This car is only about a year and a half old, but not a straight panel left on it. And it's not as if Melbourne is the most dangerous place in the world to drive; just the opposite, in fact. I've seen her pull into the lot - you definitely don't want to park near her.
What did she modify that bumper sticker to say she drives like? Looks like a globe showing N. and S. America? With all the sea turtle and reptile stuff I'm assuming she drives like an injured planet. I do say if she's going to hit lots of stuff good job on her part for getting a confusing tag number.
I occasionally search the all powerful list of craig for hyundai accents, when they drop below 1k I will have one to dent and enjoy. At that time I will be the guy who parks their dented hell-box next to your coddled and pristine ae86/scirocco/2002/insert cult car in an otherwise empty lot. You will cringe, I will laugh and the turtle stickers will laugh with me.
nothing new. my sister owned a 1973 VW Beetle and every single fender was dented or mashed including the hood. my dad would bondo it all up and rattle can it.
I have seen a few cars which looked that bad while the dealer temporary paper tag was still in place.
One was a Kia Rio which racked up ~18,000 miles in about 10 months, the girl not only never picked up her permanent plates but never cleaned out the interior (barf) or changed the oil. It seized the cam in the head, she got PISSED because the Kia rep refused to warranty it.
I have a bud whose girlfriend was driving his 328i long term, she wanted to know when he was going to replace the wheels. He said when she quit hitting curbs. 
I bought my wife her first car because of a driver like that.
It was a white Ford Fairmont with pie tin caps that looked like a cop car, and it didn't have a dent free corner on it. I banged them out, cheesed them over, and gave it a quick 2 tone blue spray, and some wire wheel hubcaps. She was thrilled to have a fairly new car for under a grand.
2/19/11 8:34 a.m.
I had to park downtown Toronto the other night, came out to find a Navigator wedged so tight up against me, you couldn't put your hand in between the cars. Fortunately no damage, the mirrors were overlapped. Had to climb in the passenger side. Didn't have a piece of paper to leave him a note, so I slid down my window and wedged the remains of a muffin under his door handle. Childish I know, but at least it wasn't dog poo.
Honestly, that car looks like it was kicked. She may not drive worth a E36 M3e, but I bet her boyfriend has an anger issue.
You could very well be right about that. I was the original poster, by the way, just accidentally logged in to my daughter's account.
yea.. the rear fender dent without a corrosponding dent in the door kinda aims at somebody kicking the car..
2/19/11 10:12 a.m.
She has pizzed SOMEBODY off.
Curmudgeon wrote:
I have seen a few cars which looked that bad while the dealer temporary paper tag was still in place.
One was a Kia Rio which racked up ~18,000 miles in about 10 months, the girl not only never picked up her permanent plates but never cleaned out the interior (barf) or changed the oil. It seized the cam in the head, she got PISSED because the Kia rep refused to warranty it.
I understand that to most people, a car is an appliance.. but it is a damn expensive appliance. How can somebody just throw away thousands of dollars like that?
It looks like both doors may have been replaced.
No, those are the original doors; it was just the angle I photographed it from, looking into the sun, that made it look a different color.
I saw this lady driving home today with a rather dangerous looking young man (considerably younger than her) in the passenger seat.
2/22/11 9:34 a.m.
Yeah, those look like kicks to me.
My sister and brother-in-law's cars are like that, though. They have never owned a car for longer than 3 months before at least one corner was permanently rounded off, and by the end of 18 months there is usually not a straight panel. They are the type who always happen into nice, relatively clean older cars, too. Which they proceed to treat like Kleenex.
jstein77 wrote:
No, those are the original doors; it was just the angle I photographed it from, looking into the sun, that made it look a different color.
I saw this lady driving home today with a rather dangerous looking young man (considerably younger than her) in the passenger seat.
she has a son with some serious anger issues? I feel sorry for her. My Family has my sister who is that way. While she has never destroyed anything.. she destroys people.
I stopped talking to her willingly 2 years ago. The only reason I am even civil to her is because of my 10 year old niece.
I have a sister that way too. Only time myself and my other sister see or talk to her is the holidays at our parents house.
A woman near here went to park her "truck" next to another car. There wasn't much room so she drove the left wheels up on the snow bank so high that the truck rolled over on to the car she was trying to park beside.
She was 57 yrs old and complained of pain all over her body.
There may be more to this story.