(not the excellent GRM column, actual busted knuckles)
How many of you are made aware of your latest gash, gouge, or busted knuckle by your significant other?
(I walked in from the garage last night and my wife asked "what did you do to your hand? I had to look to find out. Oh, no more knuckle skin. How did that happen?)
6/10/13 8:02 a.m.
There's often a blood sacrifice to the garage gods. I usually notice before I go in the house, but not necessarily the moment it happens. BTW napkins and duct tape make a better band aid.
I looked down at my right elbow a couple weeks ago and noticed an 8" scab that I don't remember. :Shrugs:
Almost never. The brake cleaner reminds me of the cuts I don't see.
Ranger50 wrote:
Almost never. The brake cleaner reminds me of the cuts I don't see.
I used brake cleaner in the past to clean my hands. However, I will NOT do that anymore. Brake cleaner has some seriously nasty stuff in it that is easily absorbed into your skin. It can harm your Liver or Kidneys (can't remember which) very easily!
Stop using it!
Rob R.
(I mean you can use it, just don't get it on your skin)
Well, it certainly happened before. Usually I just forget about them and she reminds me.
I make sure to look after I left bloody hand prints on several door knobs...
wvumtnbkr wrote:
Ranger50 wrote:
Almost never. The brake cleaner reminds me of the cuts I don't see.
I used brake cleaner in the past to clean my hands. However, I will NOT do that anymore. Brake cleaner has some seriously nasty stuff in it that is easily absorbed into your skin. It can harm your Liver or Kidneys (can't remember which) very easily!
Stop using it!
Rob R.
(I mean you can use it, just don't get it on your skin)
I still use it. The chlorine is the killer, which can't be found hardly anymore. It's the liver. It's the body's sewage treatment plant afterall.
I had one of those. "where did that come from?" moments after working on putting up some zero maintenance porch railings. I guess me and the saw blade came a little close at one time. The wife pointed it out to me later that night.
raw bleach is good for hand cleaning. You know when you are seriously damaging yourself because your hands get really warm......but you do clean up real nice.
6/10/13 11:04 a.m.
I just wear gloves and don't get that problem too much 
The thin cloth dipped in rubber work the best. You can buy them in 10 packs, wear them like disposables but just toss them in a bucket and throw them in the washing machine when you run out.
I notice them myself. Of course, I am also fortunate enough that every one I get tends to smart like an atomic paper cut, only, you know on on the gunky metal of an undercarriage or the thick plastic of a radiator fan cowl.
jere wrote:
...The thin cloth dipped in rubber work the best....
I have recently tried those also and they seem to be a very good compromise between full rubber and the full cloth / leather. They are much more comfortable then rubber (they breath) with similar tactile feel and cheaper when you destroy them (cloth).
Trying to figure out what the strange color on the car is, then realize it's coming from your hand is pretty strange. The brain / body connection can be pretty weird sometimes.
My wife/kids tend to notice the minor ones before I do.
I always notice them myself, but like others, I usually forget and she points them out to me later on.
I usually notice them before the wife. She only points them out when they are dripping on the floor.
I cant work on a car without bleeding on it.
wvumtnbkr wrote:
Ranger50 wrote:
Almost never. The brake cleaner reminds me of the cuts I don't see.
I used brake cleaner in the past to clean my hands. However, I will NOT do that anymore. Brake cleaner has some seriously nasty stuff in it that is easily absorbed into your skin. It can harm your Liver or Kidneys (can't remember which) very easily!
Stop using it!
Rob R.
(I mean you can use it, just don't get it on your skin)
I went through several (20?) cans when I rebodied my Miata. And that's the only time I ever had a kidney stone. My uncle, and great granddad had similar experiences...
Good brake cleaner was perc. The very same perc your dry cleaner uses. Works great.
Sady, many brake cleaners have switched to more "environmentally friendly" alcohol, which doesn't work nearly as well.
I dont think I have any non-scar tissue left on my hands any more.
30 years old and I look like I got into a fist fight with a blender.
6/11/13 12:14 a.m.
Our house in CO the garage led directly into the kitchen, so quite often the wife would follow a blood trail back out to the garage after I grabbed a bite to eat, I was clueless. The other house led down the bedroom hall so I was a lot more aware of my wounds before I went inside.