I have an idea to make a diy version of one of these portable pizza ovens.

The idea is to use an old stainless gas grill lid, then weld a bottom plate to that to set the pizza stones on. Cut a hole in to top to weld a chimney on.
I have some questions.
Would the stainless gas grill lid be insulated enough to get the temperature up to 900 or so degrees?
Would using regular steel be bad for the bottom plate to hold the stones? Would it off gas bad chemicals or anything?
similar question on the chimney, could you use automotive exhaust tubing? Or is there a special type of stainless that is "food grade"?
Any ideas or even reinforcement that it is a bad idea and just buy one already made is helpful.
I wouldn't be concerned about food grade. Many grills are mild steel which is not NSF. I would use exhaust tubing and sleep great. For the bottom plate you might have some off-gassing the first time. Just fire it up for a virgin run before you do food in it.
I think you could get to 900 degrees. My stamped-steel gas grill gets to 700 without breaking a sweat. Only concern is having enough wood to get there and still have room for a pie. Expect your stainless to discolor rather dramatically. The other thing you might run into is that stainless shrinks and grows more than mild steel. I think the first time you get it up to temp, you'll no longer have a dome. You'll have a warped chunk of stainless. Worth a shot, and warping might not be a problem.
Lots of info here on the Forno Bravo forum.
My outdoor wood fired pizza oven build is here.

In reply to lotusseven7 (Forum Supporter) :
Wow that looks really nice.
In reply to lotusseven7 (Forum Supporter) :
Now that it's done, I think a trip north might be in order. Basil and mushroom, please.