if possible and I'm sure there are others that would gladly lend a hand if you'd like.