I was out giving my driveway a first pass with the plow and lots of guys in pickups with plows attached driving by. Only one guy actually plowing.
It's snowing hard here still, but the drifts make it hard to judge how much we've gotten. It's at least 12" based on my snow piles.
I got to work in 40 minutes which is only about 5 minutes more then on a good day. Even found a Dunkin Donuts that was open. Roads were snowy but not bad and I’m driving RWD BMW with snow tires.
Hard to say how much we have but id guess 2 feet is a safe bet. All of the cars in the driveway are buried over the wheels. Not looking forward to shoveling out, I have a long driveway.
1/27/15 7:55 p.m.
All I can say is, as of around 9:00 pm, I'm glad I'm not a homeless person around here. I'm thankful for the home I have. It's a brutal night out there.
I already did a little shoveling this afternoon. At least the snow was light and fluffy. I remember the storm we got in Feb. 2013 that dumped about the same amount of snow, only it was wet and heavy. That was a backbreaker!

This is my view up the only outlet of my street. I'm not looking forward to driving to work tomorrow.

Here's my driveway

I didn't get very far with the shoveling.