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ProDarwin MegaDork
10/9/23 10:20 a.m.

Anthony - if you can find the result on google, check for the cached version of the page.  If there is valuable content you are looking for, you may be able to find.  It won't help you bump a thread though.

SV reX
SV reX MegaDork
10/9/23 10:28 a.m.

In reply to Marjorie Suddard :

I respect your position, but can't agree with labeling Frenchy a troll. 
  We all know he had some amazing contributions. 

Im sorry you have to deal with the frustrations. 

Duke MegaDork
10/9/23 10:48 a.m.
SV reX said:

In reply to Russian Warship, Go Berkeley Yourself :

I once had a few posts edited to include things I had never said. I had a rather direct conversation with the mod who had done it, and made it clear I was totally not ok with it.

Speaking as an ex-mod and ex-administrator on a couple big forums, that is NEVER acceptable.

Delete an offensive word or link here or there, fine, but make it clear that those specific words were removed.

Delete a post outright if you must, but never edit for content.


Duke MegaDork
10/9/23 10:53 a.m.
AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) said:
Russian Warship, Go Berkeley Yourself said:

In reply to AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) :

You could, but that would be silly since I am not insinuating that it was done on purpose.

You keep using those words and attributing it to me.  That's fun.  Let me quote the conversation and you can point out to me where I said that.


I said possible.  I have no idea how this happened. Maybe an answer will appear.  No matter what happens, nothing in this day and age is at all surprising.  

Asking if we're sure it isn't "possible" that it was done purposefully is just about the textbook definition of "insinuating"


Toyman! MegaDork
10/9/23 11:04 a.m.
SV reX said:

In reply to Marjorie Suddard :

I respect your position, but can't agree with labeling Frenchy a troll. 
  We all know he had some amazing contributions. 

Im sorry you have to deal with the frustrations. 

I have to go with troll. When you literally can not discuss an entire section of the car industry due to one person pissing all over the threads, that person is a troll. His positive contributions did not outweigh his negatives. 

I have to think the nuking wasn't arbitrary. Knowing the good people that run this place he was given ample warning and chances to correct his behavior and didn't.

I can't say I miss him. It's nice to be able to discuss EVs without him throwing crap and misinformation everywhere. 




Marjorie Suddard
Marjorie Suddard General Manager
10/9/23 11:48 a.m.
Duke said:
SV reX said:

In reply to Russian Warship, Go Berkeley Yourself :

I once had a few posts edited to include things I had never said. I had a rather direct conversation with the mod who had done it, and made it clear I was totally not ok with it.

Speaking as an ex-mod and ex-administrator on a couple big forums, that is NEVER acceptable.

Delete an offensive word or link here or there, fine, but make it clear that those specific words were removed.

Delete a post outright if you must, but never edit for content.


Agreed. This person was a volunteer new to moderating, and was quickly corrected.


SV reX
SV reX MegaDork
10/9/23 12:08 p.m.

In reply to Marjorie Suddard :

I'm actually quite glad to hear you say that. It was an incident that got me pretty upset, but I have never said it publicly (out of respect for GRM). I never heard any follow up. 

Im glad you were aware, and that you dealt with it. Thank you. 

Duke MegaDork
10/9/23 12:56 p.m.
Marjorie Suddard said:
Duke said:

Delete a post outright if you must, but never edit for content.

Agreed. This person was a volunteer new to moderating, and was quickly corrected.


Excellent.  I do know what it's like trying to coordinate a united-front, consistent response among a team of folks who, after all, are largely volunteers or have other jobs.


Steve_Jones UltraDork
10/9/23 2:34 p.m.
Duke said:
AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) said:
Russian Warship, Go Berkeley Yourself said:

In reply to AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) :

You could, but that would be silly since I am not insinuating that it was done on purpose.

You keep using those words and attributing it to me.  That's fun.  Let me quote the conversation and you can point out to me where I said that.


I said possible.  I have no idea how this happened. Maybe an answer will appear.  No matter what happens, nothing in this day and age is at all surprising.  

Asking if we're sure it isn't "possible" that it was done purposefully is just about the textbook definition of "insinuating"


Well, to be fair, it was done on purpose, so there's that.

I'd be tempted to try the wayback machine too if there was content you wanted to save, sometime threads show up there


AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter)
AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) PowerDork
10/9/23 5:09 p.m.

In reply to Steve_Jones :

I will think about it.  I don't think it's worth the effort though.  

I kind of liked having a build thread to put stuff in.  At least a few people were curious.  I scored a great deal on a Miata hardtop and am going to refinish it, and I will have a ton of Subaru and maybe truck stuff from this winter.  But the place I put that stuff is gone.  Maybe it's for the best.  

It is ironic because the one thing I spoke out against frequently was this very thing.  If it is going to be the solution here, not much reason to believe it hasn't already become an unsolvable social problem at this point.  

The part most of you don't know.  I offered to leave, if asked.  I wasn't asked to leave.  

Many of you think I raise possibilities or concerns just for the sake of disagreeing. The reality is that I want to know the truth whatever it might be.  In this case, we all now know.  

I'm going to go remove and modify interior panels for hardtop side striker plates now.  Have fun.

SV reX
SV reX MegaDork
10/9/23 5:39 p.m.
Toyman! said:
SV reX said:

In reply to Marjorie Suddard :

I respect your position, but can't agree with labeling Frenchy a troll. 
  We all know he had some amazing contributions. 

Im sorry you have to deal with the frustrations. 

I have to go with troll. When you literally can not discuss an entire section of the car industry due to one person pissing all over the threads, that person is a troll. His positive contributions did not outweigh his negatives. 

I have to think the nuking wasn't arbitrary. Knowing the good people that run this place he was given ample warning and chances to correct his behavior and didn't.

I can't say I miss him. It's nice to be able to discuss EVs without him throwing crap and misinformation everywhere. 




Every definition I have ever seen of a troll says the actions are intentional for the purpose of annoying someone.  I agree that he did a good job of crapping on every EV thread, but I am not convinced there was ever mal intent.  I think he was a lonely old man who wanted to be heard, not a dick trying to piss people off. 

Still made the threads just as awful to read.

My $0.02.  I could certainly be wrong.

Carry on...

mtn MegaDork
10/9/23 8:49 p.m.

In reply to SV reX :

I had the same exact impression. 

759NRNG PowerDork
10/9/23 9:00 p.m.
Indy - Guy said:
Steve_Jones said:
Opti said:

Wait frenchy got nuked?

About 2 months ago under that name, a few years ago under his old name. 

How did I miss it until now?


Who's Stampie going to tease now?

anybody who disses his swamp MAHAL

Stampie MegaDork
10/9/23 9:27 p.m.
759NRNG said:
Indy - Guy said:
Steve_Jones said:
Opti said:

Wait frenchy got nuked?

About 2 months ago under that name, a few years ago under his old name. 

How did I miss it until now?


Who's Stampie going to tease now?

anybody who disses his swamp MAHAL

There's no reason to go off topic in Anthony's thread. If you have a problem with me start a new thread on your own. We'll discuss it like grown ups using grown up language.

AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter)
AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) PowerDork
10/9/23 10:01 p.m.

In reply to Stampie :

It's a thread for everyone but if someone wants to move a particular issue to its own thread, that's a good idea.  

The first thread I read on this site was about Mercedes and unicorns.  

OHSCrifle UberDork
10/9/23 10:06 p.m.
mtn said:

In reply to SV reX :

I had the same exact impression. 

I did too.. but I also agree with Toyman and understand that it simply had to be done for the greater good.

I'm kinda curious if Frenchy got a "three strikes" type of deal. I suspect that probably did happen (and it probably even went to extra innings)... and he simply couldn't help himself.

"With leadership comes great responsibility" and stuff...

SV reX
SV reX MegaDork
10/9/23 10:35 p.m.

In reply to OHSCrifle :

Im not disagreeing. Something had to be done, and I was in agreement. 

I thought it was a ban, not wiping out all history of his posts.  I'm sad it was the latter.

There's always stuff we don't know behind the scenes. 

OHSCrifle UberDork
10/10/23 6:39 a.m.

In reply to SV reX :

Yep that was news to me as well. Great reminder about decorum. 

yupididit UltimaDork
10/10/23 3:44 p.m.
SV reX said:
Toyman! said:
SV reX said:

In reply to Marjorie Suddard :

I respect your position, but can't agree with labeling Frenchy a troll. 
  We all know he had some amazing contributions. 

Im sorry you have to deal with the frustrations. 

I have to go with troll. When you literally can not discuss an entire section of the car industry due to one person pissing all over the threads, that person is a troll. His positive contributions did not outweigh his negatives. 

I have to think the nuking wasn't arbitrary. Knowing the good people that run this place he was given ample warning and chances to correct his behavior and didn't.

I can't say I miss him. It's nice to be able to discuss EVs without him throwing crap and misinformation everywhere. 




Every definition I have ever seen of a troll says the actions are intentional for the purpose of annoying someone.  I agree that he did a good job of crapping on every EV thread, but I am not convinced there was ever mal intent.  I think he was a lonely old man who wanted to be heard, not a dick trying to piss people off. 

Still made the threads just as awful to read.

My $0.02.  I could certainly be wrong.

Carry on...

He was a combination of all of that. A lonely dick of an old man who wanted to be heard and accidently on purpose pissed people off. At a certain point everything he would say would just be incorrect as all hell. He'd get corrected with sources and still do it. That's a troll no matter the intent, he knew better. One thing he could do is take your thread from 3 pages to 8 in less than a day.  That's some good content interaction right there. 

mtn MegaDork
10/10/23 5:12 p.m.
yupididit said:

he knew better. 

I'm honestly not sure that he did. 

AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter)
AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) PowerDork
10/10/23 7:06 p.m.

No matter how you feel he made things interesting.  I'm not sure I agree with the heavy handed moderation techniques, but clearly I'm the minority in that regard.  

Opti SuperDork
10/10/23 7:31 p.m.

I argued with Frenchy a bunch but I will miss him. Dude had like 15000 posts, and thats on his 2nd account. Hes part of GRM wether people like it or not. He  had useful information sometimes, and sometimes he had wrong information, but I didnt think wrong information was actually against the rules. Bad information is posted all the time. Yah he would E36 M3 up threads with bad takes all the time, but is that a bannable offense? I saw much more personal attacks or just outright E36 M3ty things hurled at him than he ever said to others. Ive seen multiple people non jokingly say he had dementia, which is a terrible thing to say. I guess I didnt see what he actually said to get banned, and I dont run this site so its not my job to make that call, but ill still miss him.


SV reX
SV reX MegaDork
10/10/23 7:44 p.m.

In reply to Opti :

I'm not diagnosing him, but I have lived with people with dementia. It's not a terrible thing to say when someone starts showing symptoms.  It's caring.  There are things that can be done to help manage it, but not if you pretend it doesn't exist.  And victims of dementia NEVER know when they are beginning to show symptoms. 

I admire people who are brave enough to speak up when dealing with things like that. 

Opti SuperDork
10/10/23 7:55 p.m.
SV reX said:

In reply to Opti :

I'm not diagnosing him, but I have lived with people with dementia. It's not a terrible thing to say when someone starts showing symptoms.  It's caring.  There are things that can be done to help manage it, but not if you pretend it doesn't exist.  And victims of dementia NEVER know when they are beginning to show symptoms. 

I admire people who are brave enough to speak up when dealing with things like that. 

If you lived with him or knew him personally and actually tried to get him help, or even messaged him privately I'd see where you are coming from.

It's hard for me to accept that position when it's done on a public forum to an anonymous person across the country in a group of messages when everyone else was E36 M3ting on him. At that point it seems like an attack. Let me clarify I'm not blaming you because I actually don't remember who said it, so I don't know if you are defending yourself or defending someone else.

SV reX
SV reX MegaDork
10/10/23 8:02 p.m.

In reply to Opti :

I expressed concerns. I also spoke with him yesterday. 

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