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GregTivo New Reader
8/29/08 12:32 a.m.
GlennS wrote:
GregTivo wrote:
Dr. Hess wrote: Well, Salanis, I come from California too, but, unlike you, I escaped. Besides, while the ghost written memoir is an interesting side note, you have totally missed the main point of the article, and that is that Da O's entire political career has been set up by the Saudies. I guess you didn't want to see that part. That's the conspiracy.
wow, now I've heard conspiracies on both sides, that the Saudis are pumping oil as fast as they can so McCain and the republicans will get elected and now that the sauds are speicifcally grooming Obama to be president through building his career. These Sauds are brilliant!!!
When you have billions in liquid assets and a lot of time on your hands you would be amazed at what you could accomplish.
thatsnowinnebago wrote: Question: If no one pays taxes, where will the money for the roads we love come from? Where will the money to run the government come from? These are honest questions, I'm not trying to be a punk. Dr. Hess can usually back up his statements, whether I agree with them or not, so I'm hoping he will have some insight here.
Road Warrior economy

whatever floats your boat. I'm gonna go with the theory that the sovereign wealth fund in KSA is being used to buy farmland in east asia and financial institutions in the west, but I'll keep an open mind on the spending money directly on failed congressmen from Chicago with good rhetorical skills and a bunch of people that just invaded the buffer country to their north and handed it over to their mortal enemies. Maybe I'm just naive.

Wowak Dork
8/29/08 12:42 a.m.
jrw1621 wrote: There are many people who believe that Bush/Channey will pull out a wild card later in the current election. That wild card will be to call a "National Emergency" and halt the Presidential Election. Interesting....

I've said before that I believe that it is possible, but I keep hoping that it won't happen. If it does, I'm not nearly as ready as I'd like to be, because I'll be looking to get off the grid and leave the country. No joke.

GameboyRMH Dork
8/29/08 1:00 p.m.
Dr. Hess wrote: Liberal: We, the Liberal Elite are going to tax, disarm and enslave the peon classes so that they will do whatever we tell them to so we can sit on our asses in luxury while they clean our houses. We convince them that these taxes and the police that enforce the taxes at gunpoint are really their own idea and good for them. Conservative: Someone tries to enslave me and I'm gonna busta cap in his ass. Get the berkeley out of my wallet. Tax this, shiny happy person. Now, which are you, GlennS?

Whoa, I just had a PTSD flashback of being wedgied in a schoolyard.

I know you can make a more mature argument than that.

z31maniac HalfDork
8/29/08 11:51 p.m.
Salanis wrote:
Dr. Hess wrote: Besides the fact that he's accurate, what's the problem?
Sources. Or lack thereof.

Better or worse than biased sources?

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