6/24/12 5:49 p.m.
Does anyone else fix vehicles they borrow? My father-in-law let me borrow his truck this week but forgot to tell me the rear lights were out. All of them. I got them working again and am working to fix the root of the problem before I return it. He doesn't ask for anything in return for lending the truck, so I figured the least I can do it fix a few things. Am I the only one who does stuff like this? I will also fix people's car show just stop by to visit. I think I have a sort of OCD thing when it comes to broken cars (to a point). I draw the line at complicated fixes, but simple stuff I can do in a few minutes or a quick parts store run seem to be the norm. Of course, I do not apply the same logic to my own cars. The '69 Olds has been in need of a new front turn signal socket for a year...
No, you're not the only one.
I'm a weird guy, I get almost sentimental about cars. Once I told one of my childless friends who says .."my pets are my children.." that if pets can be children, cars can be pets. It was just supposed to be a thought experiment for her, but after I said it, it just kind of stuck in my brain.
To me, seeing a vehicle with some problems is like one of the pet people seeing a starving stray on the side of the road. Can't quite let it go without giving it a decent meal, at least. Like you said, rebuilding something major is out of the question, but if it's just a matter of bulbs or fuses or adjustment or cleaning, I'm all over it. Hell, I've been known to borrow somebody's truck, hear the grinding brakes, and then replace pads & rotors before doing what I borrowed it for, just for the satisfaction I get from not injuring it any further. 
Pops taught me long ago "whenever you borrow something, you return it in better shape than you got it."
I've done repairs, filled the tank (not just top off what I used), washed & detailed the vehicle, etc. Whatever it needed.
I don't suffer from OCD, though I'd prefer it to be CDO, so that all the letters are in alphabetical order.
6/24/12 6:22 p.m.
Several years ago someone stole our shop truck. It was found not too long after. The person possessing it had done some repairs, and was improving it. We got it back better than it left.
As for me, stuff like lights, I'll fix that. I'm not opposed to doing simple fixes or routine maintenance, but it hasn't come up.
I never usually have to borrow a vehicle - I am the one with the truck so I am the borrowee.
I always appreciate when it comes back with more fuel than it left with or has a nice fresh cleanness about it... I'd be overjoyed if it came back one time with all new fluids and brake pads :) I never ask anyone to do those things but let's just say if someone returns it empty or with concrete drying in the bed (no kidding, actually happened) they would be unlikely to secure it's use again and possibly get an earful of words so foul they don't even really exist until I form them from creative combinations of existing expletives.
So, yeah... returning stuff better than you found it is most definitely appreciated.
6/24/12 6:39 p.m.
I borrow a vehicle every week.
It's returned spotless and full of fuel.
Depends how nice it is when I get it. But it at an absolute minimum will be in no worse shape and have a full tank of gas. If there's something moderately quick that can be done, that'll get done too.
Lesley wrote:
I borrow a vehicle every week.
It's returned spotless and full of fuel.
And gets paid for it. You miserable temptation of a woman! 
Enjoyed the Panamera story, BTW. I finally saw one in person, looks better than in the photos I'd seen. I'm not on the hate wagon anymore.
Borrowed a truck years ago to pull a trailer about 1,000 miles. It was returned clean with a full tank and fresh oil change.
My buddy borrowed my truck for a few weeks, he changed the oil, thermostat, serpentine belt, got the last of some lingering cigarette smell out, and returned it with more gas that he borrowed it with. He's always welcome to my vehicles!
6/24/12 7:54 p.m.
BAMF wrote:
Several years ago someone stole our shop truck. It was found not too long after. The person possessing it had done some repairs, and was improving it. We got it back better than it left.
A buddy had his Tacoma stolen, and when the cops found it, it had brand-new wheels and tires :)
If its a safety item, yes. First thing I do when borrowing a trailer is check the wheel bearings.
6/24/12 8:57 p.m.
Yabbut... it needs brakes!

6/24/12 9:02 p.m.
I once watched a guy that I work with wax a rental car. He said that he couldn't stand looking at it anymore.
I've cleaned peoples cars that I've borrowed. Some people have dirty ass cars. 
I do the same thing when I borrow firearms. I have even been known to do a little work to help basic function or give the trigger a better pull. Heck I borrowed one guys rifle and you couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with it. I ended up floating the barrel and bedding the action after doing a little work on the action. He got the rifle back and was first shocked at how clean it was then I took him to shoot it and he was floored because after I was done with it you could shoot MOA with it when you took your time.
6/24/12 10:16 p.m.
In reply to rebelgtp:
If nothing else I grind off the serial number and wipe off my prints.
I swear the people that use the work truck smear the glass with Vaseline. They happily bomb around town with only a reasonable facsimile of what's in front of them.
I clean them every time I drive it.
I may not fix it, but I always clean it. If I borrow someones care I always fill the tank up (regardless of where it was when I got it) vacuum the floors and seats, and the clean the inside of the windows.
I don't go hog wild, I just get the little hand vac, quick vacuum, windex and a wipe. But it's earned me a good reputation so my friends and family are never afraid to loan me a vehicle.
^This. More gas than I got it with and cleaner.
Me fixing things is just asking for problems 
At least fill the gas tank! Sometimes more.
I was in a bind a while back and borrowed a friends car for a week...actually it was his daughters car. We had bought this car (96 Mustang) with a blown head gasket and fixed it up for her while she was in High school.
She was doing a month of just graduated from High school stuff in another state so I got to borrow.
I buy junkers and reburb them all the time so I gave her car the "Day Spa" treatment. After 4 years of teenage driver, it needed help.
Cleaned it inside and out, Good buff and wax (black looks GOOD). replaced her foggy old headlights (had a set on the shelf) and some new rear shocks.
Fixed her power window switch and changed her transmission fluid.
She was happy!
But her dad had borrowed my truck a while back and brought it back inspected with 2 new front tires, and, of course, clean with a full tank of gas.
Wally wrote:
In reply to rebelgtp:
If nothing else I grind off the serial number and wipe off my prints.
Well that is a given...right?
A few months ago I borrowed my moms truck to haul some stuff and noticed her radio antenna was busted off. I went out to the junk yard and found a replacment.