Ok so what the heck is going on with this.
Short version Dan Cathy owner of Chick Fil A goes on record wtih the standard Christian view of defense of Marriage act. No problem that's his personal belief great he has that right not what this thread is about.
The Mayor of Boston, Chicago, a city council member and some people in san francisco have apparently revoked or are blocking building permits because of "Chick Fil A's" view on Homosexual marriage. This is the issue I'd like to discuss.
Is this legal? It seems to me that this is an abuse of power. If the plans for construction are proper and provide a positive economic impact to the community are they allowed to use their personal view on plolitical issues to block or reject documents they approve. Have they just set us the taxpayer up for large legal fees defending and eventually losing the first amendment law suits that I'm sure are on their way from Chic Fil A over discrimination against their company?
Please try to not make this a discussion about Homosexual marriage, Religion, or Partisan politics. In this situation it happens to be a fairly hot button issue at the core of this but I wish to discuss only the side of the government bodies potential oversteping of bounds.
Good luck with that I know. I'm guessing I probably just started a thread that will get closed.
Their food sucks anyways.
Not commenting on the views... (edit, or the food, or the fact that I use do to think of them as chick-a-fil)
But I don't think the reaction is right, and don't see how it can stand up in court. AFAIK, you can not deny someone building permits based on their religious viewpoint.
7/26/12 8:51 a.m.
no it is not right that menino will block permits. however his reasoning im sure is knowing the outrage having a chickfila there will cause. in my opinion tho obviously biased chickfila has dug thier own grave in the way they have acted. for years they have been donateing to charites that are anti lgbt. and its karma catching up with them. also note jim henson corp canceled all business transactions with chicfila and is donateing the money they recieved from chicfila in thier last contract to glaad
It seems like they are determining how their laws apply based on personal opinion. I would think there's something wrong with that, but I don't know enough about the law to say for sure.
There are laws against it in the Real Estate Ethics & Morals. You're not supposed to steer people to certain areas, away from certain areas, prevent them from buying in certain areas based on race, sex, orientation, etc. It's not moral or ethical for Real Estate Agents, but apparently government offices are above the law...
Chic Fil A is a business built on serving up slaughtered coxx, right?
I'm sure every one of us have some personal feelings that would be considered un-pc or even controversial. Business owners are no exception. Why hold them to a different standard?
My opinion is that we are most definitely seeing an abuse of governmental power, and and abuse of the public trust. Partisan politics has now wound itself into the very core of local government.
Raising Cane's chicken is better, but the Chic Fil-A waffle fries are awesome.
I honestly don't know as to whether the blocking of the permits is legal or not, it probably isn't. But even if they're forced to issue the permits, the city can do a lot that IS legal to make the construction project a living hell for them. It's tough enough making it through the permit application - revision - request for details - permit issuance - inspection - change order - inspection - fail - inspection - fail - inspection - pass treadmill with the city ON YOUR SIDE. I can't even imagine how difficult it could be with them actively not wanting you there.. might be enough for Jesus-Fil-A to give up, or it might make them wave a lawsuit around every time something comes up. It will be interesting to read about, but I wouldn't want to be involved on either side.
KEEP CHRISTIANITY OUT OF CHICAGO! Awesome. In a corrupt, miserable, violet E36 M3 hole like Chicago, the focus is on keeping new businesses from opening? Really?
I don't agree with his views, but it's an issue that I'm not crazy passionate about either way. If I was, I could simply vote with my wallet.
In reply to katyb
So if McDonald's came out and made statements 100% in favor of lbgt rights and got permits blocked directly as a result how would you feel?
Everyone else it seems is confirming what I thought something is fishy here.
I think you might be overstating the mayor's case. He wrote a letter discouraging them from placing a store in Boston. I don't believe he's killed any permits etc. Simply he stated that their views are not inline with a location in Mass.

7/26/12 9:03 a.m.
Why are people surprised that a company that is closed on Sunday is run by people with religious convictions?
I don't care about politics, I care about delicious chicken sandwiches with a large waffle fry and a sweet tea.
7/26/12 9:11 a.m.
menino also stated in another press release that he would consider consider only blocking permits if they did try to locate there. as i understand it one of the proposed locations is right at city hall like across the street. right where thousands of gay couples go to get married everyyear.
i wouldnt care at all if mcdonalds got blocked. however mcdonalds is prolgbt rights. as is walmart and target and wendys if a company wants to take a view of anti lgbt thats fine. but by donating to things that actively protest not only lgbt rights but womans rights also ya i have an issue.
7/26/12 9:14 a.m.
KATYB wrote:
as i understand it one of the proposed locations is right at city hall like across the street. right where thousands of gay couples go to get married everyyear.
Inconsequential. If the city does not own the land, they have no right to block any permits based on an opinion.
Ian F
7/26/12 9:15 a.m.
slefain wrote:
Why are people surprised that a company that is closed on Sunday is run by people with religious convictions?
I don't care about politics, I care about delicious chicken sandwiches with a large waffle fry and a sweet tea.
Exactly. To anyone familiar with Chic-Fil-A, their views should come as no surprise. While I disagree with those views, I have to give them a certain level of respect that in this age of faceless corporations bowing only to the almighty bottom line, such a sizeable corporation would stand by their convictions so strongly and in the face of the negative publicity they had to know would occur.
It is their right to run their company any way they chose within the law. It is our right not to patronize their business if we disagree with them.
Don't forget the lemonade.
Is there a news story about this or something else to back this up as true, or did you get it in an email or from a blog? Before getting worked up, it's best to make sure it's not just a rumor or a misinterpetation of the actual facts.
Sounds to me like the Mayor is saying that the general population of the city and state oppose Chick Fil A's stance on gay marriage and as such, they do not welcome their business. Fine, they each have their opinions. Elected officials should echo the sentiments of their constituency, and if that's what the people want, so be it.
Mayor of Boston - I urge you to back out of your plans to locate in Boston.
Not exactly blocking permits, as far as I can tell.
mtn wrote:
KATYB wrote:
as i understand it one of the proposed locations is right at city hall like across the street. right where thousands of gay couples go to get married everyyear.
Inconsequential. If the city does not own the land, they have no right to block any permits based on an opinion.
If the permits are truly being blocked because of a difference of beliefs, they won't hold up in the long run, will just be a PITA for ChicFilA in the short term.
I suspect, however, that it may be a case of "we don't like your beliefs (relative to our campaign platform), so we'll find at least a semi-legitimate reason to deny your permit, though everyone will know what our real motive is".
stuart in mn wrote:
Is there a news story about this or something else to back this up as true, or did you get it in an email or from a blog? Before getting worked up, it's best to make sure it's not just a rumor or a misinterpetation of the actual facts.
A google search will net you plenty of articles from reputable news sources.
An Alderman in Chicago intends to block them from locating in his ward. I don't know if that is kosher or not. Isn't it routine to block strip clubs, bars, etc. based on nothing more than "family values"?
WARNING: Extreme exaggeration to make a point!
So if a company exhibits a pattern and practice of advocating discrimination - let's say antisemitism or racism - should we be okay with them building a store in our neighborhood as long as they get the required permits? Should elected officials stand by silently?
I am not saying this situation rises to that level.
Off on a tangent - whenever I've patronized a Chick-Fil-A, I have been served by a bright-eyed, smiling teen who said 'please' and 'thank you' and was exceedingly polite and attentive.
Their competitor's restaurants are staffed primarily by snarling miscreants.
Sadly, I've recently decided that I won't go to Chick-Fil-A anymore.