An illegal alien in Polk County Florida who got pulled over in a routine traffic stop ended up 'executing' the deputy who stopped him..
The deputy was shot eight times, including once behind his right ear at close range. Another deputy was wounded and a police dog killed.
A state wide manhunt ensued.
The murderer was found hiding in a wooded area with his gun. After he shot at them, SWAT team officers open fired and hit the guy 68 times.
Now here's the kicker:
Naturally, the liberal media went nuts and asked why they shot the poor undocumented immigrant 68 times.
Sheriff Grady Judd told the Orlando Sentinel:
Talk about an all-time classic answer.
'Because that's all the ammunition we had.'
68 rounds = quick death. He needs to bunk with Chuck Manson for a few months before getting shot like that.

8/18/09 1:41 p.m.
yeah that guy needed torture
Yeah, his quick death was way to nice for him. His suffering is over but the suffering of the wife and children of the officers has only just begun.
Best is a .45 slug just below the belly button, slow death.
iceracer said:
Best is a .45 slug just below the belly button, slow death.
Okay, that was a little "Russian Mob" of you. Please don't creep me out like that anymore...
You kow why Mafiasos rub their bullets with garlic? not because of anything Italian, if they only wing you it gets terribly infected.
Awesome quote!
But there is no mention of the man being illegal or the media asking why they shot "the poor undocumented immigrant"
Either way its a great response!
iceracer wrote:
Best is a .50 slug just below the belly button, slow death.
I like the Desert Eagle. If you're going to do that to someone, you do it with a Desert Eagle 50 cal. Besides, it's just about the only time you'll hit anything with one of those anyway.
iceracer wrote:
Best is a .45 slug just below the belly button, slow death.
I believe it would be better to hit that area with a flechette round.

There's no doc in the world that could patch that many holes up before periontitis set in. 
iceracer wrote:
Best is a .45 slug just below the belly button, slow death.
.45? A .45 will blow a barn door off. Now a .22? A .22 to the back of the head, il' just rattle around your brain like Pac Man, till' you're dead.
To me the fact that he is an undocumented alien has nothing to do with it.
If someone shot a police dog and shot another police officer, officers are justified in shooting him, however many times they have to in order to ensure that he is no longer a threat to their personal safety or the safety of the general public.
I don't care if said person is documented, undocumented, military, non-military, KKK member, jewish, native american, or a US senator.
iceracer wrote:
Best is a .45 slug just below the belly button, slow death.
from things to do in denver when youre dead...best/worst way to make someones "exit" take forever and suck
8/19/09 3:41 p.m.
Back in the '70's, I had a customer that had been an assasin for the CIA in Cambodia, Laos and Nam. His favorite gun was a .22 rifle. Because it hurt so bad. Sick dude. Collecting money from him was a special thrill.
hit the guy 68 times!? how do you fit that many bullets in a person? It sounds like there was a vengeance in the mind of the SWAT team members.
GregTivo wrote:
hit the guy 68 times!? how do you fit that many bullets in a person? It sounds like there was a vengeance in the mind of the SWAT team members.
Stack them close, they'll fit. Besides if one knocks the other out it won't matter too much.
Vengance? I certainly hope so. Maybe the next guy who wants to shoot a cop will think twice...or 63 times.
New Reader
8/19/09 7:29 p.m.
Wow, you guys are harsh. Remind me to never get in a shootout that ends in the death of a police dog, one wounded cop and another executed cop when any of you are around.
Oh wait, that won't happen because I am not a low-life, moral-less sleezebag. He got better than he deserved...a quick death.
8/19/09 8:08 p.m.
4cylndrfury wrote:
'Because that's all the ammunition we had.'
Yes, our sheriff did say that, and he probably guaranteed re-election for life by doing so. Plenty of cars and t-shirts around here have "Matt & Diogi" on them in remembrance of the cop and his k-9 unit.
This happened back in 2006, though, and he's a major fan of the media....hardly a month goes by that he doesn't find an excuse to manipulate his way into the national news. (Sort of like Wally and the "Say What?" column in GRM) Whatever it is, Judd will find a way to get on TV talking about it. That's true of anything from traffic pileups to things like illegal steroids, cheerleader fights, kiddie porn, abductions, etc.
A more recent gun-related quote from Judd would be, "Because his conduct caused her death, he gets charged with a felony," Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said.
Authorities do not plan to file charges against a Florida orange grove owner who fatally shot a 21-year-old woman, saying he is protected under the state's controversial "no retreat" law.
New Reader
8/23/09 7:12 p.m.
Datsun1500 wrote:
GregTivo wrote:
hit the guy 68 times!? how do you fit that many bullets in a person? It sounds like there was a vengeance in the mind of the SWAT team members.
Well they only hit 68 out of the 110 rounds according to the article......
68 out of 110 is actually an excellent hit ratio. In shootouts cops usually have a much lower hit percentage.
mpolans wrote:
Datsun1500 wrote:
GregTivo wrote:
hit the guy 68 times!? how do you fit that many bullets in a person? It sounds like there was a vengeance in the mind of the SWAT team members.
Well they only hit 68 out of the 110 rounds according to the article......
68 out of 110 is actually an excellent hit ratio. In shootouts cops usually have a much lower hit percentage.
It sure is. In fact that kind of hit % seems to indicate to me, that maybe there was something more going on.
The IRA used to dust bullets and explosive shrapnel with rat poison.....it prevents clotting completely
That high a hit percentage makes you wonder if he was handcuffed to a tree at the time. Not that I would be bothered by that given the crime.
"Subject handcuffed himself to the tree for unknown reasons while waving weapon at officers...."
8/29/09 8:35 p.m.
ultraclyde wrote:
The IRA used to dust bullets and explosive shrapnel with rat poison.....it prevents clotting completely
That makes sense. The rat poison warafin is used medically under the trade name coumadin as a blood thinner.
ultraclyde wrote:
That high a hit percentage makes you wonder if he was handcuffed to a tree at the time.
Angilo Freeland had killed one cop, and shot at others during the manhunt. He was hiding under "an oak tree" when found. If it was a scrub oak, I expect that the branches were low enough to the ground that he didn't have the ability to move away quickly. Combine that with the fact that he was surrounded by 10 SWAT officers when he raised a gun....