12/25/17 2:34 p.m.
I don't know what's wrong but I was reaching to try and get something yesterday and all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain at the base joint. The base joint of the middle finger of my right hand hurts and the back of that hand is all swollen. It's ached ever since. I googled "broken knuckle" and my hand looks a lot like the ones in the photos, but I didn't HIT anything with it. Any ideas?
Can't say what it is, but it's probably worth having it checked out by a medical professional.
I got my finger wound up in some cloth playing tug-of-war with a friends dog and heard a pop and had a sharp pain. Ice kept the swelling down that evening but it blew up while I was sleeping and was very stiff and tender the next day so I got it checked out. Wound up as a severe sprain, but the popping noise had me worried as it could have been a tendon breaking. Coworker had a tendon break and almost lost the use of that digit by waiting too long. They said if he waited another day or two they would not have been able to stretch it enough to reattach.
Oof. I was hoping this was suspension related for your sake. Don't know if I've broken hand bones but in my early twenties one of my fingers seemed to have a stiff spring in it that was cured over time simply by quitting the boring factory job I had at the time. Hope it gets better soon. 
I would say not broken but something has gone wrong. A doctor should be in your future especially if there is any restriction in moving it.
12/27/17 6:38 p.m.
Doc says nothing broken and I must have twinged a tendon or something. Seems to be healing fine on its own.
stroker said:
Doc says nothing broken and I must have twinged a tendon or something. Seems to be healing fine on its own.
Glad it is healing for you. Been about 3 weeks since I sprained mine and it is still a little tender in some situations. I did take the opportunity to have my wedding band buffed out (it's amazing what they can do with a few days), and the jeweler said it would probably take at least 4 weeks for the swelling to go down enough to get the ring back on without difficulty. Apparently they get exposed to this stuff frequently, because my ring is still sitting on the shelf...