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Not surprisingly people drive worse when they feel safer. A lot of car ads on TV now only mention a vehicle's safety features - nothing else. People seem to be buying cars for the express purpose of smashing them into things.
My wife's theory is that for the most part guys drive like jerks from being testosterone fueled. Women drive like jerks from being oblivious - with plenty of exceptions going both ways.
Back many years ago R&T ran a short story about a guy in I think an MG that had new cars that would try and ram him off the road because the new cars were indestructable and showed no damage. The strory was made into a rock song by Rush named "Red Barchetta"
#6 He Just Finished Playing a Racing Video Game
Unless you're a professional gamer, a mercenary for hire or you just take lots of acid and often find yourself chasing six-foot tall mushrooms through the streets, there really aren't that many video game skills that translate into something practical in the real world.
At first blush, racing games seem to be an exception to that rule. We all have to drive, right? And not just anyone can navigate a Lamborghini Murcielaga through Las Vegas at 185 miles-per-hour and only slaughter, like, two pedestrians. Surely the dexterity and reflexes required to brake, boost and drift all at the same time in Burnout: Paradise translate to some sweet berkeleying chops behind the wheel of an actual car, right?
Er... right?
Not the same as real life.
Incredibly, video games have failed to improve our lives again.
A recent study found that men who simply play racing games and then get behind the wheel of a real car tend to take more risks, display more aggression toward other motorists and generally drive like they're trying to cross some imaginary finish line before everyone else. Or, like the other cars are cheating by teleporting right behind him even when he knew he was way ahead, goddamnit.
Curiously, this effect can be blunted if you simply avoid having a penis. Studies showed women can play Gran Turismo for eight hours straight, drive home in the heaviest rush-hour traffic ever and never once scream, "Get that piece of E36 M3 out of my way you festering communist anal wart."
#5. The Dunning-Kruger Effect
This one is not only a cause for bad driving everywhere, but also about half of the bad stuff that happens in the world.
Have you ever known anyone who thought they were awesome at something when, in reality, they sucked very, very badly? Even when all their friends told them they sucked? And their mother told them they sucked? You've got the guy at the office who still insists he could play in the NFL, the shrieking girl on karaoke night who is sure she could sing professionally if she chose to...
It's possible that those poor souls are living in the shadow of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Cornell psychologists Justin Kruger and David Dunning describe this phenomenon as someone being "unskilled and unaware," meaning they have a specific short circuit in their brains that makes them suck at figuring out they suck.
Once you are aware of this phenomenon, you'll see it five times a day in your everyday life. And perhaps nowhere is this more dramatically demonstrated than on our roadways.
This driver will vastly overestimate his own driving abilities, while underestimating or diminishing everyone else's, and he'll be as self-assured as possible while he's doing it. That's why he thinks he's perfectly capable of talking on his cell while steering with a sandwich, but anybody else who does that should have both their license and reproductive organs revoked.
Experts call this "deficient metacognitive skill" but it's basically a ridiculous system by which a person continually sees all other drivers as worse than they are, therefore making himself look better by comparison. This is coupled with a complete inability to self-evaluate, so they go on living in their own little fantasy world where they're the king of the road, and the rest of us are just obstacles to be avoided, sped by and flipped off.
#4. The Safer They Feel, the Worse They Drive
The primary need of every human is to feel safe and secure. Once those needs are met, it really frees us up to concentrate on other more important things, like changing lanes without looking, tailgating other drivers and leaning on our horn during a traffic jam just to alert other drivers that we're displeased with the situation.
Everybody has an acceptable level of risk, and scientists say we try to keep risk at the same acceptable level in any situation. This sort of makes sense until you realize that if your risk level is too low, you will actually engage in riskier behavior to compensate.
So, for example, when you get into your custom Volvo with the five-point harness NASCAR seat belts, side impact airbags and anti-lock, you don't just pat yourself on the back for being extra safe. No, you subconsciously compensate by driving faster, following other cars more closely and flipping the bird more frequently.
On the opposite side of the psychological highway, the driver in the '74 Ford Pinto with the washrag gas cap and four bald tires is probably driving under the speed limit, signaling every turn and hating your guts as you whiz by him at 90 miles-an-hour.
Maybe it's the same reason football players get concussions even with those armored, padded helmets on their heads. Each guy seems to think, "Hey, I've got my skull good and protected! That means I can slam my head into dudes even harder."
Basically, all the well-intentioned safety measures the world imposes on us are nullified by the psychopath that lies just below the surface in all of us.
#3 His or Her Genes
Hopefully you're not reading this while you're hauling ass down the highway, but if you are, what the hell... take a quick peek at the cars to your left and to your right. Now think about this: The odds are that one of those drivers--who really seem to have you sandwiched in there--has a gene that makes them a E36 M3ty driver. Better go ahead and buckle up too while you're at it.
The human body produces a protein called BDNF which is responsible for maintaining the health of our synapses. Scientists refer to this function as neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to renew itself and retain information.
Driving, being one of those tasks that requires attention, decision-making and good motor skills, depends heavily on this. Good drivers' brains have high levels of BDNF production which allow them to learn faster and perform better during tasks that require advanced motor function. Bad drivers, sadly, do not.
And BDNF production is tied to one single gene variant which scientists have romantically dubbed Rs6265. If someone suffers from low BDNF levels, it doesn't 't necessarily mean they're going to go all Tiger Woods on a tree with their SUV every time they get behind the wheel. They're just more likely to do it than someone whose brain is virtually oozing BDNF like grease from a Fatburger.
#2.Their Car Smells Like E36 M3
OK, maybe not literally like E36 M3. It's probably more like a wet Labradoodle covered with havarti cheese. Either way, bad odors have an adverse affect on your driving ability. So that's what those goddmaned pine tree air fresheners are for. We thought it was for guys to cover up the smell of weed in case they get pulled over.
Anyway, according to scientists at the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, a nice big whiff of something nasty can induce feelings of hostility, cause you to drive more aggressively and increase your chances of being involved in an accident.
And secondly, smells are processed by the limbic system in your brain, which also governs emotions and long-term memories. A foul odor can evoke any number of long-buried memories and the emotions that come with them. The smell of rotting garbage may bring back memories of that year you lived in a dumpster.
At its most harmless, this leads to an inability to fully concentrate on the road. But if the smell is irritating enough, it can trigger a response in your trigeminal nerve which runs smack dab through the center of your skull.
A nerve response like this is typically accompanied by an adrenaline release that instantly puts you in a tense and angry state. "Tense and angry" tends to mean "shiny happy person" to other motorists, and means you are more likely to start driving like one.
#1. He Just Watched The Fast and the Furious... Again
In many ways, we are prisoners of the culture we grew up in. We're social creatures, we can't help it.
For instance, we all know that children are itty-bitty little profanity sponges. Let a couple of F-bombs slip around a three-year-old, and next thing you know it's "berkeley you Tinky-Winky" this, and "Eat a dick, Bob the Builder" that.
According to psychologist Dr. Leon James children are also quite the little assimilators of our driving habits as well. He has postulated that a childhood of riding with parents who do inconsiderate things--like screaming obscenities, following too closely, attempting vehicular homicide--has a profound effect on the way that we will drive in the future. In other words, if your parents were shiny happy people behind the wheel, it's a good bet you will be too.
And it's not just your parents that berkeley you up. Oh no, it's our entire gasoline and car-chase addicted culture. Car chases look freaking awesome on screen and we've been cramming them into movies ever since the camera was invented. Ask a cop how much he likes the Fast and the Furious franchise. He'll be torn between his love for Vin Diesel and the way street racing deaths doubled the year the first film came out. Think it's ridiculous when panicked moral crusaders talk about how movies influence our youth? Tell that to members of the LAPD who have to do extra patrols around theaters showing Fast and Furious sequels just to keep teenagers from squealing off into the distance and smashing head-on into a tanker truck.
Fun read as long as you think of it as a humor article but that guy lifted the safety arguments (including the part about football players) from the Freakonomics Podcast so it's not original.
Also, it is not true that driving isn't getting safer. While the absolute number of fatalities per year isn't dropping a whole lot, the population is growing so the fatalities per driver is dropping quite fast at the same time that new safety features are being introduced. About 50% reduction in fatalities per 100 000 drivers since 1975:
click on trends
In reply to madpanda:
Cars are getting safer, not (necessarily) drivers.
A logical conclusion: emphasis on driver education combined with increased vehicle safety, fatalities would realize an even bigger drop.
Completely agree. I like the ideas that have floated around this board for a while about tougher driver's license exams too.
yes.. but we all know that Driver Education has ZERO impact on fatalities.. the insurance companies told us so
mad_machine wrote: yes.. but we all know that Driver Education has ZERO impact on fatalities.. the insurance companies told us so
Well, kinda.............
The IIHS contends DE allows young drivers to get easier and quicker access to their licenses. End result - more young, inexperienced drivers = more accidents/fatalities.
A graduated-licensing programs makes much better sense, but a whole lot of ne'er-do-well parents and their spawn would nix that real fast.
I do agree with the idea of the graduated licenses.. looking back on the stuff I did at 18... I am surprised I did not destroy my first car
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