Whenever I see a stereotypically clapped out gardener truck with its bed loaded with burlap bags of lawn refuge, I’m convinced it’s actually a super-secret black ops. vehicle on a clandestine mission with like three total badass army guys ready to leap out going pew-pew-pew…pew-pew…pew-pew-pew.
3/14/17 4:40 p.m.
I'm apparently a whole mess of stereotypes. I drive a corolla wagon, that isn't in the best shape, is kinds dirty inside, and has questionable stickers on it. Who knew!
In reply to mndsm:
But you make up for it with awesomeness.
I have to agree with the assessment of the owners of lifted trucks. When we picked up our 2006 F350 it had been Broed out with a 4" lift kit, 37" mudders, plastic fender flairs and a big moose catcher front bumper. I couldn't get it home and apart fast enough. The rims and tires sold for $1400 plus the stock 18" rims and tires off that Bro's truck, the lift kit, flares and front bumper went for $2100 plus the stock bits off that Bro's truck. All in all I ended up with a stock 2006 6.8L V10 F350 with a little less than 100k miles on it for under a $1000. I had to catch up on some deferred maintenance items but overall the truck has been good to us so far and has a kick ass stereo. The worst part was dealing with the guys who responded to my ads.
My daily is a four door 2 liter automatic in a beigey-grey metallic. To offset that, it has random plastidip, a roof rack, and is usually being spanked around for misbehaviour. 99 SAAB9-3 . Come at me with your best stereotypes....
The most reliable one I have found is late model midsize SUVs with factory wheels. I can guarantee I'll see Buffy or Mrs. Ree behind the wheel with all her attention on her phone. Pass at first available opportunity...
I have a long standing joke about 'old people... in Buicks'
I have been cut off/ nearly hit by too many blue hairs that always seem to be in Buicks.
I do often wonder what people think when they see my out in the Dirtball, but I figure filling up my Corvette with fuel in January, wearing a top hat and WWII era army coat is pretty much a nonverbal middle finger to the world.
Prius. In the ultra-fast lane, doing 10 under the limit, left blinker on.
Lowered Subaru with a crappy exhaust. Driver is a scrawny, pasty white flatbrimmer with a vape pen.
I do, but I also know as many of you have pointed out that we may drive a crap box daily to get from a to b but we have something cool at home for the evening or weekend. Bro-dozers are the same everywhere though.
I tend to agree on the brodozer thing.
Priuses must be a regional thing. Here in SW Ohio, having a Prius tends to mean nothing special. They don't really stand out from any other generic car. If anything, more of them are passing me than I pass on the highway, but then I stick to only 3-4 MPH above the speed limit because Ohio Highway Patrol.
3/16/17 11:35 a.m.
I do, though I try not to. One of the coolest guys I ever knew was a brig general, commanded a squadron of Chinooks out of Ft. Lewis, but also ran an Amsoil franchise out of his garage cuz he felt like it. His DD was the most clapped out bondo-and-rust Civic you ever did see. That said, I assume anyone in a prius is a sociopathic passive-aggressive self righteous turd blossom until proven otherwise.
3/16/17 12:48 p.m.
eastsidemav wrote:
I tend to agree on the brodozer thing.
Priuses must be a regional thing. Here in SW Ohio, having a Prius tends to mean nothing special. They don't really stand out from any other generic car. If anything, more of them are passing me than I pass on the highway, but then I stick to only 3-4 MPH above the speed limit because Ohio Highway Patrol.
(d-bag mode: engage)
I wait to get passed by someone with out of state plates and then tail them a few hundred yards back, because out of state cars get much higher fines so they are more likely to get pulled over.
Every time I go to Opie's, however, I will invariably get stuck on 675 (475? I forget) behind some tool in a pickup or large SUV going exactly the same speed as the person to their right. There will be approximately 500 other large pickups/SUVs who are driven by people who know what lane discipline is, however.
3/16/17 1:23 p.m.
Knurled wrote:
eastsidemav wrote:
I tend to agree on the brodozer thing.
Priuses must be a regional thing. Here in SW Ohio, having a Prius tends to mean nothing special. They don't really stand out from any other generic car. If anything, more of them are passing me than I pass on the highway, but then I stick to only 3-4 MPH above the speed limit because Ohio Highway Patrol.
(d-bag mode: engage)
I wait to get passed by someone with out of state plates and then tail them a few hundred yards back, because out of state cars get much higher fines so they are more likely to get pulled over.
Every time I go to Opie's, however, I will invariably get stuck on 675 (475? I forget) behind some tool in a pickup or large SUV going exactly the same speed as the person to their right. There will be approximately 500 other large pickups/SUVs who are driven by people who know what lane discipline is, however.
something to be said for beige sedans in OH. I did a fly/drive of my old e28 - I think half of them ever produced were bronzit metallic. Driving home through OH - passed a trooper going the opposite direction - I was going about 80. Saw him start to turn around - in the meantime went by a couple of other cars - one being a beige camry. I pull in the right lane and chill on the speed. Trooper rolls up to the camry and lights him up.
Every civic I see around here has a fart can exhaust, auto trans and a flatbiller with white sunglasses behind the wheel.
10 years ago I was single and ended up dating two women. One drove a white new beetle with an auto. The other drove an '03 Beetle Turbo S with 6spd. Guess which one I ended up marrying? 
gearheadmb wrote:
Dirty buick= drug addict that was given grandpas car when he died. The relatives thought not having a car was the reason he didnt have a job, but really hes just too big of a piece of E36 M3 to work. The car was beautifully cared for until they handed him the keys, but he managed to hit a mailbox on the way home and knock the mirror off and crack the windshield. Now it hasnt had an oil change in 26000 miles. The ashtray is overflowing with cigarette butts and the seats are covered with burn holes. The only maintenance that happens now is jump starts and pumping up the tires, but that happens every day. There is a pink babyseat in the back that isnt properly strapped in but thats okay because he never sees his kid anyway.
So tell the group what happened, because this seems oddly specific.
I don't judge people but what they drive or how they take care of it. Maybe the beige Corolla was the best deal to get you from point a to b. Maybe it's kinda dirty because yo'd rather not spend all Saturday detailing an applicance and a once in a while vacuum is good enough to keep the rodents at bay. But I do judge people on how they modify. Case in point: see aforementioned bro-dozer.
I have 2 Firebirds, a 3rd gen and a 4th. I like heavy metal and miss my mullet.
Some sterotypes are true....
I worked with a guy named Chad.
He lived up to being a Chad, every last bit of the stereotype.
When I met him, he was driving a lifted 1984 Chevy K10 stepside. Later, he inherited daddy's Cadillac STS.
One day I was bragging that I can tell what kind of a car a person drives after talking to them for about half an hour. He asked me to prove it.
I looked him in the eye and said "White IROC Camaro with T-tops". He got all pissy and his dad, the boss, laughed and said "That was his first car!"
Stereotypes are based in reality folks, that's why profiling works.
I was thinking of this thread today, since I was obviously judged (or at least my car was) while sitting at a red light. I was at the front in the left lane. The right lane ended shortly after the intersection, merging into mine. A car pulls up behind me, and at the last minute darts into the right lane. My dusty old Mitsubishi Galant must have looked to the other driver that it was a step below his... wait for it...
For someone who loves sleepers, I'd have to say that was probably one of the best compliments that I've ever got. He floored it when the light went green, he wasn't taking any chances. I toyed with him until half way across the intersection, which took a lot longer than you would think. Then I let the big turbo do it's thing. My mind flashed to the line in Horrible Bosses, when he claimed that he street races his Prius. "Don't win a lot." 
3/19/17 8:18 p.m.
Today I was in traffic behind a primered S-10 with dangling truck nuts.
Jesus and the Dalai Lama would have judged that guy.
In reply to Boost_Crazy:
In the world I inhabit, people who drive Priuses seem to run WFO all the time. I keep hearing about "slow Prius drivers" but I haven't seen it yet.
Now, pickup drivers. Wow. Buncha DFFs. I was stuck behind one guy this morning who slowed his Dodge Ram Crew Cab 4x4 Lariat Big Horn whatever down to walking speed to navigate smooth railroad tracks that I normally drive over at 60 without issue, doesn't even make my CD player skip.