EDIT: Can someone move this to Off-Topic? I meant to post it there.
I'm a tech support guy for a company that makes document handling equipment. One of our biggest customers is a major bank that has our machines in multiple cities. They have on-site service contracts with us to keep tech support on staff 24/7 due to the time-sensitive nature of their production.
Word is starting to go around that some changes are going to be made to the contract, which is up for renewal in September. They are (supposedly) talking about paring down the service contracts in favor of on-call emergency coverage instead in an attempt to save some money. Long story short, everyone is a little worried about losing their jobs in September. Were this to happen, my company would likely offer the more senior, experienced people - myself included - positions at another job site somewhere else in the country.
Complicating this is that I'm finally, four years late, getting close to graduating with my bachelor's degree. In the spring I will finally be done and will have no further obligation to Milwaukee, and believe me, I want to get the hell out.
But there's another complication. My job is pretty much in a dying industry. On the back of every envelope we send out there's an offer to save $10 by getting your statement online, etc. I see the paring down of the service contracts as a very little snowball getting tossed down a big, big hill, and I don't terribly enjoy the work either (though I am good enough at it to have lots of respect from the higher-ups). For my age I do make pretty good money though, so there's that.
Either way there is probably a 50/50 chance that my job in Milwaukee will dry up in September. Even if I wanted to up and leave to another job site, I am not just tied down by school but also a lease, a girlfriend, a garage full of cars and tools, etc etc. If I declined another position I would likely get a token severance but nothing major.
Even if my job doesn't dry up I would still be angling to leave in the long term, just because the writing's on the wall for the industry...maybe not immediately, but it's there. Not sure where else I'd be able to find something at ~$38,000 if I left, especially not having my degree quite yet, so it'd be back to square one.
Should I start thinking about unloading some toys? My ear is already to the ground regarding new employment but as everyone here surely knows it's rough out there in the wilderness right now...