In reply to Vracer111 :
I just got this. A Czech made AK47. Still full of the original grease. This one is virchally new. I am not sure it has ever been fired. I have been looking for one for a very long time. Finding a one in like new condition has been really hard. Chinese stamped versions from when they were stamping them out in the millions per year are of such poor quality. Eastern European made ones made under the watch of Russia are so much better but much harder to find. This one is collector quality and will go with my other military rifles that only come out every now and then when a group of us get together and bring old stuff out.

Not sure if the wood is original. I think it is but I would be interested if anyone had some insight on that. The grip is definitly original. It is that weird baca lite like stuff. Love it or hate it it is a rifle with historical significance.
One nice thing is that 762x39 is about half the price of 308.
In reply to dean1484 :
I miss when 7.62x39 was $70/1000. We had an egyptian made version. Very cheap ($299 iirc with 2 30rd mags and the 10rd) but always went bang. Accuracy was minute of mountain clean, down to minute of barn after about 3-400 rounds of Wolf down the tube. about 1000 in it was almost accurate-ish.
I am really curious what accuracy this will have.
In reply to dean1484 :
Depends on the barrel. We have friends that had nice Romanian underfolders that were really good out to 200. At 100 it and their AR were close in accuracy with them shooting it. 200 started to spread and 300 bullet ballistics start hurting the x39.
Ol' Rob Ski was taking WASRs out to 500 yards 7 years ago:
Local friend and member of a local gun board passed away a year ago yesterday. He was not only an amazing person, but he was a really good 1911-smith. So from last year forwards every 9-1 is carry you 1911 day. People have been posting up some of his amazing builds. These aren't mine but this was what he was capable of:

and I had to partake:

9/1/23 10:02 a.m.
In reply to bobzilla :
Sorry for the loss of your friend. I carried 1911s almost exclusively for a lot of years, until things like the Sig P365 came along that are very effective, and a lot easier to carry. Here's a few for 9/1...

Went shopping due to FFL friend needing to turn inventory in to cash.
more to come.
Picked up four things. Three were wish list items one I already noted above and one was just a really good deal and I kind of just wanted it as there are pre ban mags for it and I want to run the steel pistol challenge with out having to reload. (Ya I am finding a loophole in the rules). :-)
so what I got:
The AK I noted above
A Dan Wesson DWX
Benelli M4 with an Eotec on it
All wish list things that have been just to much $$ until now
The pistol steel challenge cheat code I am sure you have figuared out is a Glock. I got the 45 as I like the balance of the shorter barrel but the bigger grip. They have always seemed over priced compared to a Canik or a Walter or even a VP9. Since I have those already a glock is really just another striker fired pistol. But the availability of pre-ban mags makes it a good competition pistol as I won't be stuck with 10 round mags. Yes the Glock will require some parts replacement to bring it up to spec but it is a good starting point with out being limited by my state laws.
The M4 I am really excited for I shot one years ago and it is such a nice shooting shotgun. I am going to go to the trap range and test it out I hope the range amo I have is powerful enough to properly cycle it. Yes I have a nice over under but I also like being that guy at the trap range. :-) My son has been shooting trap with his 590s and is as good or better than most guys that are shooting 10k custom shotguns. Hell he is better than me when I am shooting my silver pidgin. Proves you can't buy talent.
Actually it just occurred to me that he beat me at the last steel challenge with my Canik Meta while I was using my 226 Legion. I think I am just going to attribute it to young eyes and lots of FPS video games on his part. :-)
In reply to Rodan :
Does a Dan Wesson DWX count? (I don't have a 19/2011).
Every time I go to look at one I end up with something else. Last time a SAO 226 Legion came home with me. This time a DWX came home.
In reply to dean1484 :
My first steel challenge I competed in single stack with my Springfield loaded full size. I ended up 4th out of 12 in class and 30th overall from 69. I haven't had time to do it again.
Overall I was 3rd. My son was 2nd. In the steel challenge last time out. If I used the Canik I would have done better. The battery in the Eotec RDO died on my 226 so my last two shots were co witness shots that slowed me down just that little bit. Lost by one plate and it was really just a fraction of a second difference between us braking the shot.
My son has kitted out a PO9 as his new challenge pistol (it shoots as good or better than my Canik Meta ) so I will go back to the Canik Meta I have set up as my race gun that he wanted to use last time out.
Maybe transition to the DWS but it is not optics cut and I don't want to cut the slide. Maybe see about a optics mount for the frame or a dovetail mount? Then there is the Glock 45. I will be interested to see how I can do with that and the rabbit hole I go down improving it. Specifically the trigger. It is like pulling a stick through sand and mud.
9/4/23 5:06 p.m.
In reply to dean1484 :
I think the DWX has more CZ75 DNA than 1911... but I've never actually handled one, so I won't be judgy... 
9/4/23 5:46 p.m.
I have a couple additions to my stable as well...
First is a Rossi R92 TripleBlack in .357 mag. I added a 507K red dot, and a 3-lug adapter to run my 9mm can. Should be a handy and fun little utility rifle.

Next is not really an addition, but a project I just got back from the 'smith. Colt Python barrel on S&W M19 .357 mag, known colloquially as a 'Smolt', 'Smython' or 'Snake & Wesson'. I've wanted one since I first saw one back in the early 1980s, and finally got around to it.

I'm sure you're asking "why?" Back in the day, the Python was considered to have the more accurate barrel (and the full underlug to reduce recoil), but the S&W action was both more durable, and 'tunable' for a smoother trigger pull. Before the development of the competition aftermarket, the hybrid was thought by competition shooters to be the best of both worlds.
The aftermarket and the eventual introduction of the M586 made the Smolt obsolete, but I've always liked the combination of the Smith action with that lovely Python barrel. When I came across a 4" barrel a couple months back, I decided to combine it with one of my M19s, and finally have the Smolt I've been after for almost 40 years.
In reply to Rodan :
It most definitely is. They took the best of both and made one pistol. It can use the mags from my sons P09. But it shoots so much like a 2011
Rodan said:
I have a couple additions to my stable as well...
First is a Rossi R92 TripleBlack in .357 mag. I added a 507K red dot, and a 3-lug adapter to run my 9mm can. Should be a handy and fun little utility rifle.

Next is not really an addition, but a project I just got back from the 'smith. Colt Python barrel on S&W M19 .357 mag, known colloquially as a 'Smolt', 'Smython' or 'Snake & Wesson'. I've wanted one since I first saw one back in the early 1980s, and finally got around to it.

I'm sure you're asking "why?" Back in the day, the Python was considered to have the more accurate barrel (and the full underlug to reduce recoil), but the S&W action was both more durable, and 'tunable' for a smoother trigger pull. Before the development of the competition aftermarket, the hybrid was thought by competition shooters to be the best of both worlds.
The aftermarket and the eventual introduction of the M586 made the Smolt obsolete, but I've always liked the combination of the Smith action with that lovely Python barrel. When I came across a 4" barrel a couple months back, I decided to combine it with one of my M19s, and finally have the Smolt I've been after for almost 40 years.
You don't see many Smythons. Nice gun. I got a Smython in .38 , bull barrelled, bullseye shooter several years ago. DA only and the action is amazing.
So I don't like the eotech on the Benelli due to it sitting to high. Then I remembered I had a hollosun on my tavor that is on a riser. So I put them together on the Trevor and they are the same hight so the plan will be to put the eotech on the tavor and put the hollosun on the benelli with out the riser.
But then I stepped back and looked at the meme I had created. So I assume this will now be twice as accurate in this configuration? I mean two are better than one right? 

9/4/23 11:04 p.m.
In reply to dean1484 :
Pistol red dots on shotguns, or something with a lower profile like the Holosun AEMS.
9/11/23 8:23 a.m.
Grassroots Shooting Sports?
I was at a gun show yesterday and bought a single shot 16 ga shot gun on sale for (drum roll) $60.00.
Why 16 ga you ask? I helped clean out a house several years ago and something I came away with was about 150 16 ga shells. That is sort of like buying parts for a car you don't have yet.
On another note, I also have a magazine for a M1 carbine. The search for the "challenge priced*" Grassroots M1 carbine continues. 
*For me "Challenge Priced" is the cheaper the better.
High gun prices? No F*&^ing way!

9/12/23 7:40 a.m.
9/14/23 8:54 a.m.
Since I know for a fact that the ladies and gentleman here are connoisseurs of fine firearms, I wanted some advice about a rifle I have.
I want to taticool out a single shot .243 that I have. Adjustable AR style stock, red dot on a picatinny rail, mount a subtle muzzle device and maybe paint it black.
Silly, I know. Let you inner Fudd out and please offer me some suggestions.
In reply to Noddaz :
In for bubba'd deer rifle
Just read up on 243. That is like 6.5 creadmore but better.