Been playing with the HTPC for a long time now, but still just barely to where it needs to be. Next project is a remote to map certain keystrokes to control functions within MythTV. Wifey is not fond of using a keyboard as a remote. What's the best way to implement this?
OS is Ubuntu Linux.
use the MythTV Remote app on your cell phone?
This does scream canoe content though.
To be sure, 'tis an unusual first post to make on a car forum. It's a good question, though. I need to do the same thing myself. In fact, I could have written the OP's post, except that I never start a post with "Hi".
Post a link to the software you "found" to fix your problem, and we'll BAN HAMMER you, boy.
he's paddlin for a paddlin..
I haven't used Myth, but did use Kodi for several years. However, it got to be where I spent more time trying to find a good stream than actually watching anything. SportsDevil never had the games I wanted to see in a quality that was worth watching. Exodus was super flaky if you actually found a stream of something.
More to the point, I've got an older version of this Logitech media keyboard, with a built in trackpad. It's works great for the HTPC, way easier to search with, and the trackpad is responsive enough. I don't know why you'd want to make a HTPC more difficult to use with something like a remote?
We pay for Netflix, the in-laws buy me Prime for Christmas every year, and our friends shared the Xfinity on demand with us, so we can watch ESPN & HBO. We did pay for Sling plus the Sports package for one college football season, but ditched that.
With all the streaming services we have access to now, I haven't even turned the HTPC on in months, might be closer to a year now.
+1 for the remote control app if you don't want to use a keyboard. I just use wireless thumb-keyboards or a VNC connection for control. Back before those wireless thumb-keyboards were common, I had to use modified wireless videogame controllers with chatpads to get the same kind of control, which was expensive and a PITA to set up.