Well it seems I've got about every piece of junk I can use and now I look at craigslist in kind of a numb feeling. I don't have any room or need for more tools, no room for more cars, and parts rarely come up for my car. I'm in craigslist limbo. I'm keeping an eye out for a portaband but I don't really need it as the chop saw will do.
Anyone else hit the wall?
I just look at cars i want eventually anyway.
1/5/12 7:21 a.m.
Start selling stuff on craigslist!
The few things I posted for sale, wasn't worth all the spammers and idiots that wanted to trade some crap electronic gamer stuff. Now, I only look at building materials and motorcycles occasionally.
You might find BETTER stuff!
$75 Onan 4000 watt electric start generator was my latest find.
Before I could install my lift, I found a better one for half the price!
I also hit the WANTED and BARTER areas hard in case someone needs my extra crap.
I still remember the day I asked the question, "Craigslist? What's that?"
That was a lot of stuff ago.
The first hit of Craigslist is free. The rest will cost you.
I have updated my sig to reduce confusion. I certainly don't care if someone calls me sir or dude, but Angry sure does.
Use your craigslist prowess to buy and sell things at a profit!
Then use this money to blow on your already existing cars!