I was at a local strip mall picking up dinner when I saw a contractor taking the signs down from a store that went out of business. A few $20's later I had some letters in my trunk...
2 e's for my nephews (both of their names start with e) and an S for me.
They broke the neon tubes in one of the e's, so it was time for a retro fit. A pair of led strips from Home Depot and...

the neon survived in the S for me, so I kept it as is for now, although the color changing LED's are pretty cool.

My collection is small, does anyone else have a thing for signs?
'Fraid so. Years ago I rolled in behind a defunct BMW Stealership and there was a 5 foot diameter BMW logo in blue and white with lots of neon. I coulda cried, it was too frikkin' heavy to lift out! 
In reply to 914Driver :
I was surprised how heavy the single transformer was. The gutted ones are pretty light now.
They look AWESOME! Cool gift!
A few years back I was trolling around the local scrap yard and stumbled upon a bunch of metal letters lying on the ground. I grabbed them up and took them to the office to see how much they wanted for them. Less than $20 and they are still waiting to be used for something.
12/20/20 10:22 a.m.
Excellent home upgrade for those letters!
And yes I do. But I don't have any. The is an out of business Chevy dealer in WV that still has one of the Chevy chevrons (?) on the building. I need a truck, a ladder and the stealth of night. lol
And I don't live in WV.
I'm deaf. So naturally, this punk teenager stole the deaf child sign.
The Italian caution sign was given to me by friends after they came back from Europe. The STOP sign came with the house.