May I throw out another option? Depending on how many apps you need or if you can "live" with a smaller selection - which seems to cover most of what I think I need - I would suggest you have a look a Nokia Lumia.
I've had a Lumia 920 for a year now as my "second phone" and most of the time, I pick that up for duties like web browsing, taking pictures etc. Yes, you can't get tons and tons (and tons) of apps for them, but I've managed to cover all the bases apart from expense tracking that integrates with my personal finance software (which runs on a Mac, so no surprise there. Plus, I happen to rather like the navigation software.
I also have an iPhone 5 as my main phone. That phone replaced a Droid. I agree with Keith that Android is great if you are a tinkerer, and it is really the Linux or Windows of the phone world, but I work on computer all day long and don't really fancy hacking my phone at night.
If I hadn't bought into the Apple eco system, I would have bought another Lumia to replace the aging Droid rather than the iPhone 5, but in the end the iPhone won simply because I've got a lot of "stuff" for them already.
9/20/13 11:13 a.m.
Whenever I see Moto X, I think of Motocross, or the Moots Mooto X mountain bike.
9/20/13 11:37 a.m.
I love my iPhone, but then again I'm hung up on stuff working when I want it to work.
Let's all watch this and have a laugh though
9/20/13 11:38 a.m.
I went with the moto razr maxx last time, browses internet quite well once you ditch chrome, and the battery life is exceptional......I haven't charged mine in 3 days and I'm still at 60%. FWIW, I never rooted this one, nor have I had to mess/tinker with it.
9/20/13 1:49 p.m.
BoxheadTim wrote:
I agree with Keith that Android is great if you are a tinkerer, and it is really the Linux or Windows of the phone world, but I work on computer all day long and don't really fancy hacking my phone at night.
Why WOULD you be "hacking your phone at night?" Like I said, I've had a couple Android phones and never hacked them at all. I just use them.
Nexus4 or 5 when it comes out. Then go pre-paid tmobile or AT&T. You get pure android from google and cheap monthly service $60-$70
The GF has a Samsung Galaxy S4 on Verizon. Awesome device. I would recommend it to anyone. My issue is the "I am on Straight Talk and I really like only paying $45.00/mo for everything" so I took the $99.95 Huawei option. Idiot. Hate it. Needs to be rooted just to handle what is installed from the factory. Since there is no Straight Talk S4, I am going to get either an iPhone4s or save up for a 5... priorities
9/20/13 3:26 p.m.
John Brown wrote:
Since there is no Straight Talk S4, I am going to get either an iPhone4s or save up for a 5... priorities
Net10 is the same company for $5.00 more you can use a S4. I have SIMs that will work on any AT&T locked phone. Or you can get any new sim for T-Mobile.
Ill give you the AT&T sim for $2.00 shipped.
9/20/13 7:42 p.m.
I ended up with an iPhone 4s. It should do everything I need it to do and then some, and most of my co-workers and friends have iPhones so someone can show me how it works. The only thing I did so far was facetime. I call my sister's phone and her 2 year old picks it up and aims it so he and my year old niece are in the shot. He talks, she smiles and waves so I am happy with it thus far.
So there was one comment in this thread for Windows Phone but notice there was no one praising BlackBerry.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen, once the company who could do no wrong.
Today the bell sounded again, closer and closer to a final Death Knell with this press release:
BlackBerry today announced massive job cuts amidst a large loss for its second fiscal quarter. The company expects to write down $1 billion in unsold Z10 smartphone inventory and post a loss of between $950 and $995 million. The company said it sold 3.7 million devices during its second fiscal quarter, but the bulk of them were its older BlackBerry 7 devices, and not its new BlackBerry 10 smartphones. As a result, it will layoff 40% of its global work force, or about 4,500 employees. After the cuts, BlackBerry will be left with 7,000 employees, about half what it was two years ago. Further, BlackBerry said it plans to make changes to its business. The company said it will "refocus on the enterprise and prosumer market." It will consolidate its hardware portfolio from six devices to four, including two high-end devices and two entry-level devices. BlackBerry announced earlier this month that it is exploring its strategic options, including a sale of the company, whether in parts or as a whole.
Kind of surprised more people don't have any HTC products TBH.
HTC was lacking for a little while there... great design but not without its issues... also many of them where only avl on one carrier in the US
I'm an android guy... got my first 3 or so years ago running eclair (android 2.1)... every update just keeps getting better... at the end of my last phones life I rooted it and put a custom rom on it which really made the older hardware work nicely... these days I'm running a stock Samsung note 2 and love it... there are rare occasions I'd like to have a smaller phone... if the phone companies weren't so retarded I'd prefer to just have a simple phone and then a tablet (nexus 7 or something similar) with a data sim... but it's significantly more expensive for a data sim vs a phone sim with data :-/ go figure...
as for the iphone vs android thing... depends on how simple you want things... I tried to get my mother-in-law and brother in law to go with an iphone... my bro-in-law finally went to one after getting the cheapest POS android he could... mo in law is still on a cheapo POS android other then occasionally needing to restart it or re-seat the SD card but she can facebook, take pics, call and txt with it...
I just got the Samsung Mega for the lulz. I've been using Android phones for a few years now. I like it for the fact that you can do virtually anything you want with them with all the things programmers have made for the Android os.
I won't tell you what to get, but I can tell you WHY I like the iphone:
I sat down with one for about 10 seconds and figured out how to use 90% of it. It's insanely intuitive.
I've had multiple instances where older family members are having problems figuring out how to do something on their phone, and ask for my help. After about 10 seconds of berkeleying with it, I'll generally say "I dunno. Get a berkeleying iphone."
I'm not trying to start a war or say it's the bees knees. I'll keep buying them because they work and are stupid simple to use.
Durp. Missed the part where you already bought the phone. Hope you dig it.
Really like our S3's here. And since the S4 is out you can get them cheap
Tom_Spangler wrote:
she's able to call, text, browse the web, and take pictures with it, which is all she wants.
I never said that the phone didn't do these things. It just does them relatively poorly, even compared to a iphone 3GS (mainly due to the user interface). The camera is reaaaally good, but all modern smartphone cameras are good.
Well, obviously everyone's experiences are different, but I'm at a loss to how a mid-2009 phone like an iPhone 3GS could feel faster than a mid-2012 phone like a GS3. The GS3 is light-years ahead in every area of technology. You want to talk iPhone 4S or 5 vs. GS3, yeah, I can see that.
Usually because when more power is available, programmers become lazy and bloat software without making it optimized for processing power. Which also is another thing, lack of optimization for a specific phone/hardware type, which the iphone wins hands down.
My point is, a stock vs stock comparison (NOT TALKING ABOUT APPs), in my opinion the iphone is better. The android can be MADE better, but that requires you to do work.
9/21/13 7:34 p.m.
Most of my co-workers were happy I went with the iPhone. They feel I shouldn't be too much of a burden on the rest of society. I forgot how addicting the iStore is. I now own the Red Sovine collection, Gerry Rafferty's greatest hits, and Straight Outta Compton
HiTempguy wrote:
Tom_Spangler wrote:
she's able to call, text, browse the web, and take pictures with it, which is all she wants.
I never said that the phone didn't do these things. It just does them relatively poorly, even compared to a iphone 3GS (mainly due to the user interface). The camera is reaaaally good, but all modern smartphone cameras are good.
Well, obviously everyone's experiences are different, but I'm at a loss to how a mid-2009 phone like an iPhone 3GS could feel faster than a mid-2012 phone like a GS3. The GS3 is light-years ahead in every area of technology. You want to talk iPhone 4S or 5 vs. GS3, yeah, I can see that.
Usually because when more power is available, programmers become lazy and bloat software without making it optimized for processing power. Which also is another thing, lack of optimization for a specific phone/hardware type, which the iphone wins hands down.
My point is, a stock vs stock comparison (NOT TALKING ABOUT APPs), in my opinion the iphone is better. The android can be MADE better, but that requires you to do work.
Well, all I can say is that my experiences have been totally different, but I guess that's why we say YMMV.
Wally wrote:
I forgot how addicting the iStore is. I now own the Red Sovine collection, Gerry Rafferty's greatest hits, and Straight Outta Compton
That sounds like one helluva mashup waiting to happen. 
I ended up getting an HTC one, Chuck got a galaxy S4. I like the HTC, but I also really like some of the features of the S4, like the SD card, removeable battery and the ability to use it as a remote control. I have two weeks to decide if I want to trade. What would you pick, and why? I love gadgets but I have not bothered to research phones because I wasn't expecting to get one so soon.
9/23/13 8:03 a.m.
HiTempguy wrote:
My point is, a stock vs stock comparison (NOT TALKING ABOUT APPs), in my opinion the iphone is better. The android can be MADE better, but that requires you to do work.
I disagree, after having had the opportunity to try both an iPhone 4 and 5. They are no more intuitive to use than either of my Androids have been, no better in "stock" form, and in both cases, for real use, you get apps for it, and both are equally as good at that. I really, REALLY do not get what "work" you think needs to be done to a android phone.
My 4G HTC Rezound is stock, with apps, and is just as good as my wife's iPhone 5. What "work" should I have done to it to get it there?
I don't get the “work" that Android requires either. Mine has always been fine, in stock form.
Wife, on the other hand, has iPhone 5, and just did the update last week. Now, she has to go to the Apple store, to unberk her email. Her work account has merged with her personal account, and none of her “knowledgeable Apple" coworkers can figure out how to separate the two.