6/22/13 5:47 a.m.
My wife is so cool about my "fleet"; she says, "if we have space and you can afford them, collect as many as you want" there's not two women like her! I hit the luck lottery in that regard. Still, at a certain point, I start to feel guilty about having too many. Does this ever happen to any of you? As long as each car has a separate and distinct purpose, it's fine. It's when there's "overlap" in my collection that I begin to feel like a hoarder. Current fleet:
- 78 Lincoln Continental Mark V (dad's car, I in herited it. This one can't ever go because it was dad's car)
- 72 VW Super Beetle (my first car & never-ending project)
- 97 Porsche Boxster (summer DD, also my Autocross toy)
- 90 VW Jetta automatic (rusty POS winter car)
- 90 VW Jetta 5spd (clean, rust-free version of the first car I had in high school after I stopped driving the Beetle. I LOVE this car & feel fuilty about it. How many 'sentimental' cars is it reasonable to own (it overlaps the 72 Bug & 78 Lincoln in that way)? I could argue it's more of a fun car, but then it overlaps the Boxster.
Am I just a car hoarder? What's reasonable?
This is me as and my wife as well! I have a very understanding wife. But I do have a lot if overlap.
1992ish Miata, summer fun car I've had for 10 years, won't ever sell it, it's to be parted out when I die.
1990 Miata, wife's summer car.
1994 escort wagon 5 speed. Winter daily, but it is rust free. I can't argue with 35 mpg.
1993 yj wrangler. Just plain love it. Way to much fun.
1988 jeep Comanche. Beat up but runs and drives well. I should sell this, but a truck is oh so handy.
2006 econoline, work van.
Lotus seven clone being welded up in garage.
Too many toys, for a little 125 by 55 foot lot!
6/22/13 6:21 a.m.
I start to feel a little uncomfortable when I can no longer keep track of oil change intervals in my head. That's when I realize that the herd needs to be thinned.
I only have one, if any of you feel guilty just hand me one of yours i'll take it so long as it runs lol
My wife doesn't care as long as we have ample space. Hell, I've stored cars for friends here several times.
6/22/13 7:04 a.m.
I'll probably sell the exceptionally ice, rust-free 1990 Jetta since it's car #4 that I won't drive in the winter. I could use the money to get an RoW M030 sport suspension from Porsche, for the Boxster.
I only have four
77 Fiat spider that has been pieces for a decade
1987 Saab 900 SPG that has been in pieces for 9 months
1996 BMW 318ti that I am taking to pieces
2003 Landrover that I have not yet taken apart
6/22/13 7:48 a.m.
in many ways I'm glad I don't have any more room ... 
Mine is the best, 24 snd counting, she is ok with my manic behavior
Guilty? Never. Most I have ever had is 4 at one time. As long I don't keep a "auto parts recycling facility" on site, I don't have any problems with anyone.
My fleet always fluctuates between 5 and seven cars......BUT there are 4 licensed drivers in the household.....guilty, no. Wish two of the drivers were not teenagers? YES
Not anymore. I haven't dragged a random project home for a couple years now. Ive decided that space, time and money are all my limiting factors.
6/22/13 8:37 a.m.
I feel guilty when I have a perfectly good car that is just sitting because I don't have time for it, but my wife is pretty supportive of my addiction:
- It keeps me out of her hair
- She never has to take her car anywhere but home if there's a problem and when it makes a funny noise, there's no waiting!
- It gives her something to barter with since my father- and sister-in-law (and her husband) are doctors. She can ask them medical questions, and they can pester me with automotive questions.
- Harbor Freight and the Craftsman section of Sears provide everything she'll ever need to know about gift-giving.
- It's been a good way for us to stay on good terms with our neighbors. I've done some rudimentary collision repair, repair advice, used car inspections, and even used my van and winch to extricate my next-door neighbor's John Deere.
I do, thats why I need to start selling some. Plus they are all registered/insured so it gets expensive. Right now I have:
- 2006 S2000
- 1997 e36 M3
- 1987 e30 325is
- 1989 Celica All-trac
- 2008 Acura RDX
- 1990 Miata (this one is a shared purchase with a couple of friends, so it comes and goes)
I wish I had only three
6/22/13 8:59 a.m.
I wanna collect them all!
I feel guilty when I can't keep the entropy level down. I hate to let a car sit and deteriorate, and I hate to have so much stuff in my garage I can't work on them. This is why I'm down to a DD each for my wife and I, my rallycross car, and a couple of scooters.
Its always a little sad when I see a car sitting in a driveway or yard somewhere, never moving and slowly falling apart. I'm trying not to be the guy who does that.
Ian F
6/22/13 9:12 a.m.
I don't know if I feel guilty about it, but I often feel like I have too many cars for my small house, lot and 1.5 car garage:
03 TDI wagon (DD with 317K miles, lives outside)
'88 325is (for sale eventually... lives outside.. bought for all the wrong reasons and have never really liked much)
'73 Volvo 1800ES (rusty long-term restoration project - currently apart and under a cover in the back yard)
'72 Triumph GT6 (nice driver; lives in the garage)
'64 Morris Mini Cooper (nice driver as well; also in the garage).
...and I'm planning to look at buying another car soon...
Right now I have 3. No guilt with these, but the time I had 8 Italians, that was a different story. Non-stop attention on one of them, and I had them scattered at friends houses when I ran out of room.
Now I have a Honda CRV for the wife, plus a Mustang GT and a Cooper S. I'd like to add one more, a nice X1/9, maybe my old '74 if I can find it.
I only am allowed to have one project at a time. Other than that, no limit if space permits (and we now have a 40x50 shop and 1.5 acres... so yea). I mean, I already have two race cars, a truck, trailer, daily driver, and a fun weekend car and I am 24... I seriously doubt I'm going to get any better with age (especially because you RARELY get back what you sell if you want to later on in life). 
going to look at this today // same car not this one in pik
el car by zagato
why feel guilty?
because people are starving somewhere else?
6/22/13 9:47 a.m.
Too many for what purpose?
No, I never have more than two. A toy and a DD.
I don't like perpetually unfinished/half-assed projects.
Yeah, currently have four:
1994 Corvette,
1989 MR2,
2006 Jeep Liberty,
2001 Toyota Xtracab 4X4
and just a two-car garage, Need to keep the Vette and the Jeep inside this winter, so I probably need to sell the AW11. Hard to do since I've had it 13 years and it runs beautifully, but can't justify two sports cars, and I won't let her sit out in the snow for six months, she's been garaged ever since I've had her. Tough decisions - no flat land on the lot to build another garage, although I considered that.
Sometimes when I go from the machine shop to the fabrication/race shop and back into the mostly finished awesome 1950 atomic/rambler house, past the gaggle of cars:
'01 Audi A4 2.8Q - Mrs. Moto's DD
'01 BMW 525iT manual - My DD
'01 Toyota Tacoma SR5 V6 2WD PreRunner - tows race car, goes to dump and lumber runs.
'90 Miata - 'Cause everyone needs one.
'62 Austin Healey Sprite - 3 year restoration 15 years ago. Fully ammortiazed.
'98 BMW M3 fully prepared for NASA TTC + track days - The teutonic toboggan I used to negotiate the first half of the slippery slope.
'99 Radical Prosport - For me, the ultimate car. I'll not die wondering "What if I'd gone racing?"
...I feel a hint of "I have too much". But I'm one of those godless, uber-liberal NPR types.
Then I remember that my wife and I got here on the basis of being smart, making good decisions, and a metric sh1t-ton of hard work on our first house that bankrolled everything that followed.
So, I'll swap some stuff around, the M3 may go, the Sprite when it's finished w/ resto #2. But I like cars, we don't have kids, we're doing well despite being largely self-educated, and we have an awesome setup we did ourselves.