ToManyProjects Reader
6/21/23 11:58 p.m.

A while back I had a few of the .22's out for a little fun:

AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter)
AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) UberDork
6/22/23 9:08 a.m.
jmabarone said:

Roger that.  I shot my brother's 365 and didn't care for it that much.  Shot fine but just didn't feel right.  Will likely go down the Shield Plus route eventually.  

This is exactly why I say everyone should shoot a huge variety to figure out what they like.  I really like the 365, some don't.  I have a Hellcat too.  It's nice but I prefer the 365.  Some love the G43, I do not.  All 3 are capable of filling the same role.  

jharry3 Dork
6/22/23 10:49 a.m.
Rodan said:

Went to the range this morning to send some test rounds over the chronograph.  Loaded these up months ago for my 6.5CM, but just never had time when conditions were right.  I shoot my 6.5 with a suppressor, but the first round was very quiet... definitely subsonic, didn't read on the chrono.  Check the bore for obstructions and try another (I had 5 rounds each of 4 different powder charges)... yep, that one was light too.... read 1000fps on the chrono.  I try one of each loading and they were all light.   Dammit... 40+ years of handloading, never had a single squib load and I managed to screw up the entire batch.   I use an old school beam scale, and weighed every charge, and the only thing I can think of is I had the sliding weight on the beam set at the wrong detent and never noticed because I was only dealing with the tenths dial at the end... dumb!

Check your work folks!

The old timers, when loading a smaller volume powder than the case could handle, would put some sort of cotton to push the powder against the primer.  The powder could have been spread out in the casing to the point you aren't getting good ignition because its too far away from the primer.    Maybe a little research would tell your more about how to do this and why.

As an aside.  One other issue with low powder volume compared to space available concerns hand gun loads using low volumes of fast burning powder.  People would try this in .45 APC and experience detonation instead burning.  This could be catastrophic; blowing up the barrel.  The cure is the added ballast to consolidate the load to the primer area.

1988RedT2 MegaDork
6/22/23 12:23 p.m.

I'm fairly new to reloading, but I do notice that pretty much every different type of cartridge I'm loading is nearly full of powder after putting in the charge.  For example, IMR 4064 in .223 Rem.  The obvious benefit is that it would be impossible to "double charge" a round.  With all the variants of powder available to the modern reloader, I would probably make an effort to match the powder to the cartridge in order to ensure a visibly full, or nearly full, case before seating the projectile.

A half-empty case with a little powder bouncing around in there sounds less than optimal.

That said, everyone makes a mistake now and again.  I like having the visual confirmation that I have about the correct amount of powder in there.

ToManyProjects Reader
6/22/23 1:39 p.m.

As an experienced reloader and someone who spent time in the industry BE VERY CAREFUL using any type of filler in reloading. Only do so when absolutely necessary and instructed to by trusted reloading data. About the only time I use fillers regularly are BPCR loads (Black Powder Cartridge Rifle) and I always use consumable fillers. Cotton and other non-consumable fillers can lead to bore obstructions and blown up guns. Even with consumable fillers, always check after every shot that the bore is clear. The only other time a filler might be appropriate are when using small amounts of fast burning powder in large cases to produce low velocity "gallery" loads. The small powder charge is held near the primer to reduce inconsistent ignition. Again, Only use proven loads, and consumable fillers.

The other issue mentioned with small powder loads in large cartridges isn't really an issue in handgun cartridges. Even relatively large handgun cartridges lack the volume needed for SEE to occur, and fast handgun powders aren't the issue, it's slow burning rifle powders that can miss their threshold burn rates due to increased flame propagation as a result of kernel surface overexposure. Using small amounts of slow burning powder in large cases is a bad idea, and filler won't fix the issue, fast (pistol and shotgun) powders ignite quickly enough that they aren't pushed around by the primer, but rifle powders intended for high power cartridges are coated with inhibitors to slow ignition, and the filler can be compressed by the power of the primers ignition creating a cavity large enough for detonation (SEE) to occur as the powder gets spread into the cavity and all of the inhibitors burn off simultaneously allowing rapid propagation and explosion. Obviously it's the same effect as a small amount of slow powder in a large case. It's also not easily repeatable, sometimes it happens, sometimes the powder doesn't ignite at all.

Fillers and SEE (Secondary Explosive Event) are subjects that require substantially more text real estate to explain more fully, but suffice it to say that powders are engineered to produce a specific fill volume within the cartridge families that they're intended to load.

Not every "book" load uses modern powders at ideal loading densities, but if you want to be as safe as possible, plan to use loads that give fill densities between 60 and 95%. and inspect every powder drop with a bright light before seating your projectile. Low charges will be obvious, and overcharges won't fit in the case.

Rodan UltraDork
6/29/23 3:41 p.m.

A friend of mine recently bought a Ruger Precision Rimfire, and called me to ask what optic to put on it.  During the process of helping him with that, I discovered Arken Optics was running a 25% off sale.  I ended up ordering two of their EPL 6-24x50s, one for him and one for me.  Their quality at the price point is pretty incredible, and I'd been wanting to replace the cheap target 8-32x44 I've had on my T1X .22lr.

Scopes came in and I mounted them up

Yesterday we went out to zero both rifles.  Once again, I'm really impressed with Arken's glass... easily as good as some much more expensive optics, and a huge improvement over the Mueller I had on the Tikka.  The results on the target were pretty good as well... 5 rounds CCI SV @ 50yds:

The Ruger, I wasn't very impressed with... hopefully it will improve with some more use... most .22s do.

Today I picked up one of the Colt/Walther/Umarex 1911 .22s...  'cause you just can't have enough .22s...

dean1484 MegaDork
6/29/23 4:09 p.m.
AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) said:
jmabarone said:

Roger that.  I shot my brother's 365 and didn't care for it that much.  Shot fine but just didn't feel right.  Will likely go down the Shield Plus route eventually.  

This is exactly why I say everyone should shoot a huge variety to figure out what they like.  I really like the 365, some don't.  I have a Hellcat too.  It's nice but I prefer the 365.  Some love the G43, I do not.  All 3 are capable of filling the same role.  

Following up on my 365XL.  I was having issues with its accuracy.  It was shooting 12-16" groups at 10 yards.  I took it to the shop I got it from and there gun smith agreed to look at it.  He took it to the range and agreed that it was off.  He took it completely apart.  Trigger, slide, everything came apart, and cleaned it.  Put it back together and now it is shooting 2" groups at 10 yards.  I put the 507 back on it and it is now a really accurate pistol.  It has all the bad traits of a light compact pistol but the accuracy issue is now gone.  The gunsmith guy told me he has no clue what he actually fixed but at least for now, it is working.  I will put 500 or more rounds through it in the next couple of weeks and hopefully, it is fixed.      I will then decide if I am moving on from it as I have acquired two other pistols to fill its intended use.  

wawazat SuperDork
7/1/23 12:09 p.m.
wawazat said:

Ruger Vaquero in stainless steel.  45 Colt/Long Colt.  Single action.  Pearl grips.  Very few rounds through it.  Perfect side arm match for my Winchester Model 94 lever rifle.

Now re-homed to my safe and I'm pretty excited by the purchase!  Serial number confirms it was made in 2000, so first generation whichI expected.  I got the original wooden grips, original case, all original paperwork, a custom made, hand tooled leather holster, and box of rounds, well actually 38 but that's 38 more than I had yesterday.  

wawazat SuperDork
7/1/23 12:10 p.m.

Now he wants to sell me more laugh

Wife and I went to a local range with another couple recently.  She has just gotten her CPL and a new Glock.  He hasn't shot much.  Both really liked the Winchester lever rifle and the four of us burned through some LFN target rounds I have had for a while.  Then we had margaritas!

dean1484 MegaDork
7/1/23 11:02 p.m.

I picked up a Henry side gate big boy lever action in 357 magnum today. Range test tomorrow.  I got the all brass version. Just such a nice looking rifle.   

barefootcyborg5000 PowerDork
7/1/23 11:14 p.m.

In reply to dean1484 :

I want one so bad. Either in 357 or 45lc, and with a matching wheel gun. 

If all goes well I should be entering the world of 9mm again next week. Because freedom week. Local place has an indoor range and does rentals, so while I'm pretty set on a G19, I plan to try out a few other competitors. They also do CCW classes and licensing there and I've been meaning to get a permit for years now. Not that it's necessary in UT anymore, nor do I intend to carry. But still. 

dean1484 MegaDork
7/2/23 1:48 a.m.

I was all set on a 19 then I tried a 45. Like the 45 much better.  Try a 45 befor you get the 19. 

barefootcyborg5000 PowerDork
7/2/23 2:11 a.m.

In reply to dean1484 :

Basically a 17 with a 19 upper? Sounds right up my alley, but I don't know if I really need the larger frame since I have rather small hands. Still, if they have one I'll test it. 

barefootcyborg5000 PowerDork
7/6/23 3:16 p.m.

Turns out the proper fit is a 47. Gonna try to get out Saturday if I can drag myself out of bed before the heat sets. 

*edit because poor memory. 

**double edit for afterthoughts and reasoning. I stripped it and clean/lubed as per the instruction book. Also did some dry fire testing. A buddy has a fancy trigger on his 19, but this one is far from bad so I'll keep it for now. I like the night sights and the plate enabling future red dot options. For now I'll just work on building proper form and technique, learn how to really shoot vs. just chucking lead. 
The 47 is very similar to a 17, with a couple minor tweaks that mostly just make it a bit more modular. I'm glad I stopped into the place today because I was unaware they were having a significant 20% store-wide sale. 
Overall it is a comfortable fit for my hands and with the sale price, if I decide to change my mind in the future this is a safe financial purchase. Now the only real trouble is getting to the range before 7am. I'm not a morning person. 

matthewmcl Dork
7/6/23 3:21 p.m.

In reply to barefootcyborg5000 :

Have you tried a 48 or a 43X? I like the slightly longer grip, myself. The 48 is basically a slimmed 19. Aftermarket mags for the 43 and 48 are available in doublestack.

barefootcyborg5000 PowerDork
7/6/23 3:43 p.m.

In reply to matthewmcl :

Edited for whoopsies. Was talking with a coworker about his 43. This is a full size job. 

dean1484 MegaDork
7/7/23 11:04 a.m.

Just be aware that while a pistol can feel great in the hand it may not feel equally good when shooting it.  Take my Sig P226 Legion.  The grip feel of it is spectacular however when actually shooting it there is nothing particularly spectacular about it.  This is not to say it is bad.  Far from it but the other side of this is my META.  It feels average in my hand.  Again nothing special and to clarify not bad at all just average.  IT feels a lot like my USP expert or my CZ P09 but actually shooting it is fantastic.   Again none of these are bad pistols.  All are excellent but it illustrates the point that all things being equal with respect to size caliber etc how a pistol feels when you are handling it or dry firing it does not translate directly to how something feels when shooting it.  

barefootcyborg5000 PowerDork
7/8/23 7:39 p.m.

Well, it feels like a Glock. Far from refined, but solid. I also ran a buddy's p320 and his shadow systems, both have nicer triggers but I was just as accurate with mine and I prefer the Glock ergonomics. 200rds through at the local indoor place I've never been to before. I tell you, the air conditioning was worth $15. 

A was 50% inside a 6" triangle at 25y, which I'll take considering I haven't shot a pistol in a couple years. Back at 5y I was able to get both or the elusive teet shots. As well as teeth and groin. 

I also think I need to really practice. Going slow I could keep 3-4" groups at 10y so I know the pistol is doing its job, but if I'm not careful I pull right and low. That's on me though. Practice. It gets expensive with current 9mm prices, but at least it's available. 

bobzilla MegaDork
7/10/23 4:47 p.m.

In reply to barefootcyborg5000 :

"prefer the g***k ergonomics".... I feel like I don't even know you anymore. I am so disappointed. cheeky

barefootcyborg5000 PowerDork
7/10/23 4:51 p.m.

In reply to bobzilla :

And I drove there in a Honda. Sorry Bob. I don't like 45acp either. 

Kidding aside, the p320 grip just didn't feel right, but the shadow wasn't bad at all, considering it's not far from being a Glock clone in the first place. If I was rich I'd have been cross shopping a hi-power, but I'm not and grandpa won't sell me his. 

1988RedT2 MegaDork
7/10/23 5:09 p.m.

In reply to dean1484 :

I would love to hear your impressions of this fine rifle!


wawazat SuperDork
7/10/23 5:17 p.m.

I wasn't a fan of the Glock pistols when I shot a number of them a few years back.  I'm not one to question other people's choices as I'm not them.  Good shooting all!

Rodan UltraDork
7/10/23 6:50 p.m.

In reply to barefootcyborg5000 :

Why were you shooting at the guy from Promethius? 



secretariata (Forum Supporter)
secretariata (Forum Supporter) UltraDork
7/10/23 6:51 p.m.
barefootcyborg5000 said:

In reply to bobzilla :

And I drove there in a Honda. Sorry Bob. I don't like 45acp either. 

Kidding aside, the p320 grip just didn't feel right, but the shadow wasn't bad at all, considering it's not far from being a Glock clone in the first place. If I was rich I'd have been cross shopping a hi-power, but I'm not and grandpa won't sell me his. 

Somebody is making a hi-power copy. Besides Springfield. EAA maybe? Check CDNN Sports. They advertise 'em pretty regularly.

dean1484 MegaDork
7/10/23 6:58 p.m.
1988RedT2 said:

In reply to dean1484 :

I would love to hear your impressions of this fine rifle!


What one?  My new Henry in 357 mag?  It is one of the most fun rifles I have.  Get your John Wayne on and go to the range.  LOL  

Oh and 100 yards with irons hitting a 8" inch piece of steel is no problem at all.  I bet I could shoot 3" groups with it at 100.  I don't know what the MOA of this thing is but it is very accurate.  A historically accurate scope would be fun but it would also kind of ruin what it is at the same time.  

I highly recommend it!!!

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