Wife is starting her first day back at work in ~9 years today. Luckily she is teaching half day preschool and can be home for the kids. Going to be an interesting time.
Wife is starting her first day back at work in ~9 years today. Luckily she is teaching half day preschool and can be home for the kids. Going to be an interesting time.
It should be interesting, but it may well do her good to have something going outside the house, too. Good luck to you both.
Once my youngest siblings were on their way out of the house my Mom also went to work at a daycare/preschool. She loved it. Kept her busy until grandkids started showing up.
Make a note to revive this thread in six months so we can treat it like a time machine into the future!
In reply to NOHOME:
good catch...
She is a teacher by trade and really enjoys her work. I'm both excited and scared for her to get back to the classroom. It did bring her immense joy over the years. If there ever was someone cut out to work with children it is my wife.
My mother went back to teaching when my younger brother started school. She had been out of the class room for ~ 9 years also. She had to make some adjustments but enjoyed it enough to continue teaching for another 20 years.
I am sure your wife will do fine, but you will have to make some adjustments to your home life routines.
I think I'd really like teaching. Formerly worked at a summer camp and absolutely loved it, although I've never considered myself a "kid person." It's a weird profession that'll eat the most perfect teachers alive, and people who you'd never think could hack end up doing it for a lifetime. One of its biggest perks is the schedule built and flexibility built around kids (someone elses and your own) and some of the people I know with the highest quality of life and work/life balance are teachers. They aren't rich, but they certainly are happier.
My grandmother was a teacher for 30 years. Hopefully your wife gets her groove back.
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