Challenge Car builders – I salute you:
If you currently have primer on your hands that simply won’t wash off. (It laughs in the face of lacquer thinner.)
If you are working in a garage (or direct sunlight, or in the rain, or all three) in temps of over 100 degrees.
If you worked on your car in freezing temperatures ... and now, in the summer heat, really miss those good old days.
If you can’t remember getting those bruises and burns, or you only vaguely remember getting them.
If you used a paper towel and blue tape to cover a bleeding cut and you kept working. (Bonus points if you did it more than once.)
If you bolted in a part you made, and it has 4 unmatched bolts that took 6 sizes of wrenches to tighten.
If you made your own parts, and they really don’t look half bad. (Bonus points for making a template first.)
If you learned to do something you had never tried before while working on your car.
If you are trying to get a cheap, old car to out-perform a Ferrari for under $2011
If you are using something you pulled out of a garbage can.
If you are using something you should have put back in a garbage can.
If you are not sure if rust is your nemesis, or an old friend you now call patina.
If the motor in your car has more than twice the power of the original.
If you would strongly recommend that other people don’t do what you just did to their “real” car.
If you spent several hours removing a few pounds of unnecessary weigh.
If your definition of unnecessary weight has been expanded recently.
If the tool you needed was always on the bench when you were under the car. Who needs abdominal workout machines, when you spend your day crawling out from under cars.
If you spent hours and hours on a part you decided not to use. (Maybe more than once.)
If you looked at something for $3.87 and thought it was an outrageous amount of money, and left it on the shelf.
If your factory service manuals are covered with dirt because you stopped using them when they simply didn’t apply anymore.
If you keep saying to yourself, “Thank god tools don’t count in the budget”.
If you think it’s all worth it … just to be a part of it.
I’ll shake your hand in person at The Challenge, If we can get this crate to move under its own power. :)