cghstang Reader
7/31/10 10:12 p.m.

You meant 6 wheel right?

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker SuperDork
7/31/10 10:21 p.m.
Jensenman wrote:
barnca wrote:
914Driver wrote: 1 - 86
i was a junior at concord high school.. i to this day can tell you were i was sitting.. who was sitting next to me and what happened at school for the next two weeks.. we didnt have class but we had to attend everyday.. the press wasnt allowed on the grounds.. state police and SWAT surrounded the school.. it was crazy.. i day i will never ever forget.. i still have the media packet that NASA gave to all of us at CHS.
Challenger and 9/11 are two days that I will never forget.

+1 on Challenger - we were compelled to watch by our science teacher. It was an awkward silence I will never forget. It may have been last truly human moment we as a "people" experienced before we as a people saw retards crash planes for their bizarro jebus.

oldsaw Dork
7/31/10 10:26 p.m.
cghstang wrote: You meant 6 wheel right?

My bad!

Here's a 4-wheel drift:

wbjones Dork
8/1/10 9:19 a.m.

Challenger.... I had been laid off on Jan 2 of that yr... was lying on the couch that morning, decided to flip channels and watch the launch.... the visual will never leave me...

ironically I was in Civics class (9th grade) when the announcement was made about Kennedy being shot...

was at work (factory) when 9/11... didn't find out anything 'til ~10 am then only sketchy info for about another hr

4cylndrfury SuperDork
8/1/10 9:58 a.m.

While I remember challenger, I was in 1st grade, so the shock wasnt there for me - I couldnt grasp the fact that people were in there carrying our hopes with them into the sky that day.

I was a junior in college when 9/11 happened. I was away at band camp (no jokes) in the middle of rural indiana and we had no TVs in our dorm rooms. We didnt find out until the second tower was hit and Americans began to realize the magnitude of the day (maybe 10:30 am or so?). We reallly began to find out when everyones cell phones started to ring, and people stopped practicing and a weird sea of shocked faces and gasps came over us. Those who werent getting calls were getting filled in by others, and the eeriest silence I ever heard sorta swarmed the field of 200 or so people as people formed into small groups and oddly quiet conversations took place. I didnt have my phone on me out on the practice field that morning, it was off in one of the smaller indoor facilities, and so I took off to call my folks. I called my mom and when she picked up she didnt say hi or anything, the first thing she sai to me was a quiet "what have you heard?" I told her we had no TVs or anything and that we heard America was under attack, and she said "yes sweetie, America is under attack, and I miss you". I was just as shocked as she was, and the rest of everyone, and I asked her if the world was going to be a different place when I got home, and she just said "yes, I think it will be, it will not be the same world it was when you left". I told her to tell my dad I loved him (he couldnt get to the phone) and to tell My sis and bro the same. After that, a lot of us couldnt get through on the phones...the small celular phone infrastructure inthis little town couldnt handle the volumes of calls, so most of us were shut off. We did see fighters fly overhead, headed east - and we all knew that was in direct response to the situation. The speed and roar was unbelievable. If it were not for 2 football fields of cleared trees headed perfectly east/west you wouldve missed them. It wasnt for 3 more days that we saw another plane - it was the oddest thing - we all stopped in silence and watched it fly over - you almost couldnt see it, it was soooo high up. The contrails of its exhaust where clearly visible though, we just watched it fly over, and it took us right back to that crazy feeling. I think thats my generations Nov 22, 1963. We all will know where we were and remember exactly how we felt.

sorry for the loooong post, I just hadnt thought about it in detail like that in some time...

oldsaw SuperDork
8/1/10 12:51 p.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
Jensenman wrote:
barnca wrote:
914Driver wrote: 1 - 86
i was a junior at concord high school.. i to this day can tell you were i was sitting.. who was sitting next to me and what happened at school for the next two weeks.. we didnt have class but we had to attend everyday.. the press wasnt allowed on the grounds.. state police and SWAT surrounded the school.. it was crazy.. i day i will never ever forget.. i still have the media packet that NASA gave to all of us at CHS.
Challenger and 9/11 are two days that I will never forget.
+1 on Challenger - we were compelled to watch by our science teacher. It was an awkward silence I will never forget. It may have been last truly human moment we as a "people" experienced before we as a people saw retards crash planes for their bizarro jebus.

Challenger - at another busy day at work. I walked past the customer waiting area where the TV was tuned to the lift-off and watched it happen. The rest of the day REALLY sucked.

9/11 - helping a buddy prep for his first runs at the Solo Nats. Another buddy happened to have his 2"-screen LCD TV turned on. He called us over to see a fire in the upper story's in one the Twin Towers; we watched live as the second plane hit.

Normally, the skies over Topeka are criss-crossed with airliner contrails and you always heard military noises at Forbes. Within minutes of the attack, the sky featured at least a half dozen circular contrail from flights halted and put "on hold". The base, and everything/everyone remotely close-by was silent and under tight security within minutes.

A lot of things have REALLY sucked since 9/11.

914Driver SuperDork
8/1/10 1:23 p.m.

barnca Reader
8/1/10 1:33 p.m.

pin up girls.. nuff said

Keith SuperDork
8/1/10 2:12 p.m.

I got to leave school early so I could watch the first shuttle landing. Don't remember the explosion, the success made a bigger impression on me than the failure. I guess I always figured that big projects sometimes mean big risks.

Yesterday's activity - mountain biking in the aspens. It's a lot cooler at 7000'.

Keith SuperDork
8/1/10 2:18 p.m.
Kia_racer wrote: Type 184 wheel for M5

Better: Type 65 wheel for M5. For more awesome, put a set of the 18x9.5 rears on the front as well.

I went windsurfing in Hurricane Hugo. In Canada. Those winds went a long way.

4cylndrfury SuperDork
8/1/10 2:37 p.m.

Hurricane Ike (or Ivan - cant remember ) liberated a majority of my roofing approx 6 mos after buying my first house...zomfgawesomewinsauce

MrJoshua SuperDork
8/1/10 3:42 p.m.

Man, lots of you guys seem to think "Curves" require lots of bodyfat. Fat is responsible for breasts and that's about it. The hip/waist curve is almost all bone structure, and the butt is mostly muscle and bone structure. Curves are mostly genetic. You can expose the waist curve by getting leaner, increase the butt curve with exercise, and if you desire, exaggerate the chest curves with implants. Fat usually just mutes the curve or covers them up.

barnca Reader
8/1/10 4:20 p.m.

MrJoshua SuperDork
8/1/10 4:21 p.m.

In reply to racinginc215:

Of course there are extremes. Don't make me post the polar opposite of those walking coat hangers!

racerfink Reader
8/1/10 4:27 p.m.

JoeyM Dork
8/1/10 5:09 p.m.
MrJoshua wrote: Of course there are extremes. Don't make me post the polar opposite of those walking coat hangers!

No need. (Refer to our recent 'WTF Tom' thread.) Here's a comparison that, IMHO, doesn't involve extremes; Audrina Patridge (skinny) VS Aubrey O’Day (curvy):

Samantha Harris and Leona Lewis

I'd happily spend quality time with any of these women....but I prefer curvy.

Streetwiseguy HalfDork
8/1/10 5:45 p.m.
JoeyM wrote:
MrJoshua wrote: Of course there are extremes. Don't make me post the polar opposite of those walking coat hangers!
No need. (Refer to our recent 'WTF Tom' thread.) Here's a comparison that, IMHO, doesn't involve extremes; Audrina Patridge (skinny) VS Aubrey O’Day (curvy): Samantha Harris and Leona Lewis I'd happily spend quality time with any of these women....but I prefer curvy.

If those women are at the extreme ends of your acceptible range, I feel sorry for 98.8% of the women in the world, who, due to your standards, will never get to enjoy your perfect studly form.

Platinum90 SuperDork
8/1/10 6:11 p.m.

In honor of tonights episode of Mad Men, I do not know what you would call her, but this is how I like my women!

zomby woof
zomby woof Dork
8/1/10 6:42 p.m.
Platinum90 wrote: I do not know what you would call her

They used to call that full figured.

A little big for my tastes, but I love the red.

oldsaw SuperDork
8/1/10 6:45 p.m.

What is this "Mad Men" thing of which you speak?

JoeyM Dork
8/1/10 7:33 p.m.
Platinum90 wrote: In honor of tonights episode of Mad Men, I do not know what you would call her, but this is how I like my women!

Her name is christina hendricks.

cwh SuperDork
8/1/10 7:47 p.m.

No, no, her name is Goddess.

JoeyM Dork
8/1/10 7:53 p.m.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
JoeyM wrote:
MrJoshua wrote: Of course there are extremes. Don't make me post the polar opposite of those walking coat hangers!
No need. (Refer to our recent 'WTF Tom' thread.) Here's a comparison that, IMHO, doesn't involve extremes;
If those women are at the extreme ends of your acceptible range, I feel sorry for 98.8% of the women in the world, who, due to your standards, will never get to enjoy your perfect studly form. may want to redirect the hate/sarcasm to some other posters instead of me. I never said that the girls in the comparison pictures were at "the extreme ends of [my] acceptable range," and to the best of my recollection, I'm the ONLY guy here who has previously linked to plus sized models.

David Adams
David Adams Reader
8/1/10 9:06 p.m.

neon4891 SuperDork
8/1/10 9:09 p.m.

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