4/20/16 6:38 p.m.
Im a teacher, and it seems that many young people I encounter believe fun cars are somehow less masculine to own. For example, I get a lot of flack from them for my old red Boxster, which, "girl's car" or not happens to be my favorite car I've ever owned. Heaven help you if you show up in a Miata or a VW Cabrio. Incidentally, I like driving both. A lot. Does anybody actually buy into that "girl's car" crap or are we all adults here and just drive what we like?
Personally, I don't care what a bunch of homophobic teenagers think about me. I'll still joke about VW cabrios though.
I like to pretend I'm an adult.
That said I came to the conclusion long ago that SUVs allow me to have interesting cars to drive. So far as the chick car thing goes, not that I care, but every convertible seems to be considered a chick car. Not sure where that came from but it generally identifies the people I won't get along with.
Put a Rocket Bunny kit on it and I can assure you that the tune of teenagers will turn though.
4/20/16 7:04 p.m.
Do you make more money than them?
Have you touched actual boobs?
If you answered "Yes" to both questions, then who cares what they think? ---> You win.
If you are letting the opinions of the children you teach affect your self image, you might want to look into ways to improve your self esteem.
So, yeah, drive what you like.
I'm not completely buying in but here's the facts... http://articles.latimes.com/2010/jun/19/business/la-fi-women-cars-20100619Highest percentage of female ownership : VW Beetle convertible
Yes, Miatas, VW Cabrios, V6 Mustangs, Fieros etc are either owned by girls or fanboys.
FWIW, I've owned a V6 Mustang, a Fiero and a Fiat 850 Spider. I know all about secretary cars.
It's an evolutionary tactic that has evolved into humanity. It's nature's way of trying to convince you to 911 swap it. Let nature take it's course.
Can we can add BMW 325 and Mazda B2200 to the girls car list since I drive them?
Personally, I don't buy into the stereotype that anything a girl likes, drives or does is somehow inferior.
I drive what I like.
Girls cars? Is there something wrong with preferring to drive a car that attracts women rather than one that attracts men?
Not only do I drive a chick car, a tj wrangler, it's purple! When guys give me a hard time about it bringing my sexuality into question, I always say "yes, because the color of my jeep determines where I want to stick my penis". That usually creates an awkward moment.
Ps I have two miatas as well
New Reader
4/20/16 8:54 p.m.
All good points. Woody, you're a stitch!
Wait this are the same kids that likely lust after a certain rwd Nissan that only came with a 2.4L truck motor domestically, and they want to talk about chick cars?!?
Show them some spec boxster racing highlights and ask them to check out who Leh Keen is, then to figure out where he started. As for miatas, CJ Wilson.
When I worked at Mitsubishi I noticed that the Neon engined FWD eclipses were driven by 20 something boys and the top of the line turbo GSX AWD were driven by women. Generally very attractive too.
4/20/16 9:46 p.m.
I completely don't care if anything I do is "manly" or not and I'm sick and tired of the knucklehead "I'm a MAN MAN MAN" chest-thumpy attitude that's around. It's a totally ridiculous thing to wring your hands about. Be who you want and drive what you like, if other people don't like it that's their own problem.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go straighten my hair because I'm going out later (100% serious.
I'm a 6'3" 215 lb former rugby player who DDed a red miata for three years, ignore the haters.
I mean, the answer probably wasn't for me, but it was a lotta fun.
To the OP: have your ManlyBoy students watch this video of a Spec Miata race car running down and catching a Z06 Corvette. Then, ask them how a could "chick" car possibly be a "chick" car if it can outrun a Z06 Vette on a race track. And then point out that your Boxter is even faster than a Miata on a race track.
In reply to M030:
Well, your porsche's engine isn't in the back, so yes.....that makes you less manly. 
In reply to BeerBaron:
You would be astonished how many attractive women the Fiat attracts......unfortunately they all flee in terror dialing the rape hotline or some E36 M3 once I start it. 
4/21/16 12:54 a.m.
In reply to EastCoastMojo:
No way on the b2200, unless it's auto with power steer, and even then, only if compared to a full sized truck. (Also, because I'm a guy, and how dare you immaculate my ride hahaha)
When I took my b2000 (badges as ford courier) in for an inspection a few months ago, the poor little apprentice who drove it into the shop asked how the hell I drive it, he'd never driven a car without power steering. Poor kid was dumbfounded.
4/21/16 4:04 a.m.
Beer Baron wrote:
Girls cars? Is there something wrong with preferring to drive a car that attracts women rather than one that attracts men?
That is usually my retort. Ultimately, I drive whatever I like anyway.
Yet, I'll admit that when I was a young, single guy, I was far more concerned with image. Now, as a middle-aged married guy, I could not care less.
4/21/16 4:27 a.m.
sesto elemento wrote:
It's an evolutionary tactic that has evolved into humanity. It's nature's way of trying to convince you to 911 swap it. Let nature take it's course.
In reply to sesto elemento:
That is going to happen! In the meantime, I bought a cute little "bitch basket" VW Cabrio to drive while said Boxster is apart 
The funny thing is, I can't remember the last time I've actually seen a woman driving a boxster. Around here, SUVs are the chick car of choice.
In reply to bmw88rider:
I call Lexus RX trophy cases, as around here they're normally driven by young blonde mothers age 27-34 who are on husband #1 where hubby is age 49-59 silver fox and on wife #2
The "Chick Car" comments are always a good opening for replying with a proudly stated "I am a confident hetrosexual!"