I was out shopping with my GF Melissa and we came across one of her old neighbors that she hasn't seen in a while. They're asking each other about their daughters, they're about the same age and used to play together as kids. Melissa mentions that her daughter is prego and the ex-neighbor replies that so is hers.
The ex-neighbor then goes on to explain that "they weren't using birth control, because the boy drank a lot of Mountain Dew and they thought that would make him sterile"
Wait, what?
Holy crap, she must have been serious.
someone believed that line?
-That boy needs to have his 'nads slammed between two heavy medical journals!
-(and the girl? , well I won't discuss it in polite company !! )
-Just read the urban legends article.... That is the future of our country?
"Beam me up Scotty !"
I wish. A mountain dew binge is a whole lot cheaper than keeping the wifey on pills...
Dare I ask the ages of Mr. "I Dew, so my swimmers can't...." and the fortunate receptical ?

Hah, everyone knows that one isn't true!
The real truth is that Mountain Dew makes your stupid.... or is it only stupid people drink Mountain Dew...
Chebbie_SB wrote:
Dare I ask the ages of Mr. "I Dew, so my swimmers can't...." and the fortunate receptical ?
The girl is somewhere near 20. I never met the "Dewd" and I really didn't want to involve myself in the conversation more than I had to.
When I was in middle school, the CW (conventional wisdom) was that if ya did it standing up she wouldn't get pregnant. (Gravity, maybe?) Not that I never did it standing up
but I just couldn't see not having a Plan B, just in case.

1/2/11 7:23 p.m.
Jensenman wrote:
When I was in middle school, the CW (conventional wisdom) was that if ya did it standing up she wouldn't get pregnant. (Gravity, maybe?) Not that I never did it standing up
but I just couldn't see not having a Plan B, just in case.
Never say never... it's never too late 
Unfortunately stupid doesnt make you sterile.
Whew. If Mt. Drew doesn't make you sterile, then i'm in the clear! My fiance and I want kids some day, and I used to own all of this...

Also, I'm not surprized by the news. I was a teenager only a few years back, and thus hung out with a lot of teenagers, and all of us did various things that I now know were completely stupid, reckless, and illogical. Mt. Dew birth control makes alot more sense than a lot of crap we used to do! I mean, c'mon, mt. dew does a whole lot of terrible things to the human body, why not chemical sterilization?
Also, Darwin failed us a lot. Why can't I fly? Oh right... I'm from Wisconsin, not Krypton.
If Mountain Dew makes you sterile, what does Ballentine do?
Mountain Dew Code Red makes you sterile, stupid kids.
O.P. Better hope the old "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" isn't true!
Douching (sp) with Coke as an after rinse was popular once.
porksboy wrote:
Unfortunately stupid doesnt make you sterile.
From my extensive observation, I'm pretty certain stupid makes you virile.
It's a little more like "Idiocracy" out there every day.
Maroon92 wrote:
I wish. A mountain dew binge is a whole lot cheaper than keeping the wifey on pills...
Might not be if you count the follow-up cost if it didn't work out too well.
BoxheadTim wrote:
Maroon92 wrote:
I wish. A mountain dew binge is a whole lot cheaper than keeping the wifey on pills...
Might not be if you count the follow-up cost if it didn't work out too well.
Agreed...That's why I keep her riddled with pills. 
Don't be a fool, wrap your tool.