Daryl was featured this week on My Classic Car. Interesting stuff, very innovative for the technology available at the time. I've seen his work over the years, never could put a name to it though. He ran a shop in Kansas, was considered the King of Bubble Tops.

Yes it was a Pacer.

I have family in Oklahoma and every time I go to visit them I drive past the exit to his museum, one of these days I'm going to stop there and see it.
I read the title and thought, " Oh Christ! Don't be dead."
Daryl has 1,000x more talent than Barris and never gets any credit.
3/24/13 7:25 p.m.
I never really liked his stuff, but he certainly has skills.
Woody wrote:
I never really liked his stuff, but he certainly has skills.
You would need to wear some sunscreen to drive any of his cars.
Wow, I'd like to visit sometime. That was an over-the-top era of originality that I don't think really ever happened before or since.
3/24/13 9:47 p.m.
They still do an annual car show that he sets up, and I believe his shop is still active.
Anti-stance wrote:
Woody wrote:
I never really liked his stuff, but he certainly has skills.
You would need to wear some sunscreen to drive any of his cars.
The latest Hot Rod has an article on a car up here in the NW with a custom bubble top. It's Fury IIRC. It's sooooooo berking cool. Owning a real bubble-top car is definitely on my bucket list!
Rob_Mopar wrote:
Appleseed wrote:
I read the title and thought, " Oh Christ! Don't be dead."
Scared me too.
Mee three. Was expecting to see Abe Vigoda's pic when I clicked in.....