Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker SuperDork
5/27/10 10:08 p.m.
Marty! wrote: Me 2 hours ago.

They look like they might need some help climbing over a fence or something.

Streetwiseguy Reader
5/27/10 10:09 p.m.

Since page 41 I've been trying. Thought I was set for 82. I've given up on trying to hit the number.

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker SuperDork
5/27/10 10:09 p.m.
turboswede wrote:
Marty! wrote: Oh the one on the left, definitely fake.
Ya think?

Fake what? Its genuine silicone.

lewbud Reader
5/27/10 10:43 p.m.
Marty! wrote: Oh the one on the left, definitely fake.

Your point is?

Kia_racer HalfDork
5/27/10 11:11 p.m.
Marty! wrote: Me 2 hours ago.

I just saw the lambo doored Firebird in the background.

turboswede SuperDork
5/27/10 11:44 p.m.
Kia_racer wrote:
Marty! wrote: Me 2 hours ago.
I just saw the lambo doored Firebird in the background.

I got bad news for you....

Opus Dork
5/27/10 11:51 p.m.
turboswede wrote:
Kia_racer wrote:
Marty! wrote: Me 2 hours ago.
I just saw the lambo doored Firebird in the background.
I got bad news for you....

still can't see any cars in the picture. Especially the Ram air lambo door WS6. There is no mullet big enough.

More curious to how far this is from so cal so that I can grab one to go.

Rufledt Reader
5/27/10 11:55 p.m.

and I just now realized that's a GRM shirt.

friedgreencorrado SuperDork
5/28/10 1:00 a.m.

92 at last.

1992 VW Golf GTI 8 valve.

1992 VW Corrado VR6.

My other 1992 VW Corrado VR6.

My first SCCA Drivers' School was in 1992 as well..

EvanB Dork
5/28/10 1:01 a.m.

Sorry to break up the picture quoting fest but here is a pic of my first car...92 Corolla.

friedgreencorrado SuperDork
5/28/10 1:04 a.m.
turboswede wrote:
Marty! wrote: Oh the one on the left, definitely fake.
Ya think?

Don't care.

friedgreencorrado SuperDork
5/28/10 1:05 a.m.
EvanB wrote: Sorry to break up the picture quoting fest but here is a pic of my first car...92 Corolla.

Some of those shipping boxes look so old that it's possible your car came over here in one of them..

EvanB Dork
5/28/10 1:07 a.m.

The funny thing is, those boxes are probably less rusty than the car . If you look closely you can see where the entire bottom half of the doors is pure bondo

Appleseed MegaDork
5/28/10 1:12 a.m.

In 92 I got my first chance to go on the flight line at Oshkosh. (very big deal)And I saw this: Yes, it was a Gee Bee doing aerobatics, and not killing hte Pilot. I got to meet Delmar Benjamin a few years later. Nice guy and a hell of an aviator.

friedgreencorrado SuperDork
5/28/10 1:14 a.m.
EvanB wrote: The funny thing is, those boxes are probably less rusty than the car . If you look closely you can see where the entire bottom half of the doors is pure bondo

ROFL! Didn't see it until you mentioned it. It does look like the gaps at the bottom are a lil *wavey" doesn't it? Actually I was looking at the blisters on the rear fenders because my daughter's boyfriend had a Civic with the same thing when I first met him. I surpressed my laughter when he had me help him install a new stereo in it, I knew the poor thing wouldn't last more than another 2yrs or so...

friedgreencorrado SuperDork
5/28/10 1:17 a.m.
Appleseed wrote: In 92 I got my first chance to go on the flight line at Oshkosh. (very big deal)And I saw this: Yes, it was a Gee Bee doing aerobatics, and not killing hte Pilot. I got to meet Delmar Benjamin a few years later. Nice guy and a hell of an aviator.

Wow! Original Gee Bee, or a (ligher weight) recreation?

Doesn't matter, I suppose...that's some dang good flying.

Appleseed MegaDork
5/28/10 3:01 a.m.

100% replica. I think Delmar added inverted fuel pickups for pics like this. He got the blessings of the Granville Brothers head designer Pete Miller.

Just goes to show that all those lame documentaries saying how the Gee Bees were un-flyable were complete BS. The damn thing could do knife edges for god sake.

It just took exceptional pilots to fly them. You know, like Jimmy Doolittle.

Jay Dork
5/28/10 4:34 a.m.

Back on topic, this is a 1993:

JoeyM HalfDork
5/28/10 6:25 a.m.

I can buy buy a canoe locally, I don't need to travel to kansascity

Wally SuperDork
5/28/10 6:52 a.m.

Wally SuperDork
5/28/10 6:54 a.m.

Wally SuperDork
5/28/10 6:57 a.m.

EricM Dork
5/28/10 6:59 a.m.

1993 the year our first child was born

DukeOfUndersteer SuperDork
5/28/10 7:26 a.m.

forgot... my old 91...

and my 93...

Wally SuperDork
5/28/10 7:29 a.m.

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