Possibly simple question. Thinking about putting one or more vehicles on ebay at auction. When is the bext time to have the auction end? Weekend? Weeknight?
I have a couple niche things to sell that I believe ebay would give the most exposure to
Possibly simple question. Thinking about putting one or more vehicles on ebay at auction. When is the bext time to have the auction end? Weekend? Weeknight?
I have a couple niche things to sell that I believe ebay would give the most exposure to
Payday? I haven't bid on an auction in years paying for no bid items but I wonder. Try not to clash with the daily commute of your targeted market? Meal time? This board is quiet on weekends it seems to me so not a great time? My vulnerable time used to be midnight strangely.
Sun night was always the wisdom that I heard. Since people are not at work they typically have the time to watch the auction. Also the weekend may give eager shoppers the chance to come see before bidding or give the eager time to try to get you to agree to a "cash in person" offer outside of eBay.
Back about 10 years ago it was definitely Sunday night. Had a lot of coins and photo gear and the close prices were higher than any other close time with more sniping and bid-up at the end. Around 7-8est still gets you the west coast at a good time, too. Don't know if the dynamic has changed over the years.
Sunday around 6-7-8 seems to be the most logical. Everyone's is done eating, Football is over, you're back from visiting Grandma, etc...
I'd do 10 PM eastern so to be 7 pm Pacific.
I think people shop from the office, so mid week. Then watch the item and then on Sunday night they can dedicate the time to really buy.
I always like finishing on Sunday. Just make sure it's not 6 am on the west coast, but you don't want it at midnight on east coast
I usually try for saturday night ending around 7pm PST. Catch em when they're drinking near their computer
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