11/7/18 9:17 p.m.
Seems to me like we need a thread to summarize GRM members who are able to offer specialized services (presumably automotive related). If I needed some specific work done I'd much rather patronize a fellow GRM member and I'm assuming if those folks are offering services for a fee they'd appreciate the business. Maybe someone makes custom guitar straps. Maybe someone offers plating services or custom graphics, whatever. You get the idea. Or should this go in the Open Classifieds?
11/7/18 9:31 p.m.
Interesting idea. I'd rather give my money to a grmer.
I support this thread and support framing it or placing it however the mods feel is appropriate.
Sadly, all I have to offer is questionable advice, which is not really a niche service.
I do stereo work and custom wiring. I may still be able to make cabinets and furniture, bur it's been a while since I built any.
My 3D printer is open to all with CAD files. 9" cube print bed
I don't have much else in the way of weird tools or useful legal skills, but I do support this thread because I'd rather deal with forum members than the general public.
I do some Web Design. (Paco Moto is one of mine.)
I may also get into doing vinyl wrap at some point, though most people around this site would probably take on something like that themselves.
If you need a ADA door operator, give me a shout.
Technical Writer with 11+ years of experience.
Marine, Defense, Electrical, Industrial Equpiment, complex commerce software...........lots of varied experience.
I can berkeley up SU carbs.
Used Oil Analysis, Lubrication specialist. Before that 13 years as a parts slinger (10 with Acura).
11/8/18 9:45 a.m.
I spent way too many years writing car parts catalogs and editing automotive content. Organizing car related information is fun to me. I'm weird.
I have no official business, but if you need CAD or Excel help I will offer a hand.
I would kill to have a GRMer nearby that does any sort of home improvement stuff.
I do full-stack web development, programming, graphics work, video/audio editing, Linux sysadmin.
NMSA,(not mine but some association) I work in the machining side of an automation and fabrication shop in East Tennessee. We have two 3 axis cnc mills, a 5 axis flow waterjet with a 8x14 work area, and manual machines. The shop boss is lenient with personal projects and one-offs after hours, and if you need something from us professionally, i can put you in contact with the right guys to do a run of parts.
I can add another home 3d printer to the roster available on here, but as yet I can pnly print PLA parts that fit inside a 4 inch cube...
11/8/18 4:12 p.m.
bobzilla said:
Used Oil Analysis, Lubrication specialist. Before that 13 years as a parts slinger (10 with Acura). oil guy?
If so mind blown.
In reply to pheller :
He went by BobTheRealOilGuy for a while if I remember correctly.
11/8/18 8:07 p.m.
well, I can sand cast some aluminum parts out of old hard drives...
also, i tend to do a good job of anything artistic i try to do, like casting, carving, painting, wire frame, drawing. i used to do caricatures, for instance, and my specialty was talking people into getting drawn in their favorite car. my standard was a mustang running away from the cops. this was pre-mobile devices so i kept an autotrader print magazine at the stand with me so i could look up details on any obscure car that was requested. my favorite was a couple dudes came by wanting to be drawn with Navigators lowered with huge rims. haha i should have had someone else do the faces, i kinda sucked at that part :P
so if someone really needs a caricature done of them + car, I'd try my hand at it but haha i'm nervous to offer that.
Also, I wonder if posting location would help with these ( i know you can look it up by clicking on their name but still)
KC area
I'm pretty good at cleaning & reseasoning cast iron cookware, but I tend to want to keep it afterwards, so not sure if that is helpful unless you want to get rid of some old cast iron. 
I can find parts for pretty much any car no matter how obtuse or how long out of production.
11/9/18 10:44 a.m.
I'm a whiz with general repair, custom engine building, driveline engineering, engine swaps, and stereo installations. You want a Cummins in your MGB? You want a Caddy 500 built for 400 hp and dropped into a motorhome? Need a Ford 9" put in a Cutlass and have the right u-joint angle? Want a Qjet to run right? Need a custom timing curve? That's me.
Unfortunately, my paycheck right now requires about 60 hours a week and my garage space is non-existent.
Add another 4, yes four, 3D printers to the GRM printer farm.
I can print 12" or more in any direction on 3 of them with just about any filament that melts under 300*C: ABS, PC, PETG, Carbon Firber Infused Filaments, etc.
Also I'm decent at TIG welding steel, stainless and aluminum.
Nothing much. I've considered being hired muscle for "collections" before but the ROI isn't usually great.
Oh, well I guess if anyone needs a progressive-rock/metal/fusion-ish bassist I’m available.