Rodan UltraDork
7/23/24 5:27 p.m.

Range day today...   

I've been working with my wife on shooting scoped rifles for a little while now.  Though she's shot handguns for decades, and shot some of my red dot carbines over the years, she's never liked scoped rifles and never wanted to shoot them.  Part of the issue is that she's right handed, but left eye dominant, which is a real problem with rifles, especially since she can't keep her dominant eye closed.  I wanted to get her shooting a scoped .22, so we started working at the problem.  We started by getting my CZ 457 adjusted to her, both the stock and the scope.  While we were adjusting the scope, we had the rifle on a tripod, and she found that worked much easier for her than bench shooting since dialing in the height was much easier.  The final piece of the puzzle was taping over the left lens on a set of safety glasses, so she didn't have to close her dominant eye, and could look through the scope with her right eye.  Success!  So far, she has had no trouble holding under 2" at 50 yards, and is usually closer to 1" groups.  At under 100 rounds of total scoped rifle experience, I'm pretty happy with that!

Today, I also had my 6.5CM Bergara out to confirm some drops, so I had her shoot that as well.

Our range has 12" steel at 150, 200, 300, 400 and 500.  Shooting the 6.5CM off the tripod, she got first round hits at 150, 200, and 300 and hit 400 on the second shot.  I might have created a monster.... 

Motojunky Reader
7/23/24 11:11 p.m.

In reply to Rodan :

I am right handed and left eye dominant. I don't have any trouble with scoped rifles as I am able to close my left eye. My problem is with shooting clays. I can't find them quickly enough with my left eye closed from the start so I locate, then close my left eye and adjust. As an experiment, I placed a small piece of tape centered on my left side glasses lens. With both eyes open it's enough to trick my right eye into taking over. Might be something to try for your wife vs. taping the whole lens. 

barefootcyborg5000 UltimaDork
7/24/24 1:42 a.m.

Not sure when I'll get to use them, but I prepped 120 308 shells tonight in anticipation of my powder order arriving. I think I have another 80 or so ready to size, but I got lazy. 

Still haven't run the 5.56 with the holosun parts, or the new receivers. Pretty excited to drive that new upper without a FA. Should save my a couple chipped nails since I pull from the right with my right hand. 

Also feeling the archery urge. It's like boomsticks, but less boom and more stick. Seems like a good winter hobby to pick up, and maybe I follow in Tuna's steps and be the next GRMer to whittle my own bow. 

Vracer111 HalfDork
7/24/24 4:09 p.m.

In reply to Rodan :

Yea, I have remembered your praise of the Arken's for a lower budget scope... they seem very well built with decent glass and outstanding turrets.

Actually now plan on going with the SH-4J 6-24×50 over the EPL4- 6-24×50... would rather mor reticle elevation adjustment range with the larger 34mm tube. Won't mind the weight hit and price is less than $10 difference.

Rodan UberDork
7/25/24 3:28 p.m.

Starting a run of 6.5CM... brass prep is always tedious for precision rifle.

Decapped, sized, trimmed, deburred, cleaned, tumbled and primed...

dean1484 MegaDork
7/27/24 3:30 p.m.

4 hours at the range. Three new shooters. Five different rifles to let them try a bunch of different things.  I did a tour through military history starting with my K1911 and worked my way up to the AR15/M14. I try giving a bit of history to each rifle for them befor they shoot.  I always enjoy seeing new shooters get the feel for it. A good time was had by all.  

The favorite of many was my 556NATO.  2nd was the x95.  I think the Gerand was a bit to spicy for some.  

barefootcyborg5000 UltimaDork
7/27/24 4:24 p.m.

I got out this morning as well. I've replaced both receivers on my 5.56, and added optics, so that was just for sighting in. And a few for fun. We had ringers set at 25y, 75y, and 100y. Super fun. 
Also ran 100 9mm for practice. I'm not great at pistols, yet. I really would like a dot, gas pedal, and grippier grip, but with the amount i shoot, it's hard to justify any more expense. 

But the most fun is the 22. My shooting buddy also has a very nice 22 with really good glass. We were comparing CCI, Eley, and some Norma I picked up. The Norma being the least good, but all pretty good. Much fun was had until the wind started and the heat started to settle. 

dean1484 MegaDork
7/27/24 8:58 p.m.

What pistol do you shoot?  

I picked up a M&P9 performance center off Gun Broker the other day. Kind of a spur of the moment thing. I was getting something from the seller anyways so they made it a nice package deal.  I was hoping to get out today with it but the rifle stuff took longer than I expected. 

I ough this thread a bunch of photos of some of my newer recent purchases. With the MA laws changing on the first it has been a get it while you can last couple months. 

barefootcyborg5000 UltimaDork
7/27/24 10:34 p.m.

In reply to dean1484 :


Rodan UberDork
7/28/24 11:19 a.m.

In reply to dean1484 :

I was reading about H.4885 the other day... blatantly unconstitutional under Bruen and several other recent SCOTUS rulings, but it will cost the taxpayers years and million$ before it's overturned.  Disgusting.


Rodan UberDork
7/28/24 11:40 a.m.

So, 2011s...

I've been a 1911 guy since the early 1980s, but never really got into 2011s (double stack 1911s).  I had an opportunity to pick up a Staccato at a significant discount a couple years back, before I retired, but decided to pass because it was still a LOT of $$$$.  With some of the 'cheap' 2011s coming on the market in the last couple of years, I decided to give it a go.  Nearly bought a Prodigy a few months ago, but reviews indicated it wasn't quite there yet.  I picked up a Tisas 1911 a while back, and have been very impressed with the quality, and have seen nothing but good reviews on their 2011s so I pulled the trigger on a 9DS Carry.  I gotta say, it's darn good!

One of the factors I considered was that the Tisas 9DS is compatible with most standard 2011 parts.  And this was good, because the trigger it comes with is too short.  The only other change I wanted to make immediately was to get the grip stippled.  From the factory, the texture on the side panels is OK, but it desperately needed more traction on the front and rear of the grip.  So I swapped out for a Red Dirt mid-length trigger and had a local guy stipple the front and back of the grip.  I also added a Holosun EPS Carry red dot, and swapped out the main and recoil springs (something I do with most 1911s).  Even with the modifications (not including the red dot), I've got less than 1/3 of the cost of a Staccato invested, and the gun just runs.  No issues at all.


So far, I've got ~250 rounds through it, and I'm still getting used to the feel.  I already know I don't like the 2011 grip shape as much as my 1911s or M&P Smiths, so it will never be a carry gun, but I may shoot some matches with it.  There's still some gains to be made in the trigger, so I'll probably clean that up, just to see how good I can it get with the stock parts.

All in all, I continue to be impressed with Tisas' quality, and wouldn't hesitate to recommend the 9DS if you're looking for a 2011 at a reasonable price.

dean1484 MegaDork
7/28/24 5:12 p.m.

I would highly recommend you look at Dan Wesson DWX full size.  I have tried an Athena and a Staccato and while both are really really nice the DWX to me is just better.  I am not good enough to really benefit from those guns. The DWX is like if the Swiss decided to make a 2011. It can still be a every day pistol but is also more than good enough to use in competitive shooting. Where as those others really are race/comp pistols.  

I am currently using my DWX in steel challenge with irons and it crushes pistols costing 3X as much.   I was shooting my friends Athena and I am not faster/better with it. He offered it to me at a really good deal but after a side by side comparison I passed.  

The really funny/sad thing is I run my Mete SFX in the optics class and I absolutely obliterate my times with either the Athena or my DWX.  Go figure.  All in with the optic, holster and even the belt is right about 1/2 what just the DWX costs. 

Rodan UberDork
7/29/24 9:13 a.m.

In reply to dean1484 :

This was really just an experiment to see if I would like 2011s.  So far the answer is 'not really', so I'm not going to spend any more $$$ than I already have.  I just thought I'd share my experience with the 9DS.

I'm not at all surprised that an optics gun is wiping the floor with an iron sight gun.  Put an optic on the DWX and things might change...

dean1484 MegaDork
7/31/24 1:14 a.m.

I managed to find a real pre 1994 MADDI. It came home with me. I am a AK fan more so for there history not so much about how they shoot. But this thing is so cool.  I need to find a bipod for it as the original that it would have had was not with it.  It also has the scope mount. I am going to have to see about finding a corect scope for it as well. Such a cool piece of history. 


dean1484 MegaDork
8/3/24 8:01 p.m.

Got the MADDI out. Quick cleaning and some lube and off to the range to function check it. It is one of the nicest AKs that I have ever fired. Almost no muzzle rise. Exceptionally accurate and even with the 22inch barrel it is very light. This comes from it having a pencil barrel that I will have to be carful with. After two mags it was very hot.  

Generally you can tell that it is of a much higher build quality than so many of the other AKs out there (I am looking at you China). 

So the short of it is if you are in the market for an AK I highly recommend a MADDI.  Not your standard AK but that is what makes it fun/cool and with the build quality it should last for generations. 

The other thing I got to do was take it apart and inspect things.  I was pleased to see it is a numbers matching rifle. 

better photo than the last one



Son approved. He was testing it with me.  


AWSX1686 (Forum Supporter)
AWSX1686 (Forum Supporter) UberDork
8/5/24 9:09 a.m.

Anyone try Cyelee optics yet? 

That particular pistol dot is HUGE. From what I've seen they seem to have fairly good reviews in general, it's chinese made, but most are. I don't think I'm going to snag one this round, but figured I'd share this discount code I saw. 

barefootcyborg5000 UltimaDork
8/5/24 9:55 a.m.

Took my boy out for the first time with some family on Friday. I didn't get any pictures, as I was very much on hover duty. He's 8, and more than a bit ADHD. But he heard us making preparations and asked "if I come do I have to shoot? Because I'm not very good at guns." But from the first shot he heard was asking to have a turn. Surprisingly, he got behind everything we brought for at least one shot, including the flintlock and my 5.56. The 9mm made me nervous even with only one round loaded. But we had fun. My nephew was ecstatic to shoot the flintlock since he's a history nerd and is in a big pirate phase right now. I had to hep hold it up for him to aim. It's 4'+ and heavy.  
Little bro was hogging the 22 and hitting clays at 200y prone. The tikka needs a bipod. 


mid action shot

Rodan UberDork
8/5/24 10:02 a.m.

In reply to barefootcyborg5000 :

That's awesome!

I was working at our local range (I'm a volunteer RSO/Instructor) this weekend and an older guy brought his grandson out for the first time... he lives elsewhere, and the parents aren't shooters.  Unfortunately granddad only brought a compact 9mm (S&W Shield) for him to shoot....  terrible gun to start on.  I gave him a little basic instruction and he was hitting paper at 10yds, but he would have been much better off shooting something else.  I need to start taking a .22 with me when I'm working for those opportunities...

jmabarone HalfDork
8/5/24 10:35 a.m.

Got my 4 oldest out the other day with the Red Ryder to practice.  They had to recite the 4 rules of gun safety.  At 20', they were all on a nice big paper target, shooting from a rest.  Even on a kid's BB gun, #3 & #4 couldn't even get behind it properly.  Good practice for them though.  

barefootcyborg5000 UltimaDork
8/5/24 10:36 a.m.

In reply to Rodan :

Always take a 22. Teaching or not. 

Rodan UberDork
8/5/24 10:45 a.m.

In reply to barefootcyborg5000 :

When I'm working (not instructing), I don't always take something to shoot, and Saturday all I had were a couple of .45 Colt revolvers I was testing.  When I'm shooting, there's always a .22 in the range bag.  wink

barefootcyborg5000 UltimaDork
8/6/24 12:12 p.m.

So I had told a coworker I was taking out the BP stuff for my nephew, and he says "hey my dad built this Traditions .50 percussion pistol, you should take that out too." 
I happily obliged him. 

So we had fun, then I cleaned it and oiled it and made sure it was in storage condition before I returned it to him. Dads pistol, after all. 

Them he hits me with, "I'm glad you had fun. You want to buy it? I'm never gonna use it, make me an offer."

So now I have this:

WOW Really Paul?
WOW Really Paul? MegaDork
8/8/24 5:55 p.m.
Rodan said:

brass prep is always tedious....

FTFY, I despise the prep end of reloading. Thankfully only my 244Rem seems to stretch cases before other stuff takes them out of the rotation. I'm sure I'll have the problem eventually with the various milsurps, but haven't noticed any stretching yet. 

dean1484 MegaDork
8/9/24 9:28 a.m.

I keep saying to my self I should get in to reloading. Some of my rifles take calibers that are hard to get. I have saved brass for them thinking I will do it.  

Rodan UberDork
8/9/24 9:45 a.m.

In reply to dean1484 :

It's not really the money saver it used to be (especially if your time is valuable), though it's still 'cheaper' than buying ammo.  The real benefit is being able to craft your ammo to exactly what you're wanting it to do.  Or, as you noted, being able to shoot guns that are hard/impossible to get ammo for.

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