I promise not to make any cracks about it, but if you have a small monitor (under 1024 pixels wide) or just regularly prefer to keep your browser window narrow (again, under 1024 pixels), let me know. Either post here or send me a message directly. Either way will be fine.
We know those of you on small monitors are stuck scrolling on the new site, and scrolling sucks. We're trying to get a handle on the problem.
Yes. I need help with my monitor dysfunction
i have no idea how many pixels my monitor has. All I know, it is over 330 mm wide. Still too narrow to fit the page .
Unfortunately, iceracer, the physical dimensions don't matter much. 330mm could be at 800, could be at 1024, may even be a bit higher.
In windows (XP, anyway), you can see what your resolution is -- and change it, if you'd like -- by going to:
start > control panel > display > settings
It's not the size of your monitor, but the way you use it! ;)
Tim I finally got logged on.
And just for the record, while my monitor is large enough to display all of your page, I can't run it that large since I have real work on the monitor as well.
edit: Hmmm the icon didn't appear. And my post count never has followed me to the new site.
carguy123 wrote: And just for the record, while my monitor is large enough to display all of your page, I can't run it that large since I have real work on the monitor as well.
Thus, this thread. Could you give me your APPROXIMATE window size, please?
edit: Hmmm the icon didn't appear. And my post count never has followed me to the new site.
What icon?
And no post count because (a) you've never send me a message asking for it and (b) I don't know what your username in the old DB was.
What is considered small today? I'm using a 19" LCD set @ 1280 x 960. You can change your resolution back to WIN 95 using the same method Tim outlined IIRC.
For my purposes, small is < 1024 wide. But it's an interesting point -- What was considered normal-sized just a couple of years ago is quite small now, and what was insanely large then is pretty commonplace now.
I just went out and bought a not-very-expensive monitor, with 1680-wide resolution. When the previous GRM site was built, nobody had a monitor that big.
5/27/08 11:08 a.m.
I posted this in another thread. I'm using dual monitors, with 1280x1024 resolution, and have the browser open in a smaller window on one of the monitors (which should count as a small monitor resolution):

At home I use a 1680x1050 resolution on a 22" widescreen monitor, and run the browser full screen. No problems there... ;)
At work I'm ok, but I think that I'm small at home. I'm still nursing an old EMac. Oddly enough, I cannot post from home, since it won't allow me to log in, since it feels that I have Firefox set to not allow cookies (they are allowed).
Mistanfo, the answer to your cookies issue is in the FAQ: http://grassrootsmotorsports.com/forum/grm/the-big-new-site-faq/445/page1/
Your emac could be anywhere from 640 to 1280 px. I have an emac myself, and with some extra RAM they're really workhorse machines.
Will try to check the cookies and monitor size when I get home. I should send you the Emac. It won't load Itunes, Safari, the dashboard, and a host of other programs. The firewire is sketchy too. A few paychecks down the road we'll be buying a Mac Mini.
I have a 15" diagonal CRT monitor at home, so yes I need to scroll back and forth. The native resolution is 600x800; I can set it higher but the text gets microscopic.
Larger flat screen monitors are cheap these days so eventually I'll upgrade, but what I have still works fine and I'm cheap.
my laptops are limited to 1024x768
(sound of crying)
Tim Baxter wrote: carguy123 wrote: And just for the record, while my monitor is large enough to display all of your page, I can't run it that large since I have real work on the monitor as well.
Thus, this thread. Could you give me your APPROXIMATE window size, please?
edit: Hmmm the icon didn't appear. And my post count never has followed me to the new site.
What icon?
And no post count because (a) you've never send me a message asking for it and (b) I don't know what your username in the old DB was.
The icon was for this ;)
I have sent you a message asking for it, but it was in the crush of everyone sending you their requests as well. Same user name. I did say in my message that I might have input a new emaill addy as didn't know what addy I used on the "old" board as I couldn't access anything to find out.
I will have to make a guess as to window size, since it is an arbitrary size that works with other windows open. Based upon how much of this page that is run off the right hand side I'd say it is 768ish.
Thanks. It wasn't easy tracking you down in the DB, but I've found you now.
I have accessed the board with my phone. 240 X 320
is that small enough? :grin:
New Reader
5/27/08 5:40 p.m.
My resolution is 1152x864 and the pictures get cut off but I don't have to scroll to view text.
I'm currently 1024 on the Emac, other problems still, but at least I can see everything. When we go to the Mac Mini we'll temporarily have a smaller pixel count, until I get a newer monitor, but I'll live with the scrolling.
5/27/08 10:50 p.m.
I don't even know my monitor's resolution. It's a semi-ancient 17"er.
One of my laptops is 800 wide and the other is 1024, neither likes the left column much.
New Reader
5/28/08 9:36 a.m.
My home monitor is an old 17" CRT and the highest usable resolution is 800x600 due to the text getting so tiny that I can't read it.
My work monitor is also 17" but it's LCD and runs 1024x768 but is readable.
The work monitor cuts off the edge of the pictures if they're large.
I don't even try to read this board at home any more since the changeover to the new forum layout. Yeah, it's that bad...